Picture profile

Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Click on your username in the upper right corner, then click on your current avatar and follow the directions...


  • 7F5C2E1E-DC07-4D74-A7C8-AD0BC18222E4.png
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  • EA0A9373-6F0D-4664-9454-1F1C3AE2B053.png
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Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
Hi Randy

On the old software mine was a rotating V8 - now stationary, however when I look in the top corner it still rotates!
Have i done something daft?


Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
The software here automatically crops the image into a circle and posts that image as the avatar. I’m afraid I can’t help beyond that. If you have the time or are so inclined ,there are some Xenforo support forums that may hold the answer you’re looking for....
As you can tell from the included image below (which is what I uploaded as my avatar), even us moderators get the butchered version....


  • 9743211F-C4C2-4C53-9A53-8D592D6F8EAF.jpeg
    31.7 KB · Views: 396

Brian Kissel

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
If you want to add a picture to your avatar, left top hit the menu. I think first one down should be your name. Open that and it will give you the option to add a picture. I believe anyway.
Best of luck.

Regards Brian
I don't see an Edit link on my avatar - presumably because I'm too new? Or something else?

Hi admins/moderators. I am also not seeing the edit link on my avatar to add a picture. Do you have to be a member for a certain period of time or upgrade your account to add the pic?

Brian Kissel

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Hi Ron. Thank you for that information. I was not aware of that. I have been a supporter for ever and never knew that was a supporter perk. I always seen it on my screen so thought it was on everyone’s. Makes perfect sense. You have run this forum forever and I for one appreciate it. We need to have another drive to round up supporters to keep this forum going.

Thanks Ron