SL-C Owners Map

I thought it might be neat to see where all of the SL-C's have ended up at. So, I started a Google world map that shows the location of owners.

If you are interested in adding your location (or approximate location) to the map, just shoot me a PM with your email addy. I'll send you an invite to placemark the map.

The map is private, not public at this time. You can add photos, videos, and web links to your location if you wish.

Here's a quick tutorial page that will give you an idea of what you can do after you receive your invite:
Creating custom maps - Maps Help

4 people on the list so far. If you guys have any problems with adding your location, just shoot me a PM. I've never made a map before, so I'm new to this too.

I've made it possible for those who have been put on the map to invite other owners to join in.

What do you guys think about making the map visible to the general public, but only editable by car owners?
3 more people added to the list!

Say, I'm not sure if you must have a Gmail/Google account to add yourself on the map. If this is the case, and you don't want a Gmail account, just PM me with you approximate location and I will add you on the map.
Just a FYI:

I've set the map to allow anyone whom I've invited to be able to invite other owners. So, if you know of someone who isn't on the list, feel free to send them your own invite.

8 owners on the map so far.

Here's what we've got so far....

Most of the locations are "ballpark" for owner privacy, but give you a good idea of the general location.

It's not too late to jump on the band wagon. Just shoot me a PM (with your email addy) if you own a SL-C, and would like to be added to the list.


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Strong showing on the map thus far. If you know of anyone not on the map as of yet, send them a email/PM.

Doc Kaler
Interesting thought Troy. I have no problem doing the footwork if that's what the group would like to see.

The colors mean nothing on the map as it stands. For whatever reason I made the Canucks red. Maybe it's a subconscious thing being that I'm a neighbor.
Will, I'll shoot you a invite for the map.

Troy, I've added you to the map. PM me with your email address and I'll send you a invite as well. Welcome to the club.