Jimmymac & Alistair's Cars


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re: Jimmymac & Alistair's Cars

Trying JP,
"Shakin' the tree Boss!"
By the way I got you some more ID lights.


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re: Jimmymac & Alistair's Cars

Like Jimbo, I feel that I have been shovelling out the Aegean stables these past years.
My wife, the pay job and flyfishing all take priority but I have managed to get in some fruitfull work positioning the fit-out parts and fettling my dashboard. I got a splash copy from an original dash but in everything with these parts it was not what I expected and out of true in many places. To me the dash needs to be correct for so I decided to get it back to pattern. There is not much left of the original glasswork now.
I am currently draughting a design for a pair of alloy fuel tanks since as you noticed I have found an excellent welder.
As for the part hunting, it's finished and Ali and I have more than we need for both of the cars.
The only thing that I need to buy? - if I could, it would be more time.
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Jim Rosenthal

re: Jimmymac & Alistair's Cars

We'd all like to buy that, wouldn't we...one of Ron McCall's collaborators is in the process of drawing up plans for alloy tanks for my car. If you wish, once they are done, I could see if they are in a form which could be sent to you. They expect to be welding them together next week or the week after. Part of the delay has been my wish to use Isspro tank senders and my need to get engineering drawings of how the senders mount to the tanks, which I've now done. (these are vertical senders which do away with the swinging arm system, but can be ordered with a resistance profile that matches Smiths gauges) Anyway, good luck on all this and let me know if you need to see any of our stuff, possibly it might be helpful.
re: Jimmymac & Alistair's Cars

There is nothing better for uniting widely different countries than sharing problem solving on a GT40 or other serious build. Forget your churches and mosques; the workshop is where you find peace and the Holy Grail. Sorry, getting carried away here.

Jim Rosenthal

re: Jimmymac & Alistair's Cars

Well, I agree. Working on mechanical things, getting them to work, repairing them when they don't work- all of that is very satisfying. If God hadn't meant for us to work with our hands, He wouldn't have given us longer and opposable thumbs and a brain to work them with. Or the ability to make tools- essentially we are the only species that does that. Oh, and we walk upright, too. I forgot about that. We have a big butt so we can walk upright.

Big butt, big brain, big thumbs- that's us. If you look at the cars on this website, all made by human hands, the combination I just described doesn't work so badly, now does it?
re: Jimmymac & Alistair's Cars

. Or the ability to make tools- essentially we are the only species that does that. Oh, and we walk upright, too. I forgot about that. We have a big butt so we can walk upright.


Most all of the great apes make and use tools ranging from anthill sticks to hammer rocks for opening nuts. Granted they may not be Snap-On tools, but tools just the same.

I just read a book by an Aussie who traveled the world to see al of the great apes in the natural habitats, the Lowland and Mountain Gorillas, Bonobos and Chimps in Africa and the Orangutangs in SE Asia.

He quoted a zookeeper who described the tool abilities of the apes by saying "If you tossed a screwdriver into both a Gorilla compound and a Orang compound, the Gorilla wouldn't notice it for weeks until he sat on it. The Orang would use it to escape within 15 minutes...."
re: Jimmymac & Alistair's Cars

I have seen kit cars and homebuilts that looked like they'd been put together by that escaped Orang. However, the cars on this forum are generally stunning; put together by people who really care, and insist on having them exactly how they want them. A common interest despite often disparate political, religious, even social, personal philosophies.

Seymour Snerd

Lifetime Supporter
re: Jimmymac & Alistair's Cars

...these [Isspro] are vertical senders which do away with the swinging arm system, but can be ordered with a resistance profile that matches Smiths gauges)

Jim -- Can you tell me the magic words to get Smiths compatibility from Isspro? (I didn't see it listed per se in the catalog)

Seymour Snerd

Lifetime Supporter
re: Jimmymac & Alistair's Cars

If you tossed a screwdriver into both a Gorilla compound and a Orang compound, the Gorilla wouldn't notice it for weeks until he sat on it. The Orang would use it to escape within 15 minutes....

Just to bring this back on topic, seems to me you could say the same thing about Ferrari owners and GT40 owners, respectively. :)

Jim Rosenthal

re: Jimmymac & Alistair's Cars

Call Don Wendlich at Isspro. He can tell you what you need to do in order to get a sender made with the resistance profile that you will need.


Lifetime Supporter
re: Jimmymac & Alistair's Cars

So back to my build thread.

Thanks for your gracious offer but I'm sticking with my own design as I intend to incorporate the original surge tanks and Smiths sensors in these. They are a tad complex but I think I am there with them.
re: Jimmymac & Alistair's Cars

Thanks James!
I have been away a few days from the forum after my trip from the US last Sunday, then Tuesday in Barcelona, Thursday to the Revival and back to Madrid Sunday morning, drove Sunday afternoon to Huelva, in southern Spain for a meeting on Monday at Monteblanco race track and today finally at home in Madrid!
It´s been a busy week...

Keep working. I want to see that beauty rolling soon.
Take care!


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re: Jimmymac & Alistair's Cars

I've been shopping again and picked up another couple of sets of con-rods.
Ultra rare C5FEs this time.


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