Democrats what is wrong with you?


Now looking at the upper right of this new graph, its hard to see but it really looks like they think the current upward trend, will level off, maybe even doing down. I know you wanted to see where the first graph went next, What do you think?

"Figures lie and liars figure"...

The Congressional Budget Office estimated in March 2009 that under the Obama administration net public debt would rise from 40.8% of GDP in 2008 to 70.1% in 2012.[8] gross debt did rise to about 84.4% of GDP at the end of Fiscal Year 2009 and to about 93.4% of GDP at the end of Fiscal Year 2010.

If you want the GDP $dollar figure to say what you want, lower the value of the dollar.
Then the GDP chart looks just great but nobody can afford a home, gasoline or groceries.
Hide the inflation rate by not including fuel


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From what he inherited until Jan 2007 when the democrats took power. BO has still increased the debt by many trillion in two years. When does he start to take responsibility?


We have now got massive debt in the UK, (allegedly £40,000 for each household). I suspect it has also increased massively in the two years since the banks collapsed and had to be bailed out by the Government with tax payers money, to save them and allow them to continue paying themselves massive bonuses each year.

Guess we should blame Obama for that as well?

It's a pleasure to talk with you.

You'r right, no matter how you look at it it sucks.

I really think our economy can pull out of this, anyway,

Good Night:)

I think we can pull out of this too, but at some sacrifice to everyone. We need to give to those that "really" need and get those that are able, back to work or working for the first time. Land of the Free doesn't pertain to money.

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter

We have now got massive debt in the UK, (allegedly £40,000 for each household). I suspect it has also increased massively in the two years since the banks collapsed and had to be bailed out by the Government with tax payers money, to save them and allow them to continue paying themselves massive bonuses each year.

Guess we should blame Obama for that as well?


No Way it was All Bozo Blair and Scrooge Mc Brown's fault!

Have a look at

Now if you accept the UK has 60million people (again not known as the above people opened the boarders so there is no clue as to how many are actually on the island) this means the debt is USD149 683 per head of population or about £93 500. (And I have not had a cheque for this amount so no way do I owe it but hey my taxes keep increasing!)

I also remember years ago someone saying
Conservatives (Tories, snobs, toffs, gentry, businessmen or whatever you want them called) believe if you earn the money you are entitled to keep it but have to pay enough in tax for the government to do the basics
Labour (communists, solialists or whatever you want them to be know as)believe all earnings should go to the government and they in turn will return to you what they think you are entitled to

I guess the 2 will never agree.

All I know is I don't trust any of the politicians who now see that politics is a good method of earning big money and holding down the people who voted them in. Come on do you think someone who has never actually made something, run a company, developed a product or whatever can suddenly make sensible decisions that will effect everyone in the country?

In the UK there are 2.5 million unemployed and drawing money from the state - how come Polish, Lithuanian, Czech (etc) people can still come here and find a job? - I bet it's the same in USA and immigrants are working while others are bitching about it. Get of your arses and find something to earn money.

Last thing Libya is in turmoil and now the Government is paying for boats and planes to evacuate "British" workers. Sod them how much "British" tax have they paid on their expatriate salaries? Why should I pay for their flight home?
All governments need to get their own homes in order



Veek as for the post about unions making donations to politicians that support their cause, Veek, virtually all organizations that can benefit from it, do it.

Why do you only seem to be bothered By Liberal donations and Liberal Union practices?

Perhaps you are being less than fair?

"Fair"???? You want fair?? A fair is a place where you ride on a ferris wheel, eat cotton candy and step in monkey crap, and our economy is no fair...

I have never made any issue with "Liberal Donations". You and Michael Moore can donate your money to whomever you wish. But I am a little more sensitive about my money, my children's money and my grandchildren's money and their present and future purchasing power.
Union practices that take public tax money recycled in the form of union dues, negiotiated with the same politicians that receive the campaign contributions that in turn grant unaffordable benefit and untenable work rules to the unions are a conflict of interest.
The unfortunate public payoff for both is to build larger bureaucracies, paying more workers, paying more dues, paying more contributions, all to the determent of the public they are supposed to serve. Is the government better now that we've added 200,000 federal employees in the past two years? Are we better now because the massive appropriated bailout money? For example, State governments will never have to pay back any of the federal bailout money they received, which rewards them for irresponsibly increasing their employees’ pay much faster than inflation, to levels much higher than in the private sector. While millions of private sector employees have been laid off in the current recession, few government employees have been. That is no fair.
Eventually, the well runs dry at public expense. Even FDR was against public unions.
You tell me how California is working out. If these things are not resolved, you will see municipalities, counties etc. declare bankruptcy and the resulting chaos will make the current situation look like boomtown (I don't even want to think about a state decaring itself insolvent). The tough actions need to be taken now before it's too late.


Domtoni, Doug, I do not agree with that!

The World in general is not getting worse, it has been and will continue to get better, much better! ...

The problem today is with perception. We think the world is falling apart because we keep hearing that it is, from folks with an agenda.

We pay less in taxes than when Reagon was President!

There is considerably less poverty everywhere!

Even political uprisings throughout the world are much more peacefull and much more likely to succeed!

Even in this time of economic down turn, every morning 9 out of 10 folks who want to work, get up each morning and go to work!

If you stop listening to the SKY IS FALLING RETORIC and just look around you will see that the world is currently in much better shape than at any time and will continue to get better!!!!

You are absolutely correct in that Americans are paying lower taxes. THAT IS BECAUSE THERE ARE SO MANY UNEMPLOYED! Thing turned around with Regan LOWERED taxes.
According to a Gallup poll released on February 12th, the U. S. unemployment rate is 10.2%, and the underemployed rate (equivalent to the Bureau of Labor Statistics U6 rate) is 19.7%, rounded off to 20% on the Gallup website. The real unemployment rate is the U6 rate that includes the “discouraged workers” and workers with a part-time job that want a full-time job. The U6 rate on the BLS website for January is 16.1%.

Your assertion that 90% of individuals that want jobs have them is absurd.

BTW, How that "peaceful" political uprising going in Libya and Iran?

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
I think we can pull out of this too, but at some sacrifice to everyone.

I couldn't agree more, Tom! However, it seems the radical right wing conservatives would rather see the sacrifce come at the hands of those who have very little, not from them and their "fat-cat" cronies. Case in point:

I have never made any issue with "Liberal Donations". You and Michael Moore can donate your money to whomever you wish. But I am a little more sensitive about my money, my children's money and my grandchildren's money and their present and future purchasing power.

If we were all willing to sacrifice at the same proportion of our individual wealth, well, I think we could all agree that proportionate sacrifice would be good for the country. "United we stand" and all that......

Sadly, I'm not holding my breath....this has transcended the boundaries of political idealogy and has become a struggle between the "haves" and the "have nots". It seems inequitable that the Democrats might be the only political organization who is willing to work on behalf of the "have nots", but that's the way it seems. While I would like to see the political process work for ALL, right now the Republicans seem hell-bent on using their newfound majority status to undo decades of progress towards enfranchising the poor....and, IMHO, they stand at the brink of making those who were working, contributing members of our society into a subculture that drains the economy through social assistance programs. Break the unions and "management" ("owners", whatever you want to call them) WILL use their power to crush the worker caste.....and then they will scream to the heavens in protest when the welfare ranks swell with the very individuals they just beat into submission. Don't believe me? Look at our country's history with sweat shops and other oppressive treatment of the "working class". The best predictor of future behavior got it, past behavior.

I have high hopes that the WI legislature, not to mention the radical-right conservative movement in general in our country, will realize that they are cutting off their own noses to spite their faces before we get to that point where the downtrodden take to the streets in (armed???) protest. Then the rest of the world will be looking at the news and wondering what the hell happened to the United States, just as we wonder as we are currently watching the unrest in the middle east and northern Africa.

......again, though, I'm not holding my breath. There is no underestimating the power of greed.

Cheers from Doug!!
Doug, I trust you have seen photos from Madison? Greed in public services takes a different form than the rich capitalist bums.

No Way it was All Bozo Blair and Scrooge Mc Brown's fault!


Absolutely, I blame those 2 as well they never put anything away in the good times.

Last thing Libya is in turmoil and now the Government is paying for boats and planes to evacuate "British" workers. Sod them how much "British" tax have they paid on their expatriate salaries? Why should I pay for their flight home?
All governments need to get their own homes in order


Still think we should get them out, but that is a very good point that I had never even thought about.

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter

Absolutely, I blame those 2 as well they never put anything away in the good times.

And Scrooge Mec Brown in his Prudence sold of the Country's Gold reserve
What would the $ tons of the stuff be worth today?

estimates put that fiasco at about £4 million

re Libya
I also agree - get them out but then get the individuals to pay for the full cost of the whole operation. I bet the govenrment does not even pass the bill to BP, Shell etc - whoever "owned" the people who were there


Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
You are absolutely correct in that Americans are paying lower taxes. THAT IS BECAUSE THERE ARE SO MANY UNEMPLOYED!
Posted by Veek

Veek, Actually, people pay less taxes now than when Reagan Was President because the tax rate is lower!

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Thing turned around with Regan LOWERED taxes
Posted by Veek

Yes Veek things did turn around when Reagan Was president, The Debt which had been declining under President Carter, Turned around and went through the ceiling!


Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

I think it is very funny, whatever the Chicken Little's at Fox say is the reason for our problems, you can count on Veek, Domtoni..............bringing this to our attention

Last week everything was George Soros's fault.

This week it is Unions.

Veek The Unions have been around for a long time, why did they suddenly become the reason for all our problems?

Is it because its a slow time for the Sky is falling folks and Unions are what your handlers have chosen to be outraged about this week!
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Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Doug, I trust you have seen photos from Madison? Greed in public services takes a different form than the rich capitalist bums.

Yes, I've seen the photos of a "few" angry teachers sleeping in the capital foyer.....much different from the type of insurrection to which I was referring.

Visualize Marie Antoinette and her "Let them eat cake" attitude. Sound like the current radical right conservative position? That didn't work out very well for Marie Antoinette....the downtrodden (the "have-nots") will only tolerate so much mistreatment by the elite (the "haves") before they become so frustrated by their disenfranchisement that they put their own safety behind their desire for retribution.

At least Bee-OH seems to be trying to help the "have-nots", whereas the current herd of radical right wing Republicans and Tea Partiers seem to be hell-bent on depriving those downtrodden of the gains they have made ever-so-slowly over the past century.

My cousin was SO convinced that our society was headed for armed insurrection in the 1960's that he hid a cache of supplies, both food and weaponry, somewhere in the Rocky Mountains near where he lived in Littleton, CO. I pooh-poohed the idea at the time, now I'm not so certain.

Said it before, sayin' it again....a bit of compassion for those less fortunate than you is not a character deficit, nor is a bit of generosity for the truly needy. Turn those potentially disenfranchised "greedy" public service individuals into angry, militant individuals and watch them take aim on the very rich capitalist bums who made them that way.

We all understand there are HUGE financial issues for our government leaders to deal with, nobody's arguing with that. It just isn't right to put the burden of recitfying that on the backs of the largely underemployed teaching professionals (I never complained about my pay, but where else do you find college educated individuals limited to 195 days of work a year and at the same time refuse to cover them with unemployment benefits for those days in which you deny them employment). Spread the burden out.....nobody should be exempt, not the police, not the firefighters, not the unions, not the government officials, not the successful capitalists among us. This financial disaster is a societal problem, not just a problem with unions.

Cheers from Doug!!

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

I heard on the Radio that although the Teachers appear to have a generous retirement plan, that is offset as they are not elegable for Socal Security. Is that true?

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
You tell me how California is working out.
Posted by Veek

Unfortunatly California just finished two terms with a Republican Governer, as we all know, that will screw up everything.

Fortunatly, California has just overwhelingly elected a very smart Domocratic Governer who has been in office only a few weeks, but has all ready stared to cut waste.

Just a few of his recent cuts: He has ordered all state cell phones and most state cars to be turned in. Additionally, Highway Patrol officers will no longer be allowed to take their Patrol cars home at night. Additionally he has ordered a freeze on hireing new state emploees....... We will be just fine.
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Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter

I heard on the Radio that although the Teachers appear to have a generous retirement plan, that is offset as they are not elegable for Socal Security. Is that true?

While I cannot speak for the retirement plan in WI, I can certainly give you my opinion of the retirement plan I got from the Teacher's Retirement System of Texas:

I LOVE IT!! I even retired 8 years before I planned to retire in order to get it. It would NOT have been an option with Social Security.

In essence, what I took was a "Stretch Annuity". I gave up right around $700/month in annuity benefits, and in exchange my 27 year old daughter will receive my monthly annuity for the remainder of HER life once I die.

Unfortunately, in October of 2007 TRS announced that at the insistence of the IRS they were having to discontinue the option for certain individuals as of 12/31/2007 (it related to the difference between the age or the retiree and the age of the beneficiary....over 20 years difference and the option would no longer be available). I had decided years before that announcement that I would choose that annuity option, and so I retired at age 58 on 12/19/2007. I would have liked to work for another 8 years, but have managed to learn to live on my reduced annuity comfortably (so far, we'll see what happens when gas goes over $4/gallon).

As for the pension offset, that is true for some teachers, but I'm not sure if it applies to WI teachers. It was my understanding that it applies only to SOME Texas teachers and to SOME teachers from GA. Here's how it affected me:

I worked for enough quarters with "substantial earnings" to be vested in the Social Security system. When I was 32 I got tired of the severe winters in KS and decided to move south to avoid the snow, hence my current residence in TX. I found out at the time I started working in TX that I would not be contributing any further into S/S, but that did not disturb me to any great degree, as I could see the writing on the wall way back in 1980 when I moved to TX. I still get a yearly benefit statement from Social Security, and it says that my monthly benefit would be somewhere in the $460/month range. However, the WEP law referenced earlier in this thread allows the S/S administation to reduce my monthly benefit by a maximum of $308/month, leaving me with about $150 a month in S/S benefits.

There are SOME school districts in TX in which the decision has been made to contribute to both S/S and to the TRS.....if the teachers in those districts accumilate enough quarters of contribution to the S/S system (I think the requirement is 120 quarters), they will NOT suffer the reduction through the Windfall Elimination Provision.

I have mixed feelings about it....on one hand, I feel strongly that since I contributed dutifully to the S/S system, believing my government when they promised that I would receive benefits based on my contributions over the years, that I should be entitled to the entire $460/month that I would receive if the WEP had not been passed.

On the other hand, I now have peace of mind that upon my passing, my daughter will (hopefully) not need to worry about where her next meal will come from for the duration of her life. That is a benefit that I would not have recevied from S/S. Was it worth $700/month to me? Obviously, I had the choice of receiving my full monthly annuity from TRS with no reduction. I did consider doing that and buying a huge life insurance policy with my daughter as beneficiary, but I come from a pretty long lived line and while the cost of the insurance policy might not have been $700/month, my daughter has already proven that she can go through a sizable inheritance (her mother died in 2006 and she arranged for each of her three children to have an inheritance in the $120,000 range). My daughter will never be able to go through the "windfall" I arranged with my retirement plan choice.

At one time during the period in which Tom Delay was the SOTH, there was a bill co-authored by a bipartisan group of around 350 Representatives to repeal the WEP law. Tom Delay used the power inherent in the Speaker of the House position to keep that bill from coming out of committee for a floor vote....despite the fact that it received huge bipartisan support. You would have thought Tom Delay was going to have to make up the amount it would cost the government out of his own pockets.

Hopefully, that's a good enough explanation of the WEP impact on the retirement option of teachers who do not contribute to S/S. As for the teachers in WI, again, I'm not aware if they contribute to S/S or not. Did you realize this: "Members of congress do pay into the social security system (since 1984)". I am in high hopes that they are subject to the WEP provisions, as well.

Here's how I feel about the WEP rght now: "It is not the first time my government has lied to me, won't be the last, either (IMHO)".

Here's a link to the WEP page on the S/S website:

Windfall Elimination Provision

Cheers from Doug!!
For example, State governments will never have to pay back any of the federal bailout money they received, which rewards them for irresponsibly increasing their employees’ pay much faster than inflation, to levels much higher than in the private sector.

Ah, were that only true.

Let's see, my salary in:

2008/09 was flat - no raises
2009/2010 decreased as I took an approximate 12% pay cut in the form of forced furloughs, though I still worked my more than 40 hour week, and actually have a "furlough balance" on my time sheet of 4 days that I have essentially lost.
2010/2011 - we have been told that there will be some sort of raise, though where they will find the money is unknown. So far, nothing. And, whatever raise I do get will be offset by the increase in my personal contribution to my pension, expected take home is expected to not change. Oh, and the "promised" state funds to my pension have not come in for about a decade or so.

My "company" does not get "cost of living increases". If there are funds, we get raises based upon personnel reviews. Usually, these raises work out to about a pool of 3%. Based upon the Bureau of Labor stats, inflation was 3.24% in 2006, 2.85% in 2007, 3.85% in 2008, -0.34% in 2009, and 1.64% in 2010.

Taking that into account, my salary is still about 88% of the median rate of similar positions in my area, or about 70% of private sector positions, something which my "employer" is well aware of, and has stated to do something about, but does not have the funds to do so.

The Congressional Budget Office estimated in March 2009 that under the Obama administration net public debt would rise from 40.8% of GDP in 2008 to 70.1% in 2012.[8] gross debt did rise to about 84.4% of GDP at the end of Fiscal Year 2009 and to about 93.4% of GDP at the end of Fiscal Year 2010.

Jesus christ Veek - the trend was already established. OF COURSE the numbers went up when Obama took office. You know, under the Obama administration, US soldiers have died in Iraq. Are you going to blame that on him too? :huh:

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

It's not really Veeks fault, the people who he gets his info from lie to him and he still does not realize it!