Race Tracks - Australia

Dimi Terleckyj

Lifetime Supporter
Hi Pete

I don't think he feels he should have to pay that much and also the fact that he will not be able to go head to head and race other cars on the track is not to his liking.



I said its either


You guys keep telling me 'hidden' costs.

I said "I dont count wear and tear"

So what 'hidden costs' are there then since its implied that there are costs aside from wear and tear that this place is clearly not telling me?

Hey man - you've stolen my ID! Identity theft is a very serious matter son..:shout:

I might have to report you to the Net.Police.com.au

Do you like the colour of my Charger? I had it done to match the one in 'Burn Notice' and it is one of the 'Esmerelda' cars from the film.

As for hidden costs, well, first time I 'raced' I drove my Camaro to Santa Pod for a Run What you Brung meet in around 1978. I had around £5,000 in the car in improvements designed to make it lighter and quicker but it was still street legal and a blast to drive.

So, 300 miles round trip.

Fuel: Around £50 with Octane Booster (remember this is 1978)
Entry: £10 per person x 3 crew (strictly no boot riders!)
Thrill Factor: £0
Burnt Piston: £2,000 since it involved a complete teardown and rebuild
Low Loader: To get car home 150 miles at £150.00
Taxi: As low loader could not take PAX £100
Hire Car: 3 weeks £150 as the Camaro was my daily driver.

Total: £2,480.00 at 1978 prices = £7,440.00 today (approx)

For a budget, fun day run what you brung for which £80.00 was budgeted.

So, £2,400 was "Hidden Costs" = £7,200.00 at today's rate.

Stop being silly young man and try to listen and understand what people are trying to tell you, and please do not tell our Great Leader that his head is up his ass, as everyone knows it's too big (his head, not his ass).

I don't know whether you realised that Ron OWNS this forum, thatis not own as in the ridiculous "pwn" but literally owns, that is it belongs to him so I believe an apology may be in order. That was quite rude of you really.

PS I am not feeding you, I am writing this to amuse myself and inform other like minded people on this board the (now, not at the time) amusing story of my very first outing in my own car :)


Lifetime Supporter
So you are insulting how I speak now to?

Sorry, I dont speak like an american, you dont like it, GTFO of my face then.

It would appere...

No G, it's not how you speak in fact I've never heard you speak. Rather, it's how you write and the fact that your grammar and spelling are very poor for someone working for Donald Trump endorsed company.

It would appere that you have a deep seated envy in your life. When someone like myself has a vision on what he would like to achieve, you get all cut up because you obviously dont have and perhaps cant afford either, so instead of being happy that someone has a vision he would like to achieve, you abuse, ridicule etc the person because, why should they have what YOU cant. Get over yourself and stop bagging on a car thats clearly going to DESTROY what you have in performance. Is that the issue?
No G, that is not the issue. Since I have owned one of those overweight and slow Ford GTs and have recently acquired an SPF Mk I, I would say that it is I that have done and that it is you that has still yet to do. It seems to me that you are now just stalling. You have asked every conceivable question, some bordering on being quite ridiculous. You have received numerous responses from several individuals on this forum that possess a great amount of knowledge and experience from building to racing GT40s. In most cases that valuable knowledge they have offered seems to go in one ear and out the other usually followed by "un" Donald Trump like responses below that paint you in a very unprofessional light. I enjoy the heck out of you and reading your rants so please keep it going. At the same time, since you've wasted a lot of busy folks time and advice, isn't it time that you proceed? Buy a car and let's get started. I'm sure everyone is eagerly awaiting your build and subsequent domination on the track and the streets of lesser cars like the Ford GT all the way up to the Enzos. I know I can't wait!

its clear to me that RCR produce false information, is that how you guys do business?

No G, it's not how you speak in fact I've never heard you speak. Rather, it's how you write and the fact that your grammar and spelling are very poor for someone working for Donald Trump endorsed company.

"Why, that's not quality!" (D. Trump, Bloom County circa 1988):)

I suspect the G Man fits in with the Donald better than we think. Two oversized egos, one with a checkbook.
And a lot of the other points. Can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped. I'm done with the troll.


He's already stated he's getting a Ferrari F355 next. Maybe he'll get on better on the FerrariChat board? Let's hope he does.
Please follow Ron's advice. No feeding the troll means he moves on to some other forum.

Seymour Snerd

Lifetime Supporter
Stop being silly young man and try to listen and understand what people are trying to tell you, and please do not tell our Great Leader that his head is up his ass, as everyone knows it's too big (his head, not his ass).

Keith -- in another thread started by George where he also asked some basic questions you wrote:
I remember a few times when college kids came on here wanting to tell the GT40 story for their thesis. They were unconditionally met with politeness and assistance no matter how stupid their questions. Some of them said that they were amazed that a bunch of old farts could be that accomodating to kids.

Where has that all gone I wonder?

This is a 'car nut' forum where such stuff is discussed openly freely and unconditionally.

If your (you know who you are) answer to basic questions is "go read a book" then you have totally failed to live up to the expectations and reputation of this fine forum. Not only that, I am amazed no one has commented in the past concerning my own 'stupid' questions. If this is to be the flavour of the future, I for one will not be asking any more questions unless I have read up the answers beforehand.

You go read a book!

Titled "Common Courtesy"

You don't seem to be using that book right now; would you please loan it to George?


Yes, hands up Alan, you got there before I did mate.:thumbsup:

It is perfectly true however, that youngsters got a big break on this board when they asked 'obvious' questions to help with their college dissertations or whatever, and I believe that members here helped in everyway they could and (I believe) were enthusiastically helpful in not only achieving youngsters goals, but encouraging the younger generation who recognised perhaps what an icon the GT40 was, and how it changed motorsport. This is, of course before you yourself knew what a GT40 was.

This was my opening gambit with George, and I do not think I need to defend myself for giving the guy a break. Hindsight is, after all 20/20.

I have always been courteous with George, albeit a bit sarcastic - sometimes humour can get a message across rather than hate.

It's probably a good time, Mr Watkins, to mention that I firmly believe (apart from Jim Craik who is my hero, and certain other notables) that the quality of this board has, in my humble opinion, suffered greatly since the advent of cheque book continuation addicts who have brought nothing but critique to this fine table...

Don't reply Mr Watkins, there is no point, but have a nice day anyway.. :)

Seymour Snerd

Lifetime Supporter
....the quality of this board has, in my humble opinion, suffered greatly since the advent of cheque book continuation addicts who have brought nothing but critique to this fine table...

So it's true; I didn't believe it when I was told, but there really is an anti-Superformance cabal, and it's now out of the closet. Way to go Keith.
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Dayum! You got me again Alan! I have to reply, as I know you looked up the word Paranoia in Websters or whatever passes for English in your neck of the woods and it said "What do you want to know for?"

Just being funny - I wish I could afford the superb SPF, although I do confess I don't think I mentioned a particular brand mate.. :)
As a supporting member of this forum, can I ask that one of the moderators please step in and shut this crap down? And not just this thread, but all of those threads I've had the displeasure of reading over the past few weeks where our 'supposedly' mature membership have taken to firing off insulting comments towards our fellow enthusiasts.

Or maybe this entire forum just isn't for me anymore...


Michael - I said that I used to/have had the experience. Very different to what you are saying. So much for usefull information.

Also majority of all this 'knowledge' you are talking about, has come but from a few certain individuals. Doug, Iank and few others here and there, the rest was abuse/ridicule from stuck up idiots like yourself, Alan, and others.

I asked a question prior in regards to something very simple, such as "Between the Mk1 and Mk2 which is considered the better vehicle if any?"

The first 3-4 replies were good, then, people like yourself, Alan Watkins, William Quantrel, Veek and other idiots with nothing better to do with their time come on after the answer has already been given and start abusing, ridiculing, talking about the past, bringing up other forums out of context, cursing and insulting my life as far as what I do for work, make comments directed at my family and my wife and so forth.

Then, to make yourselves feel better, you then accuse me of being a troll, a this and a that. Yet, like I said, 3-4 people who are half decent people had already answered the question and thus no more replies were needed. The only person that wasted your 'valuable' time was you yourselves, abusing me over a normal question that others had already answered. So the post which was finished after four replies, you dumbasses got on and carried it on to post #20-30 with garbage. Like I said, you got a shit life, you sort it out with whoever was dumb enough to get married to someone like you, not here venting your frustrations out on me. Also given the above, the question I asked was pretty much answered already and you are doing the exact same thing you did on every other post, carry on with garbage not related to the question to then blame me why you wasted your valuable time. It seems your time is not worth much considering majority of what you said/say has only consisted of abuse and ridicule, which in turn simplified means bullshit.

G-spot (Keith?) - Thanks. I found your previous post quite funny :)

It seems whatever I ask to learn, always gets dragged back into what I would like to build. I never knew that my vision of what I would like the GT40 to achieve is totaly wrong and not accepted whatsoever, and the only way I am alowed to build this car to not get ridiculed is to build it how certain members believe it should be built and thus questions shouldnt even be asked because there is only ONE way allowed to build the vehicle. Well fine, when you egotistical idiots send the money to my bank account to build the car the 'one and only way' allowed, I will. But, UP UNTIL THAT TIME I am ALLOWED to DESIRE to BUILD the GT40 HOW EVER I SEE FIT, WHETHER that be with a STEEL Chasis, OR WHETHER that be a CARBON FIBER chasis/body, WHETHER I choose to run a BIG BLOCK with 8 LITRES (500ci) worth OR WHETHER I choose to run a mid 6 litre Stroked 351, WHETHER I choose to make REAR DIFUSERS and make the bottom of the car Flat like the Enzo and others, OR whether I want to keep it ORIGINAL like, WHETHER I want to use 15" wheels with 12.19" Wilwood Nascar style Brakes/Rotors OR WHETHER I choose to go 18" chromes for Forgeline wheels which will cost me $1000-$1400US per Wheel not including shipping and therefor run 13-14" Ceramic/Carbon Fiber Brakes.

DO YOU get what I am saying here?


THUS my questions on the forum are to help me put my vision of what I want to something real, such as selection of parts that will achieve the desired goal, the style of engine that would best achieve the task of what MY vision is as I dont know what is required so I ask questions because I know the end result but I dont know what is NEEDED to get to that result, so I ask people that MAY KNOW. I dont ask so I can get abused, insulted and so forth for wanting to make the GT40 reach the standard I AM AFTER and I want to PAY FOR.


Ron Earp

No G, that is not the issue. Since I have owned one of those overweight and slow Ford GTs and have recently acquired an SPF Mk I, I would say that it is I that have done and that it is you that has still yet to do...... You have asked every conceivable question, some bordering on being quite ridiculous. You have received numerous responses from several individuals on this forum that possess a great amount of knowledge and experience from building to racing GT40s. In most cases that valuable knowledge they have offered seems to go in one ear and out the other usually followed by "un" Donald Trump like responses below that paint you in a very unprofessional light.

I think you've stated the situation quite clearly.

Like many of you, I have observed that nearly every thread that Gman is on gets reduced in content and ends up as an argumentative pissing match. GT40s.com isn't built around that behavior. The members here pride themselves on keeping a high level on content on the site and have done that for many years. Gman's interaction with the forum has been far less than productive many of us.

Gman, good luck with your information search. GT40s.com has 100,000s of posts and I think you'll find the answers you seek, should you choose to take the time to read a little bit. Also, the numerous GT40 books on the market are invaluable resources for the budding GT40 owner. If you should gain some maturity and a more positive attitude come back and see us.


I think you've stated the situation quite clearly.

Like many of you, I have observed that nearly every thread that Gman is on gets reduced in content and ends up as an argumentative pissing match. GT40s.com isn't built around that behavior. The members here pride themselves on keeping a high level on content on the site and have done that for many years. Gman's interaction with the forum has been far less than productive many of us.

Gman, good luck with your information search. GT40s.com has 100,000s of posts and I think you'll find the answers you seek, should you choose to take the time to read a little bit. Also, the numerous GT40 books on the market are invaluable resources for the budding GT40 owner. If you should gain some maturity and a more positive attitude come back and see us.

Gain maturity?

So Im immature for asking questions while the people that go off topic into a pissing match are the ones mature in your eyes? Are you serious?

The reason why I have asked things is because I got very specific questions to do with a very specific objective. I dont know if anyone has built a car like the one im envisioning, thus I doubt I would find anything by searching. However, just because nobody has done it, they may have the knowledge on what it would take to do something like that if somebody (such as myself) wanted to go down that road and ofcourse, being people that own a GT40, they at least have first hand experience to be able to say 'well, if you wanted this, it would require this and that to get it there' as they know how the car works/reacts, positives and negatives, where the car is weak, where the car is strong, and thus can point out what things would need doing, what things dont, to achieve what Im envisioning.
MX5s (Miatas) are fabulous race cars. 1000s of laps behind the wheel in them on various tracks. There isn't a better bang for the buck for wheel to wheel racing

Yeah I hear what you're saying and believe me when I tell you I have tried many times to get serious about getting one for track days but I can't get passed the fact that every man ,women and dog would be laughing at me driving the 'Hair Dresser's car' or even worse a Homo's car......
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But you are a homo Dave. No 40 = ghey, so feel free to go right ahead and get the mx-5 I know you're dreaming of...

Back on topic. G boy, putting any semi decent car near a track will cost whatever you can afford, plus some. That's not a cop out answer, just the reality. You got 3k to blow in a day, you'll do it! Got only $300, you'll do that even easier!
Keep up the dream. That's what 40's are about. How real the dream (nightmare) becomes is up to you. It ain't easy, but most things that you really want are not.

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
I'd also go as far as to say

Do not put any thing on to a track unless you consider it disposable

If you can afford to but a MX5 and write it off witout meaning you have to re mortgage or downscal business etc then that is the right level for you.

Build a £250 000 car and you have to have a lot of disposable money to "not miss" that amount if you trash it and need to rebuild it fully. Crack a Carbon fiber chassis and it is a "bin it" job. Bend a monocoque chassis and you need jigs to realign it, bend a space frame and you are cutting and welding to replace the bent bits!

Have your only daily driver car on track and you are asking for trouble. Get into a fender bender and how do you get to work the next day / week / month. Also most cars do not survive a decent bang against the armco - hence the need for safety cages etc.




That seems to come back to what my friend in the US that races has said.

He basicaly told me that If I dont like working on cars (which I dont), then working on 'race' cars is going to be even worse and much more costly. All the prep time before it goes to race, all the tuning and maintaining and whatever, will be expensive especially if I cant do it (which I cant).

He said if Im only ever going to race like now and then, 2-5 times in a year at an actual track, then I am better of just buying the car I like to cruise in (Diablo, GT40), and use it as a daily cruising car. Neither the GT40 or Diablo will see its potential on the road, and the skill required to see its potential on a race track would be more than I will have due to 'limited track time'. To me track time would be more or less a 'lets have fun' thing, like an outing. Use the car I like the look of and feel of most (Diablo or GT40) to drive to the race track, hire a race car for the day, spend 1000-3000 dollars, whatever it will be for the day, enjoy the day, have a blast around the track and then leave the headache of owning a race car with the race team to look after, jump back in my cool Diablo/GT40 and drive home.

Thus I get to race, without risking my own vehicle or having to fork out huge $$$ to maintain my vehicle after such abuse.

In terms of the $$$ you mentioned. If the cost falls on me to repair something major, im going to be without a car. Im not rich, im not even 'well' off. In a sense people even question why on earth Id be driving any one of these cars (F355, Diablo, GT40, even mercedes/BMW etc) when Im not 'that' class of person.

To me its something I love the look of and would like to own (just like I own the 1968 Dodge Charger). I will be able to buy one, but thats as far as it goes for me. Sitting on 30-40,000 a year in near future financialy due to the work I have been called to do, if anything were to happen to the car that isnt insured, thats the end of it for me.

So thanks for the heads up. Maybe just get the car and enjoy as a street car and hire something at the track is the most sound advice ive got (which is similar to what you said from a different angle)
But you are a homo Dave. No 40 = ghey, so feel free to go right ahead and get the mx-5 I know you're dreaming of...

It takes one to know one Boss.....yes that's right i no longer own such a great machine.......sad but true.

Or maybe this entire forum just isn't for me anymore...

Dry your eye's Mate...... What's happening Troy? Long time no see, you got that 40 going? O'hara needs taking down a few pegs, he seems to think he's top 40 Dawg in WA.
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