2019 Formula 1

Ron Scarboro

GT40s Supporter
You have to defend the inside. If Leclerc was attempting to pass on the outside, no question would ever have been asked.

Ron Scarboro

GT40s Supporter
The definition of a great F1 race is this...

1. Someone other than Mercedes or Ferrari wins
2. There are 1 legitimate overtake that matters. Verstappen overtakes 2 times and Vettel passes Hamilton (that TV didn't even cover unless I missed it).

More a commentary on how bad the racing is than a classic definition of a "great race" of old.
It simply comes down to this -

F1 has just made it clear (insert laughter here) you can run someone off the track at corner exit if you are even at the turn in point. The passing driver has no obligation to leave any room for the other car to remain on track.

Plain and simple. End of story.

Except the rulings will not be consistent and the drivers will never know what the implementation of the rules are until something happens.

Howard Jones

Leclerc tried to defend the corner by driving right down the middle. Maybe now he has learned that the way to defend is to drive on the preferred line as fast as you can and force the other guy to go around. Verstappen simply drove down the inside and took the line away, Leaving Leclerc nowhere to go except lift. Classic mistake by the new guy.

By the way the lead car has no obligation to make it easy for a competitor to pass him or to give him room to do so. As they say, or used to, catching em is easy buy passing em is a different matter. any other way is a time attack event not a wheel to wheel race.

Best race in a long time. And by the way, Vettel would have won if they hadn't blown his pit stop.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
He did leave the door wide open. Some of my karting friend said what Versenna did is pretty much de rigeur in karting. If you get that far along side, a hip check on exit is "ok." Doesn't make the end of the pass ok, but I guess gives it some context.
Well, Frenchie learned his lesson well. He ran Verstappen off the track every time V put himself on the outside of a corner. Good stuff from start to finish, best race of the year for sure.
Pity they use Silverstone
In my opinion numerous other UK tracks that are better
Other tracks may be more exciting to drive e.g. Oulton Park (my favourite), Thruxton and Knockhill but none come close to Silverstone as being suitable for a modern F1 GP when you start to consider location, access, capacity, track safety etc.
Yeah it was a good race, but the 2021 rules seem about to push the whole thing into a control Formula, so overall the descent into oblivion continues.
The teams are trying to make the argument that that’s the wrong way to go, but as usual the bureaucrats are set on painting everything beige.

Have fun while it lasts.


David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Hamilton was right. He went beserk LIVE ON tv that the World Cricket and the Men's Tennis final at Wimbledon should not have been scheduled on the same day as his Formula 1 record at Silverstone. The TV audience viewing figures for F1 were really sad comapred with the Cricket (2:1 in favour of the Cricket and 2.5:1 in favour of the Tennis. FIGURE IT OUT LEWIS. All the Mae Coupars in the world by Hamilton will not bring F1 back to the dominance it once enjoyed. Jackie Stewart brought it to the front when he described a race he was in with Jochen Rindt where they passed each other 31 times. In retrospect, the times I worked in F1 with Mclaren and Jordan were, for me, the golden years and when Flavio B instructed a deliberate crash in Singapore I switched off for ever. Excuse me, I have to run. I have an an open tin of emulsion paint and I want to watch it go dry.

Charlie Farley

Hamilton was right. He went beserk LIVE ON tv that the World Cricket and the Men's Tennis final at Wimbledon should not have been scheduled on the same day as his Formula 1 record at Silverstone. The TV audience viewing figures for F1 were really sad comapred with the Cricket (2:1 in favour of the Cricket and 2.5:1 in favour of the Tennis. FIGURE IT OUT LEWIS. All the Mae Coupars in the world by Hamilton will not bring F1 back to the dominance it once enjoyed. Jackie Stewart brought it to the front when he described a race he was in with Jochen Rindt where they passed each other 31 times. In retrospect, the times I worked in F1 with Mclaren and Jordan were, for me, the golden years and when Flavio B instructed a deliberate crash in Singapore I switched off for ever. Excuse me, I have to run. I have an an open tin of emulsion paint and I want to watch it go dry.
David, ' nail, hit & head ' spring to mind. PS. Hope you are much better .. :)

Terry Oxandale

Skinny Man
Well, we went from perhaps the best six laps of the year (first six laps of the Japanese GP), to a track so bumpy at COTA, that it is almost too painful just to watch it.


In my opinion, this was the best era of GP racing.


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