A simple benghazi quiz. Do you know the answer to any of these?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKamAIFw3rs]Benghazi - Hicks: Col. Gibson says 'First time in my Career' Diplomat has more Balls than Military - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajmNFLEserY]Gregory Hicks' 30 Minute Recount of Benghazi Attack - YouTube[/ame]

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Pete you have fallen for more BULLSHIT!

Hicks received no ORDER to not testify, neither did Gibson!

Yes Pete your vidio is not from Fox but it is edited just like Fox!

Hicks had been interviewed many times, at one interview he was told to bring an State Dept Attorney.

Pete is being told to bring an Attorney to an interview the same a being ordered not to be interviewed?


The Benghazi "Whistleblower" Cover-Up That Wasn't
May 9, 2013 12:59 PM EDT

Leading up to yesterday's House Oversight Committee hearing on Benghazi, the conservative media worked diligently to drive home the idea that the "whistleblowers" who testified had been silenced and were unable to make their voices heard to Congress or other investigative authorities.

But the testimony of Gregory Hicks, one of the three witnesses at yesterday's hearing, put lie to the notion that the administration was suppressing his voice and opinion.

Hicks, we learned, had already spoken with Congressional investigators in Libya.

He had been interviewed -- twice -- as part of the State Department's independent internal investigation.

Hicks caused a brief stir yesterday when he testified to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) that he had been told by the State Department "not to allow the [regional security officer], the acting deputy chief of mission, and myself to be personally interviewed" by Rep. Jason Chaffetz.

Some conservatives misinterpreted Hicks' testimony to mean that Hicks had been ordered not to speak to Chaffetz, period.


Hicks, however, later clarified his remarks when questioned by Rep. Jackie Speier (D-NY), explaining that he had been told not to speak to Chaffetz without a State Department attorney present.


Pete, why do you think your video left out that last part?

Why do you think they left out the fact that he had already spoken with Congressional investigators in Libya.

He had been interviewed -- twice -- as part of the State Department's independent internal investigation.

Pete, you say Hicks was ORDERED not to talk to anyone? Bullshit!

First Hicks was interviwed many times......

He was only told to include a "STATE DEPARTMENT ATTORNEY" in this interview with Chaffetz.

Geithner has 'walked back' the comment HE originally made in his b-o-o-k, too, Jim (wherein he stated the W.H wanted him to "bend the truth"). You know, his "b-o-o-k"? A publicaltion that, as per standard practice, had to have been gone over how many times for errors of any kind before it went to print? 'His "B-O-O-K"?

'Seems there 'be' a L-O-T of "walking back" being done by libs and others these days where 'adverse revelations' about the 'goings-on' inside the Obama Admin are concerned, aren't there...

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Jim, first it is not my video it was one of your news services. And I didn't edit it.
Is Gibson still part of the Military?
As far as I can establish he still is and he has spoken to no news services. As he is special services I assume that he could not comment to any news service even if he was inclined to.
Which I doubt.
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Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
I must say that there appears to be no shades of grey in American politics. If some liberal says it and you are Republican it's a lie, and if you are a Liberal and a Republican says it it is bullshit!
Lt Col Gibson is a member of Special Services he has to obey orders. Hicks said he was told to stand down. That is a military term for do nothing. Later in a closed hearing as far as I can establish Gibson is reported as saying there was no stand down order and he was told to wait in Tripoli.
I really think we are playing semantics here being told to wait in military jargon is the same as stand down.
Was there a cover up? I don't know, certainly Benghazi was a planned and coordinated attack and not a spontaneous result of a video.
I know from my military experience Gibson and the Special forces would have wanted to respond and go to the rescue. Someone must have told them not to.
In 7 hours they could have gotten there from most bases in Europe, they certainly could have overflown with F16s and scare shit out of the attackers. It's only 470 miles from Sigonella, Italy to Benghazi, that's 40 minutes in an F16.
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Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
I know from my military experience Gibson and the Special forces would have wanted to respond and go to the rescue. Someone must have told them not to.


'Told 'em not to go OR no one ordered 'em to do a darned thing in the 1st place.

'Had to be one or the other.


Pete why do you think that none of the four men who Fox insists were....

"Ordered to Stand Down" have never appeard on Fox to confirm the story that Fox has been telling?

Wouldn't that settle the controversy once and for all?

I think its because fox is lying and these four men who know the truth, would point that out to everyone!

Jim, I can't believe you are not concerned with the truth but revert to blaming Fox News, George Bush et al and ignoring the simple fact that if Mr. Obama is blameless, why wouldn't he welcome an investigation? If you are correct, the more evidence that turns up the better he, administration and Mrs. Clinton should look.
But I'm curious, why does Judicial Watch get documents with FOIA court orders that were not turned over to congressional subpoenas? Fox News and George Bush didn't have anything to do with that. If the truth is all good, what's to hide???
As to why testimony is not forthcoming, let me ask you what happened to Gen Ham after he spoke out about assistance to Benghazi? How about what happened to Benghazi whistleblower Mark I. Thompson, the deputy coordinator for operations in the State Department's counterterrorism bureau after his congressional testimony? How about Greg Hicks former top U.S. diplomat in Libya after his testimony? Hint: According to their attorney Joe DiGenova, Thompson and Hicks were subjected to threats and intimidation by their superiors to keep their mouths shut about what really happened in Libya on September 11, 2012.
Why hasn't the DOJ investigation of Gen Petraeus affair been concluded? Do you think that has any influence on his "candor"? Why are the survivors of the Benghazi attack unavailable for testimony?
If you wish to indulge in distractions such as Florida voter polls, I guess it's a good way to avoid dealing with the real questions at hand. Our administration is apparently doing the same thing by threats, intimidation and refusal to honor subpoenas.

As an aside you're simply wrong about Mrs. Clinton's appeal and exposure. Look at the Gallup polls as to her favorability. They were the LOWEST while she was campaigning against Mr. Obama. She's shrill, has emotional self regulation problems and is simply not very likable. But she's apparently the best you've got. No wonder Vince Foster blew his brains out...
But fear not, blame Bush, blame the Koch Brothers, blame Fox News, Matt Drudge and the tsunami but most of all, demonize the poor sap that runs against Mrs. Clinton and she will be our next president. Unless she has a Howard Dean type "meltdown moment", the only risk to her presidency is herself.
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Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Pat, as usual succinct and you get right to the guts of the matter.
Politicians from both sides seem to be more about protecting votes and putting the spin on events rather than exploring the truth.
How refreshing would it be to hear any politition say sorry I screwed up.
Everyone seems to forget that this happened 2 months before the election. Per Obama, Al Qaeda was on the run and not a worry. This attack threw that whole scenario in the shitter. The video to the rescue, yeah that's the ticket, not Al Qaeda, a bunch of pissed off Muslims (with every fucking weapon known to man.) Votes were the entire reason for the misdirection and ineptness was the reason for not helping the Ambassador and Seals. Maybe if I hide in the Whitehouse someplace and go to Las Vegas tomorrow this whole thing will blow over.
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Hey, I'm gonna vote democrat in the next primary!


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