A very powerful piece of writing by Bryan Forbes

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
After the disaster that was the local elections for the Prime Minister, todays revelations probaly show how 'out of touch' this man really is. I cannot believe
this latest crap that Brown is expecting us, Joe Public, to swallow and the sooner this country goes to the polls for a general election the better it will be for each of us.
In the mean time, one of the best things you , in the UK, can do is joint up with the Tax Payers Alliance ' with a proviso that they will push through the actions against the MPs who the Police should have prosecuted.
try this:

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Here is a list of the MPs involved in housing scams at yours, the UK taxpayers, expense.
Photo Gallery

Please sit down and digest the gravity of what you are reading as you may just go a bit light headed.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
I hope you don't find him but I fear the worst. My local MP has just resigned so it's a case of waiting until the Telegraph exposes what he has been up to. I think he resigned before he was pushed. This is the biggest scandal ever to hit politics in my life time - bigger than the Profumo affair and these arseholes will be brought to book sooner or later though I doubt that our illustrious police force will do it. I also doubt if any of these arseholes will end up staying at one of HER MAJESTY'S Leisure Centres either but one thing may prevail - their children and their childrens children will know that they were thoroughly disgraced in yours and my eyes and will go down in history as such.
David M

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Exposed: the Councillors' Allowances they tried to keep secret

Yesterday, the Local Government Association published the summary findings of their survey of the allowances and salaries paid to councillors across England. The top finding - another above inflation rise - was shocking enough, but more outrageously they refused to publish the full details of what is paid to councillors at each different council. Apparently they decided that the truth was so embarrassing that it was best for councillors if they simply kept the information secret. Happily, we have obtained a leaked copy of the full data, which we have published online here. Follow the link and open the spreadsheet to find out the full detail of what the different levels of councillor at your local authority are being paid.



David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
This week in Parliament:

Tomorrow, Thursday, will see the official list of MPs expenses published by the Government. How many MPs will jump ship - walking the plank would be more appropriate - ahead of this list being published is anybodies guess. Seems to me some are so thick skinned, they think they are completely innocent.
Ahead of that another MP has been exposed by renting a flat he already owned and pocketing about £50,000+ in the proceeds. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/new...aims-57000-to-rent-flat-from-own-company.html
Maybe he might get off with a slap on the wrist ??? Bollocks he will......

And the biggest scandal of all which has nothing to do with expenses but a lot to do with corrupt Government , Gordon Brown has announced that the inquiry into the Gulf War will not be held in public. The Opposition will try to force a Day Debate in the chamber next Wednesday and some of the top brass at the time of the Gulf War General Jackson and Air Marshal Sir John Walker, the former head of Defence Intelligence have gone on record today in the Daily Telegraph condemming Gordon Brown of another cover up: General Sir Mike Jackson criticises Gordon Brown's decision to hold secret Iraq inquiry - Telegraph
Expect quite a few of the star players at the time, including Tony Blair, and maybe the former Attorney General to be summoned to appear and the massive amount of lies quite a few of them told us on a daily basis to be exposed. But then we will never know because it's all going to be secret.
Over an awful lot of dead bodies of their making. Please bombard your MPs with letters objecting to this secret bullshit that really affected all of us in one way or another and do not under any circumstance let these lying bastards off the hook.

And yes - I know it's not a lot of interest to you guys in the U.S.A. but some of it may just catch your interest when it comes to the Blair Bush Unholy Alliance and the total web of deceit they cooked up - but thats if you voted for Bush. But then again, would anyone own up to doing such a thing ??? Maybe thats a debate we could get into in the Paddock on this website because there are many more Americans on this site than the other websites that I harass with my apolitical views.
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My MP is one of the ten vying for the speakers job. I think he is clean.

Regarding Bush, one has to look at his two alternatives, Gore and Kerry. All three were not worthy of the job. If one truly believes in democracy, then one has to cast a vote.

Sadly, those three were the best we could do at the time.


Lifetime Supporter
Which Bush Dave? :D:D:D


David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
She became Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury 12 days ago, in the reshuffle, from a post in the Department for Work and Pensions.
It has already been disclosed that within months of being elected in 2005, she asked the Commons authorities to fund refurbishment of her Brixton home. In a 12-point letter to the Fees Office, she wrote: “Most of the ceilings have Artex coverings. It could be a matter of taste, but this counts as ‘dilapidations’ in my book! Can the ACA pay for the ceilings to be plastered and repainted?”
Didn't Gordon Brown have the sense to check her background before promoting her?
What a total load of garbage these MPs have revealed themselves to be.
'She didn't like the artex on the ceilings'........ It really has just opened a new chapter. She is another arsehole that will hang on to the next election in order to clean up big time from yours and my pocket - the taxpayers !! The revelations today from the government are 12 months after the High Court oredered them to be produced. Can you imagine the tax man waiting for your 'revelations' for that long? He would have had you in court and stripped you of everything long ago.
But some believe she might only get a slap on the wrists..................
Now it's up to her constituents to force her into a (good)bye election.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
The Daily T has published information about the governments disclosure today but apparently Fagins children( remember - they were playing the pickpockets in the 'Oliver' musical) have insisted that the 'R' word be used and therefore the list has been Redacted.

MPs' expenses: Out today: the censored version of every MPs’ expense claims - Telegraph

They get away with just about everything they ever wanted to. Come on guys - you have to pick up your pen and write a letter of protest to No 10. using the postcode SW1A 2AA and then you will know that your letter will actually be delivered.
I know - you will only get a reply from some wuzzock in the offices in Whitehall but it really helps to let Brown know how you feel. You can also write to him at the Labour Party head office in Newcastle at
The Labour Party
Eldon House
Regent Centre
Newcastle Upon Tyne

Go on. You know it makes sense.

Dave M
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Lifetime Supporter
Impeachment is neither an American or modern practise.
It was used here in the 1300's and borrowed from the Great Britain Parliament by the men who wrote the US Constitution.

Do you not think it is time to revive this ancient precedent and use it for these privy thieves, the Lisbon Treaty fiasco and the Iraq enquiry ?
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Iraq Enquiry ha!

Behind closed doors and findings published after the General Election?

Patronising crooked bastards....

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Today in London the former gate known as Marble Arch which has undergone an extensive renovation is revealed to the public. It has a couple of fountains around it now and is apparently worth a visit.

<SMALL>Size of this preview: 778 × 600 pixels</SMALL>


Now why am I putting this on this thread. Well, it was also the place where MPs and Parliamentary scoundrells (Neerdowells) were hanged. I think this was an honourable tradition and this still has a place in todays society and therefore it is right that it should have been restored. I will be going into London tomorrow evening to have a look. I hope the gallows are still in evidence and in fact still serviceable.
They may be needed come the revolution.

I've just been fed a snippet - we pay for Gordon Browns Sky Plus box.
We are actually paying money to Murdoch so Brown can watch Sky channels.
Holy shit - what ever next.

James - Impeachment -such a lovely word and almost music to my ears.
I wish.........
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Lifetime Supporter
Ladies Day at Ascot Races

This racegoer's hat was inspired by the MPs' expenses scandal and features a duck house and a bath plug - some of the items claimed by ministers.

Perhaps we might expect similar at Goodwood.


  • duck credit.jpg
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David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Expect this news from 1800 bst today.

Scotland Yard (our central Police Head Quarters in the UK ) will be making a statement later today about investigations into MP's and Peers ( the latter sit in our 'upper' House in the Palace of Westminster, The Houses of Parliament here in the UK)
with a view to possible prosecutions.

This is fantastic news and is going to be the biggest thing since I don't know what.
I am so happy - for the moment and if it really happens it's fantastic , because I suspected they thought they would get away with it by just sacrificing the Speaker Martin.

Run you bastards, Run. There will be no slapped wrists for any of you.
Get some new rope for the Gallows at Marble Arch and bring Mr. Albert Pierrepoints son back out of retirement. Albert Pierrepoint was our last full time hangman and he received £15 for each execution (he did 435). I think the public at large would pay him a lot more now if he started topping these MPs and Peers.
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Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Ladies Day at Ascot Races

This racegoer's hat was inspired by the MPs' expenses scandal and features a duck house and a bath plug - some of the items claimed by ministers.

Perhaps we might expect similar at Goodwood.

Lovely I wouldn't mind paying for some of her expenses.