Any of our european friends care to comment on the portal in the sky last night?!

Apparently it was the Russians testing a sub launched Barava ICBM - it spun out of control ( guidance system failure ? ) and created the amazing pattern.

I hope that Ivan remembered to swap the nuclear warhead for a dummy one before it was launched..... :D

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Yeah, they OUGHT to be worried!!

I would suspect that the northeast Europeans ought to be quite worried about this....NBC news last night identified it as a Russian submarine launched rocket that went awry. Russia denies it (imagine that???), but within the week prior to the event government agencies were notified that the launch would occur. Suppose it had carried a warhead, there surely would have been a much less puzzling and much more devastating event in the skies than just a rocket spiraling out of control and being destroyed by remote command.

Sure wish it had been a true space portal, a "stargate" so to speak. I'm a long time believer that we've been not only under observation but also visited by more advanced civilizations from outside our solar system for milleniums. I think that if I could have one wish to come true, it would be to live long enough to see Earth's "first contact".

BTW, there's a movie out that those who believe in close encounters ought to's called "The Fourth Kind". Part documentary, part creative effort, I think, but interesting, nonetheless.


Brian Hamilton

I'm on the verge of touching myself inappropriatel
I read that too, but it just seems that the pattern in the sky is way too 2 dimensional to be that. Know what I mean? That pattern in the sky looks like it is just in one plane, rather than a missile shooting through the air. Might be because it's in the upper atmosphere, but the whole thing sounds suspect to me. Of course I want extraterrestrial life to present itself so bad I can taste it. LOL Call me weird...
About 5 years ago I was up at the high school watching my kids at football practice. It was August, and about 9 pm, so the sun had gone down but the sky was kind of backlit by the sun over the local horizon.

About 5 of us saw a very weird contrail, looked closer than it actually was, it was moving almost straight up in the sky. Then a brief flare and all was gone.

Seems that we had witnessed a US Navy ABM test which was successful. If I remember this correctly, the ballistic missile had been fired from somewhere in the Pacific Ocean and the interceptor fired from a guided missile cruiser, also in the Pacific.

Pretty cool demonstration of actual technology....trying to hit a bullet with a bullet...


Lifetime Supporter
Easy one,

Those bloomin' Russkies have got hold of our top secret Dan Dare Planet Gun.

We're all doomed !


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Charlie Farley

Come on, you seriously don't think the pyramids were built by humans, without guidance.
I mean, look at my monocoque, that wasn't built by humans alone.
Especially the old roof.
If you stand 1 mile away from the Aztec temples on the last day of the summer solstice, you can clearly see the Ford Oval on them.

Dave Bilyk

Dave Bilyk
Sorry Brian,
here's another guidance system failure.:thumbsdown:
My wife was an Alien if that helps ---- but she has a British Passport now:laugh:
Strangely, my wife just shouted me outside, there were three red lights in the sky, moving around fairly slowly, couldnt hear anything so they must have been far away, they disappeared then reappeared twice over a period of 20mins. Looked as though they were circling, probably helicopters I thought, but that is definitely the first time I have been unable to identify what I saw in the sky, so maybe, just maybe:drunk:



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