Are u proud to b a liberal?

What needs to be asked is who is doing this and why. No kid needs an authority figure to introduce such things as bestiality, fisting, etc. to them. The vast majority will figure out its way out of the norm. So, why are they pushing the subject??

And again, you will never see a Conservative educator pushing this kind of an agenda. It is a Liberal push.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Maybe you are right. Instead they push bullshit like Intelligent Design. Or "the market is never wrong." Or THe Religious History of White People in America.

But I digress. The basic question is how do you want a kid to learn about that stuff? From a textbook explaining it in a clinical fashion and describing it as abnormal and wrong, or from a bunch of kids behind the gym who might think it is cool to mess around with Fido's peepee? Seriously. I'd take the controlled environment of the classroom/textbook at the approrpriate age of course.

Stop with the pushing crap though. No one is "pushing" this stuff. The intent is to try to steer kids away from it and if you say otherwise, you are back on the lunatic fringe. Discussing whether we SHOULD do it? Ok, I can do that. Arguing that liberals are "pushing" beastiality on kids or endorsing or it "destroying children"? Wrong.
Maybe you are right. Instead they push bullshit like Intelligent Design. Or "the market is never wrong." Or THe Religious History of White People in America.

But I digress. The basic question is how do you want a kid to learn about that stuff? From a textbook explaining it in a clinical fashion and describing it as abnormal and wrong, or from a bunch of kids behind the gym who might think it is cool to mess around with Fido's peepee? Seriously. I'd take the controlled environment of the classroom/textbook at the approrpriate age of course.

Stop with the pushing crap though. No one is "pushing" this stuff. The intent is to try to steer kids away from it and if you say otherwise, you are back on the lunatic fringe. Discussing whether we SHOULD do it? Ok, I can do that. Arguing that liberals are "pushing" beastiality on kids or endorsing or it "destroying children"? Wrong.

Funny how the left accuses Conservatives of being revisionists when they are upholding original intent, history, and capitalism.

Let's see if we can get an online copy of this text.

If no one is pushing it, how come its coming into the NYC system next year?

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Your first sentence is rambling mumbo jumbo that has nothing to do with this discussion.

Your second is fine. I think you would probably find some of it objectionable; I suspect most people would be ok with it.

Define "pushing." If you mean "approval" that's one thing, and it's BS. If you mean "trying to educate in order to prevent" that is another, and more accurate.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Why I'm proud to be a liberal.....


Liberals got women the right to vote.

Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote.

Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty.

Liberals ended segregation.

Liberals ended the ban on Blacks in the military.

Liberals ended the ban on Gays in the military.

Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act.

Liberals created Medicare.

Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act.


What did conservatives do?

They opposed them on every one of those things ­ every one. So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, 'Liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work. Because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor."

Bob, tell us why you are proud to be a consevative?<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
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Ah, Jim, still wallowing in the television euphoria of sitcom heaven with your West Wing (left wing, get it?) fantasies!

All that ancient history and if those "liberals" were active today, they'd be thrown out of the party like Joe Lieberman. The party left them a long time ago, bro.

Did you used to hang out a the Haight?

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Bob, you aked if I was proud to be a liberal, I not only am proud, I gave many good reasons to be proud.

All the reasons I posted are true, aren't they Bob?

I then asked you why you are proud to be a consevative. You did not answere, we would very much like to see your list of reasons.

Please give us your reasons, then we will compare them!
Still with the obfuscation,, Jim, the point of this thread is the perversion of children by liberal organizations. Did you watch the video I posted above>? What is your opinion of it? Would you like your daughter to be subjected to that? Would you like your son to be subjected to it? Or are you an endorser of it?

Quotes from old liberal sitcoms don't mean a thing here Jim, focus.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

The title of this thread is "Are you proud to be a liberal", is it not?

Bob no matter what you say, what I posted are true liberal accomlishments.

Are you proud to be a Consevative?

If so give us a list of Conservative accomplishments and we'll compare.


Unless you can't think of any Consevative accomplishment to be proud of.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Bob, we all know that you continually find odd things that some fringe group of liberals wants, like your Orka post or this one, but are they really important, not really. Plus they make you sound petty.

There are as many or more odd quests by right wing groups who among others want us to teach the bible and make prayer manitory in school.

No one brings them here, because they are only a small fringe group and they make little differance.

Bob, lets keep this to whats really important, what have Liberals done for us big picture and what have Conservative done for us big picture.

So give us a list of Conservative accomplishments that you are proud of and we will compare.

Keep in mind that Lincoln was a Republican, but not a Conservative.
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Planned Parenthood is not a fringe group, nor are the schools that are allowing this onto their campuses.

You know what, Jim, All your West Wing points are very debatable, and would take months to hash over, so for the sake of argument, fine I'll give them to you.

BUT, this is here and now. We have children being perverted sexually, we have industries being taken over by the government, the military being slashed to dangerous levels, our nuclear arsenal cut to less than China's, people being forced by the government to buy products they don't want (healthcare), and a blanket swing towards socialism, and (a true generalization to keep this list from going on for days) rampant socialism knocking on everyone's door.

Now is now, liberals own this socialist paradise, but who's going to pay for it? Our kids, that's who.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Ok Bob, Planned Parenthood is the devil and will be the end of civilization as we know it. Does that make you happy?

Now back to the title of this thread....

So Bob, you can think of nothing that Consevatives have done that you are proud of?


You say that the Liberal accomplishments I posted are debatable.

OK lets debate them.

I say they are all true and Consevatived tried to stop all those accomplishments.

Tell us where I am wrong!
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Guys, you fell for it again. The OP is simply looking for attention by posting highly controversial topics. It somehow makes him feel like he matters. It's pathetic, frankly.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Cliff, we have to assume that his lack of Consevative accomplishments that he is proud of means he has none.

I think I posted a very strong list that liberals can be rightly proud of. But bob is only interested in odd fringe thing like Orcas and personal attacks.

How can he begin to talk of civil rights, Women's right to vote, the rights of gays or blacks when The rights of Orkas need to be stamped out!

Ps, Cliff I recently received some interesting info about the OP. He needs to think twice about his childish personal attacks!
the greatest achievements of the Judeo-Christian Conservative movement are the Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States and Bill of Rights that led to the founding and growth of the greatest, freest nation the world has ever known.

All Craik's "liberal sitcom achievements" were possible because of the documents the founding fathers wrote. Note that many of these liberal achievements may have been necessary at one point, but have now been bloated and perverted into more of what we call Big Government, and actually damage the people they once were designed to help.

The enemies of democracy, and the free market have been attacking this whole concept for generations now, from foreign and domestic enemies of the country.

It has become our duty/job to defend this great system from our nation's enemies.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
That's an interesting statement and about as wrong as is possible from a historical, a sociological, a political and a philosophical standpoint. In other words, completely wrong.

Political scientists viewing the various political parties/movements of the time would consider monarchists and theists as the conservatives of the era, and the founding fathers as quite honestly fairly radical and liberal, although more in a classical sense than (I acknowledge) that of modern liberalisms.

The founders believed in democracy, the rule of law, separatin of church and state, the right of all men to vote (and not just the landed genetry), government's duality in both needing to be the protector of individual liberty and feared as a threat to it, individual liberty and equality, and so on.

"Revolutionaries" are not conservative in the common usage and definition of that word.

Back to school with you! David McCullough's 1776 is a good start.
Eighteenth Century revolutionists are Twenty-First Century Conservatives. We've had our revolution and we are in the defense mode now, J.Y.
The founders believed in democracy, the rule of law, separatin of church and state, the right of all men to vote (and not just the landed genetry), government's duality in both needing to be the protector of individual liberty and feared as a threat to it, individual liberty and equality, and so on.

Yeah, baby!