"Call me Caitlyn?"

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
I have a better name, and it, too, starts with a "C"....CRAZY!!!

OK, so I've spent my career working in the overall field of mental health, which includes my field of specialization within public education. As a mental health specialist for Texas Department of Criminal Justice I was exposed to "Gender Identity Disorder" and the newest term for the same condition, "Gender Dysphoria". I realize that the issue is very real to those who suffer from such mental anguish.

What I don't understand in this case is the intense media coverage. So what...lots of individuals change their gender every year, why is "Caitlyn" so special?

I guess the answer must be that it's because (s)he is part of the overall Kardashian train-wreck...but, c'mon, folks, why do we need to be bombarded by this particular individual's plight/actions any more than any other transgendered individual (which we don't know is the real truth yet...(s)he may not have had gender re-assignment surgery yet, and if that is the case then we simply have a rather advanced case of transvestite behavior...but that's not unusual, look at all the drag queens out there on the stages, some of whom look VERY feminine).

It seems like such a private matter...as it well should be. What has made us as a culture think that we have to be exposed to this individual's private "journey"? It's all over the major networks' news coverage...

Does anyone else get it? I don't :thumbsdown:


Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
It seems like such a private matter...as it well should be.

Bingo. If he/she were a 'nobody' it'd go unnoticed except for his/her personal circle. But, he/she ISN'T a 'nobody'...and on top of that, he/she is purposely heading the whole media circus surrounding this situation and has from the get-go.

Does anyone else get it?

Yes. It's an 'agenda' thing...both personal and otherwise...

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
I agree...think that this is very much an ego thing for "him/her".

I just can't figure out why the media has bought into it so completely...other than it seems that anything to do with the Kardashians seems to be media gold...(again, for reasons unclear to me...other than that fine "shape" Kim K. seems to have, which is hard NOT to notice).

Just a bit perplexed here regarding the apparent interest level in Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner's quest... :confused:



Terry Oxandale

Skinny Man
All the reasons are included in this string...a semblance to reality TV (which America is addicted to), Bruce Jenner's history/now notoriety (social incompatibility between the two spanned generations), and the train-wreck syndrome of not being able to turn one's head away from the story.
Can't believe I was in an IMSA race with this clown in the 1980's. Obviously before he went off the cliff.
This guy went from being on a box of Wheaties to a box of Fruit Loops... And Dave, when did he go off with Cliff?? I thought Cliff was married. :)

Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
This guy went from being on a box of Wheaties to a box of Fruit Loops... And Dave, when did he go off with Cliff?? I thought Cliff was married. :)

Iced tea right out the nose on that one.... :stunned:

Jim Rosenthal

Personally I find this whole thing highly annoying. I suppose if he/she wants to parade around in a dress etc, he/she can do what they want. But there's a dick under all that window dressing, so it's false advertising.

I'll bet I'm on the same side as Larry on this one, innit?

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Why are we even bothering to talk about it. In the paddock as well..........It will be the kardashians next. Fuck a doodledo.


I have a better name, and it, too, starts with a "C"....CRAZY!!!

OK, so I've spent my career working in the overall field of mental health, which includes my field of specialization within public education. As a mental health specialist for Texas Department of Criminal Justice I was exposed to "Gender Identity Disorder" and the newest term for the same condition, "Gender Dysphoria". I realize that the issue is very real to those who suffer from such mental anguish.

What I don't understand in this case is the intense media coverage. So what...lots of individuals change their gender every year, why is "Caitlyn" so special?

I guess the answer must be that it's because (s)he is part of the overall Kardashian train-wreck...but, c'mon, folks, why do we need to be bombarded by this particular individual's plight/actions any more than any other transgendered individual (which we don't know is the real truth yet...(s)he may not have had gender re-assignment surgery yet, and if that is the case then we simply have a rather advanced case of transvestite behavior...but that's not unusual, look at all the drag queens out there on the stages, some of whom look VERY feminine).

It seems like such a private matter...as it well should be. What has made us as a culture think that we have to be exposed to this individual's private "journey"? It's all over the major networks' news coverage...

Does anyone else get it? I don't :thumbsdown:


WTF are you talking about here Doug?

Is it a slow news day in US?

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Why are we even bothering to talk about it. In the paddock as well..........It will be the kardashians next. Fuck a doodledo.

I wondered the same thing when I started the thread, David.

Every country (and generation) has its heroes...Bruce Jenner's Olympic victories certainly made him a hero for our country and also to my generation.

I guess that keeping one's unusual gender orientations on the "down low" is and has been a common practice for a long time. Jenner certainly did so until I guess that burden became too much for him to endure and he "came out of the closet", as we call it, only in a much more spectacular manner than most do.

I guess the disbelief is the reason I'm talking about it...can't speak for others and their reasons. Much like the revelations that one of our country's most "manly" movie stars, Rock Hudson, was actually gay seemed unbelievable, so were the developments with Jenner (see...I still can't force myself to call him/her "Caitlyn"). His athletic feats seemed almost superhuman...and yet here he is gracing the cover of one of our country's most feminine magazines in what appears to be swimwear.

Unbelievable...that's why our country is talking about it, I think...it's just hard to fathom.

As for the Kardashians...I wholeheartedly agree, that family is a train-wreck and doesn't deserve the admiration and dedication that many Americans (the vast majority of whom are the younger generation) have granted the Kardashians. The only thing they did was have a father whose fame came from defending O.J. Simpson...had it not been for O.J. I don't think we'd have ever heard hide nor hair of the Kardashians. Our only saving grace regarding the Kardashians is that fame is fleeting. How long has it been since anyone has heard of Snookie and J-Wow? They were all the rage here in the U.S. for quite a while, but for all intents and purposes they're "off the radar" now. The Kardashians will (hopefully) suffer the same end.

Things change....our country has gone through some incredible sociological transformations in a very short time (much to the dismay of traditionalists, who would like for things to remain the same). You'd think we'd be use to this sort of event, the way our country's (and the world's) social networks have grown to be so important to many. I just wasn't...and in my disbelief I wondered if others were. That's why I started this thread.


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But then there's this...


  • Bruce Jenner.jpg
    Bruce Jenner.jpg
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And this...


  • 67ca52965edf52dafde36b992f54d561.jpg
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