Car Guys? , Buyers Regret

I was out in the shop working on my 40, when one of my Gear Head Buds dropped by to see the car. He made a statement that floored me. "Thats a lot of Bucks for a car with no engine or trans". (I have wanted a 40 from the first time I saw a picture in one of the car mags." I responded with, " this is what I want and I got it. I feel good everytime I walk out to the shop and look at it. I have not ever wished I didn't spend the money for it. NO BUYERS REGRET HERE! A bonus is all the fellow 40 people I have met, E-Mailed and stolen ideas from. Some people just don't get it!

CAV 40

Ian Clark

Hi Vic, Well stated, the really cool thing about it that once people see and hear the running car, then the price isn't questioned! I've relatives in Indiana, be good to meet up sometime.


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I don't know how old your friend is...but I suffer
depression from time to time since I am old enough to recall
when lots of things (not just cars) were a LOT less expensive than they are now. However I usually end up rationalizing by asking:

1. Is this a fair value for this item ? (Current market price)? Matters not what that item cost 10/20/30 years ago.
If yes..move to # 2.

2. Is there a substantial risk that the item could
suddenly drop in value (stocks sure can!)?
If not, then move to # 3.

3. Will this purchase cause a substantial hardship for my
family? If not...move to # 4.

4. Will this purchase satisfy a need I want fulfilled?
If so, then I usually have no regrets.
However if all of the above are not satisfied...
Regrets can appear.


Howard Jones

I had a couple of choices when I decided to build my 40. Please note I didn't say buy my 40. I had a need for something to drive that was fun and I first thought I would buy a new corvette. I have a job that I can do with my eyes closed and I also wanted to find something that I could do that would be a new hobbie and give my brain something to do. I used to race bikes and at one point I was thinking of doing that again, old timer class, but with a family to worry about I quickly shot that one down. This GT40 project was just the thing. It gives my mind somthing to do, will give me something fun to drive, and my wife knows where to find me, out in the garage! The amount I will have spent in the end will be about the same price as a new corvette with a few cool mods. As a added treat I have got to know some new friends and learned some new skills. Money wise, I sure I can always sell my car for what I have spent on it. Not a bad deal!
Money means different things to different people. When it comes to cars (my achilles heel), I always think like this:

If I want something real bad, and I can afford it, then I have to go for it. Even if it does cost more than market value and there's a chance that the value could drop, I'd pay a premium to satisfy the need.

"You never regret what you buy. You only ever regret letting it pass you by".

The GT40 thing has been chipping away at me since the 1960s. There comes a time that if I hadn't gone for one, I'd soon be too old to get inside one. As Chris Melia summed up nicely - "it's like finally scratching an itch".

I'm looking forward to a long GT40 adventure and, all the time I'm enjoying it, I can justify the cost (And thankfully, my wife is very understanding...)

Hi Mike, you forgot #5, Flip Wilson's famous reply:
The Devil Made Me Do It!

CAV 40
Ian, I wouldn't tell anyone I had relatives in Indiana!

CAV 40 /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Vic, no rides for him hey!! ;o) It's only money, and he probably has a few things you wouldn't even pay for, Scott
You only go around once and this ain't no rehersal. So you better do those things you really luv or you really do loose. If you can afford it and you want it then do it. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Hersh /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Vic, the world is full of people who love to be negative,
thats why bad news sells newspapers. Dont let them get to
you. The enjoyment you will get from the project will more
than repay the money spent.
Great looking motor. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
As the Bentley boy's quote: The quality remains long after the price is forgotten.
As the GTD 40 racers quote: Shrouds don't have pockets!
Hi Pete, don't worry about them getting me down. I have been around long enough to discount the A holes. The guys that really crack me up are the ones with no balls and say somethig like. I would have one but, my wife won't let me. If I ever had to resort to that statement, I would dig my own hole and let a one legged guy kick the dirt in.

CAV 40
Hi Vick
some years ago I was in the Air Force and a friend of mine spent most of his spare time in the motor club building a kit car. As he worked late into the night a strange individual would enter the club and watch my friend working on his car. From time to time this guy would pass comment to my friend, usually negative about how he was assembling the car.
My friend asked him if he had ever built a car and he replied that he hadn't.
One evening this guy appeared again as my friend was struggling on his own fitting the engine, it was plain that a hand would have been appreciated but this guy just stood there with his hands in his pockets passing comment in his usual way "I wouldn't do it like that I would do it like this" finally my friend who is a gentle giant finally cracked, he got hold of the guy by the sruff of his neck and told him that if he could do any better then why didn't he go and build his own car.

Vick in life you are better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all

Brian Stewart
My philosophy in life is that there is no point loosing sleep regretting anything you have done (they're done and can't be changed). The only things you can regret are the things you should have done and didn't - that's why I'm building my 40.... Go for it Vic!!

Howard Jones

Brian, How are you doing? Hows the project going? Got any pictures? How far are you along? I'm at the sand down the bodywork forever point. Had fun fitting the doors yet? GTD people, you know what I mean, don't ya? Howard.

Jim Rosenthal

What I think is this (and this is not an original statement but I believe in it): after you leave this world and have to account for what you did and didn't do, one of the things you may have to account for is all the legitimate pleasures you were offered that you didn't take advantage of. I was the guy in the stands for most of my life, and if I don't get behind the wheel soon, I won't fit in there. I've seen what a lifetime of being afraid to do things can do to a person, and I don't want to be like that. My car phase may not last the rest of my life, but I intend to have good memories that will. And I am willing to bet that most people on this forum feel that way. What sets us apart from the hands-in-pockets folks is the desire and willingness to spend the money, bust knuckles, and do without other things, to have some adventure in our lives. I can't go out and be Jacky Ickx, but I am going to get a lot closer than most other folks in the world. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif
You guys quit it!! You're making me regret not picking up on a CAV GT that I was considering for purchase as few months ago...

mardyn /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif
He made a statement that floored me. "Thats a lot of Bucks for a car with no engine or trans".

[/ QUOTE ]

Not for a car that will be worth twice what you have got into it.

Not for a car that replicates an original, worth a million bucks.

Not for a car that will cost half of a new Ford GT and out perform it.

Not compared to any other exotic.

What does this guy drive? I'm sure if you compared his car to the price of a Yugo that you could tell him how much he overpaid for basic transportation.