cav gt40 for sale on ebay

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$46,200 some one got a real good deal,, if I wasnt wanting to build my own I would have bid it,, of coarse I'd have to paint it another color ,, no offense,, heheh
this is what kit cars solid value.a ferrari sells anytime for all the money, kit cars or cav are what they are ,fiberglass cars ..... you cant expect to get all the money for themm.....lots of dreamers on this market.

Ron Earp

Man, a serious change of tune on your part!!!!!! What happened to the $100,000 dollar cost to replicate etc.?

This car did not bring a more reasonable price due to history, components, and being forced at auction. The replica market is soft right now too and as for fiberglass cars, well, lots of the world's supercars are fiberglass. The orignial GT40s were fiberglass as well, are they not worth anything because of it?

Maybe you should have included your opinion of kit/replica/CAV cars and fiberglass in your description on Ebay, it would have been honesty on your part and maybe helped the buyer not make a mistake.

The only dreamer in this saga was you with a poor understanding of what you had and what you were trying to get. And, although people tried to explain to you it still appeared you didn't want to listen.

After a few more comments threads will be locked to sink. I think we've all learned from this.
Well said, Ron.

In the final analysis, though, that was a good buy. I have more than that in my RF right now, with another $5k to $8k to go before it's all done. Plus a lot more of my time. No regrets, though, as the fact that I built the car myself and know every nut, bolt and rivet is something whose value can not be measured in pecuniary terms.
You are dead on. Someone got a good deal. Timing is everything, and I would NEVER try to sell a specialty car in December. I'll bet the ranch this car could be re-sold as is in the Spring for $ 5-10k more than it sold today.


Ian Clark

I'm glad somebody got a bloody good deal on this car. Let's hope he takes advantage of CAV's dealer network to give the car proper going over. Then it would be great to hear more driving impressions, the GT40 is an all time favorite best looking car but the proof is in the driving!!!

Ron Earp

I wonder if we can just delete his user name until next time....It appears he's done with the forum now and used it for what it was worth.

I think one thing that hurts this car is it's cav's "old " car. If you buy a cav, most people really want the semi-monoque. I'm not saying anything is wrong with the tube frame, ( I'm looking at ordering a RF) but its like when the new car comes out from a manufacturer, nobody wants the left over ones with last years features. Also you figure you are going to get into the drive train. The time of the year may have also hurt , as you get close to xmas people really focus less on some things (which is good , although my wife says I could sometimes use some refocusing,,hahha)Also this time of the year the weather plays a part , for a buyer who prefers to pick the car up himself, if there are snow storms going through ,, it may seem like a little more pain in the $%#@ to get the car ,, regards , Dan
Son of a b...h!
I forgot to bid.
Oh well my fiberglass piece will have to be good enough.
Damn it all, I even had $70,000 to drop on it but hell I thought that $100,000 bid was coming anytime.
Oh well I'll just save it for the Lola T-70
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