climat changes? hoax


Listen to lord Monckton after Kopenhagen, speeking in Berlin.

Het Vrije Volk

Simply astonishing video! :stunned::stunned::stunned::stunned::stunned:

It takes 34 minutes but it is absolutely riveting with a dramatic twist at the end - The Hidden Agenda.

Even if you believe in Global Warming Theory and especially if yoiu are passioante about believing it - please please watch this.

Thanks for the post Altena - I never knew this guy existed. I'm going to pay more attention from now on instead of allowing my eyes to glaze over.
Remember--in Roman times, Britain used to be a great wine-growing region! Then Global Cooling descended and now it's bloody cold and raining all the time.

So, what did the human race do to the universe to bring on this cooling? Nothing--it's a natural cycle. Now we're in an upswing, and moving back towards where we once were, with the human race influencing the situation to a negligible degree, if at all. But con artists and wild-eyed eco-freaks have taken it upon themselves to save us from this horrible fate, even if it means the utter destruction of the world economy, and the centuries of advancements in our way of life.

And for what? I, for one, would rather enjoy the opportunity to wear shorts and a T-shirt in Britain!
This is a +1 for me....

I'm only in my fourties, but I can remember the issue in the seventies of the danger of "The Next Ice Age" being around the corner. There are a fair few guys on this forum older and wiser than me, and maybe they can remember the same all those years ago.

We can all remember from history a period from 300ish years ago called "The Little Ice Age". There is quite a famous painting from the period depicting people ice skating on the Thames in London as it was completely frozen over.

These people are nest feathering. Cliamte change is now a global business worth billions, but the downside is that is has to come from our pockets.

I watched a program a couple of years ago called (If I remember correctly) was called "The Great Global Warming Ripoff". What nailed it for me whas that a group of scientists went out to test the system.

They went out and asked for funding to assess the change in the Red Squirrel population in the South East of England......

Guess what....No Funding....


They asked the question in a different way. They asked for funding to assess the change in the Red Squirrel population in the South East of England and how GLOBAL WARMING had had an impact on this.

Oooh....guess what, they got the funding...

Notice how "Global Warming" has become "Climate Change". It's very convenient because you have to prove nothing.

IMHO the worst thing we have to change globally is pollution. That is what hurts the most around the world, and it's got nothing to do with the GT40!

Just my opinion.

Monckton gave a great speech. People that are pro global warming seem to focus two things, the melting north pole and dying polar bears. The ice at the pole has melted before, and will melt again. It will also be frozen over again. Polar bears are not an endangered species (US Wildlife an Fisheries endangered species) contrary to the alarmist film of them falling from the sky. God they do like to raise hysteria!
I don't have a clue why Obowma went to Copenhagen after Chavez and Mugabe bashed capitalism, then again I guess I do! Long live redistribution of wealth and socialism! Wonder how the US is going to be as a 3rd world country? At the rate we're pissing away money, it won't be long. Great present for our kids!


This is my take on it...
