Converting RHD SLC to LHD

Has anyone tried putting in a backed mesh guard? A heavy but wide stainless mesh like hardware cloth supporting a finer mesh in the wheel well liner to block road debris from hitting the vent is something I planned on.

Ken Roberts

I cut out mesh guards for the the bottom side of the fender vents. My vents are bonded in place so I wanted protection from larger stone strikes. They will get bonded up in place after I powder coat them. I also plan to make solid copies that a magnetic. When I get the car certified I will magnetically stick them up in place if the inspector tells me the vents are illegal for road registration.
I’ve given long thought to buying fender vents from RCR but at like 800 a set I think I’m going to try to cut my own in. A similar approach as the front vent except clearly they will extrude upwards. Then do as others have said and put in grill material. Nothing more than aesthetics for me on all counts. Except for that front clam vent, an absolute necessity in my opinion.
Ken, I couldn't find anywhere that stated fender vents are illegal, but maybe I wasn't using the right search terms. Fender vent, gill slot, louvers... Have you any experience that indicates they might be?

Ken Roberts

Ken, I couldn't find anywhere that stated fender vents are illegal, but maybe I wasn't using the right search terms. Fender vent, gill slot, louvers... Have you any experience that indicates they might be?
I’m in the province of Manitoba Canada. Our rules are brutal. I have to come up with external bumpers front and rear. As well as a rear view mirror (non camera type). Three point seat belts only. No quick connect steering wheels. The fender vents is a grey area. I’m sure they would pass tech in most US States.

Howard Jones

The thing to remember is that the purpose of the vents is to evacuate the buildup of pressure in the wheel well and therefore increase front downforce. Any restriction to flow through the vent will hinder their purpose for them. That mesh appears to reduce airflow by at least 50% if not more. So if the reason is a performance/aero one then the answer is clear. If the vents are installed for styling purposes then I think that a simple thin sheet of aluminum underneath and painted black on the top side would be an effective way to protect the vents.

I wouldn't put them on a car with an expensive paint job.
Been awhile. Still busy with a large house renovation. Finally getting to laying some paint on the car. I decided to just do the flat hot rod black. It’s the same color that’s inside the car. I am not a paint pro.

A few things I’ve learned. I had to let everything dry completely before sanding, sometimes 24hrs. I’ve just had bad experience sanding primer, putty or filler too quickly. Important to also scotchbrite with a fine pad the whole area to be paint before.

I started with the rear clam first. Allan had already primed for me. My first time came out decent but I think I’m going to respray the base again to get a smoother finish. You can see in the pictures the finish is a little sketchy. I think the paint was coming out too dry. A combination of the wrong settings and holding the gun too far away.

Next up is the front clam as soon as I mold in the fender vents. Then I’ll move to center and doors.

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Selling so soon?
Yes working on that now. I need to tidy the car up and then list. Will post here first and BAT. I think I said this somewhere else but I have a coupe 65 on order delivery July and a mountain of student loan debt. Then on my build list I have a GT40, Hardtop Roadster, and GTR I’d love to build. Unfortunately I’m not made of money or space so one has to go before another can begin.
Saw the ad for it, thought it looked familiar.
Hope it was fun while you had it going!
Funny thing, I have no idea how that ad got posted. I was going through the process for both the insta post and BAT to see what info they required. Next thing I know I get some random email from a guy asking me some questions.