Engine install

Installed engine and box today, fitted in with no problems but iam not sure if its to close to the bulk head, any thoughts, Andy


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Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
I don't know much about the structure of the bulkhead cover, but it sure looks like the water pump pulley is going to extend into the interior if there is not a bulge in the cover. I've heard that the bulkheads are intentionally "slanted" so that the seat's back can be "inclined" and the driver can rest in a semi-reclining position, and if that is so there might not be room for anything to intrude into the interior.

If you notified RCR that you would be using Chevy power, I'm sure they would have put the motor mounts in the right place...their products have way too fine a reputation for them to have mishandled this one important piece of the build. Of course, your signature line mention of the 383 Chevy power might relate to the Cobra that is your avatar, in which case this whole paragraph needs to be deleted.

I'm sure other RCR owners will know....will be watching, this is an interesting issue for me!


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Hi Doug
The Chevy is in the cobra, its a ford in the 40, the water pump pulleys do intrude a bit, the drive shafts clear ok, but before i drill and fix the engine mounts just wanted others to have a look, Andy



You will need to add inset to the bulkhead. With the inset I have about a half inch clearance to the pulley.

Insulation and carpet may set the bulkhead in a quarter inch. Keep that in mind when you measure for the inset, since it needs to be as small as possible.

The inset will interfere with the seats. On the original cars a bit of backing material was cut out to fit, which was my approach as well.

Pics and details on our build blog. Look at the more recent re-do.

The inset is simple. Just a one half circle cut, then bent inward. A crescent shape is then welded to fill the gap.

If you need any more specific info let me know.

Finally, you might contact Fran. He could fab a bulkhead with the inset in place.


Another observation. With my ZF the spacers supporting it from the cross member were longer than the ones shown in your pic, which would set it back a bit more. Not sure if that is a factor with your set up. Detailed pics on our blog. If you need dimensions, pics, let me know

You shure can modify you wp-pulley ( no need for double groove, thus the protuding diameter will be smaller). I also would take a look at you driveshat angles from the top, app 90° to the longitudenal centerline is what i have set mines.
Also you waterpump does not look to be the short one version. ( i do have a Explorer front dress on my engine, which is supposed to be the shortest one). Thus i have no need for any mod of the firewall to clear the WP and other pulleys

Hi Chuck
I have had a look at your build thread, can mod the bulk head cover ok, there is some space to move the engine back possibly 3/4" which will help, thanks for your feed back, Andy

Tom, thanks for the reply, it should be the short pump fitted, think i will pull the engine back and have take some more pictures of bulk head and drive shafts angles, Andy
I'd aim where possible to get the drive shafts collinear in plan.

Its very hard to tell with the perspective but it looks as if they would slant forwards.