exhaust system

Hi ,has anyone got a decent contact for an exhaust system manufacturer in the u.k ? (especially the Midlands) I would like to hear from someone who has had a full cross-over system made up preferably for a 302. I would like to support the smaller guys rather than just pay it over to the usual suppliers. Anyone know a decent exhaust chromer ?

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Good Evening Jonathan,
I went to Tony Law exhausts neer Leeds and then had them chromed down here in Bucks. Tony Law makes crossover systems and in fact will make them on the car if you leave it for the week. Expert fabricators of high performance exhaust systems. No web site but you can phone them on 01132 715422
Dave M
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Andy Sheldon

Tornado Sports Cars
GT40s Sponsor

We are making a batch of exhaust systems at the moment.

We have all the required jigs and will not need your car.

