for airplane lovers...

If somebody is interested at this link u can see part of the collection I am preparing with some other italian modellers.
It is for the 100 yrs of Alfa Romeo factory, and we are doing this just for the big volountee of a Great man from Alfa Romeo management.

U can see almost all alfa romeo production during his history,a part of world motor culpture.
Many models in this collection are scratchbuild.

rockonsmile I have no idea what the Italian says, but the airplanes sure are beautiful. My favorite is the Lockheed F104. Truely works of art.
You must be joking, everyone knows the British Hawker Hunter is the classic jet shape.

It still looks up to date for a plane built more than 50 years ago.


eh eh ..very happy to see u like our works:)
The Malpensa expo was done by local IPMS club, and is a wonderful idea for an international airport as that one.

In Italy we have a special love for the F-104, probably cause we had that in service for over 40 yrs,developing special versions as the S, ASA and ASA M II (asa means in italian "aggiornamento sistemi d'arma"),in the trying to have that in service for a longer period
I talk several times with ex "spillone" pilots, and almost all love SO much that incredible masterpiece done by Kelly Johnson, for too many reasons.
First of all for the impressive top speed (over mach 2....with a sound that breaks heart exactly in the same way gt40 engine does..:D).
Sure,almost all also agree the plane was very hard to flight, but mostly cause he didnt "kindly" accept human errors.
The bad reputation achieved in Europe was mostly due to the German role of the plane (they use a supsersonic fighter in too many rules..including tactical flight at low altitude) and thats probably why it was renamed "widow maker".
I saw theme in action several times in Rimini-Miramare, and my heart was completely gone in listening the thunder of the J79 (I remember I use to be at the end of 4 km landing track....and I can anyway feel the hot of the afterburner test..done in the middle of the field).
Also remeber as something really incredible some germans acrobatic teams, simply doing THE IMPOSSIBLE with such flying blade.

The Hawker Hunter is a very nice plane too, and I saw how Swiss air force still loves that (so fast and so agile)

But I personal prefer the mighty.....Loockheed forever, also cause it was so deeply 50s-60s style.



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