Glad they chose adoption!

Jim Rosenthal

This is absolutely the stupidest thread you've ever started, Bob. And I am no fan of abortion, believe me. Put the harmonica back in your mouth, it will keep you from using the computer.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
You know Jimbo, I'm not sure if this is "the stupidest thread you've ever started, Bob", he has started so many stupid threads.

Here are some that are awfully stupid...............

In your face comrade

Let us kill them

Get behind me Satan

Herman Cain ain't on crack

Taking history back from liberal lies

The pot party

Burgers pollute more than trucks

Rest assured comrades

God guns and poses

The sayings of Forest C

Guide to liberal debachery

There are so many more...........................
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This is absolutely the stupidest thread you've ever started, Bob. And I am no fan of abortion, believe me. Put the harmonica back in your mouth, it will keep you from using the computer.

Stop typing and blow/draw? Draw is much more civil than suck, think you not?
Did I ever mention that my Dad used to play casuals with a clarinetist named Rudy Rosenthal?

p.s. Technically, he played it right to left as opposed to the traditional left to right. Playing it "upside down" would have been left to right with those little numbers by the comb upside down.


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Never ceases to amaze me how on earth this became such a flashpoint in US politics or even how it got on the agenda. Debate seems impossible given the current state of hatred between the parties.

This is a far more sensitive issue than to be handled by a bunch of fat florid faced fools - it is about women and I will only listen to their opinions on it.

Jim is right, it's a stupid thread and should be closed.