GT40 Party

Howard Jones



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Howard Jones

8 Here's Little Fat Dog. She's our begal. If anyone has some more pictures post'em.

Thanks again all! See ya next October.


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Thanks Howard for opening your home for all of us, had a great time, heres a couple from the other 40's that showed up. BTW Mr Faili I still owe you for gas money /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
#2, the gas guzzler, thanks for the ride. Come on now Howard you only need 4 more posts for an even 1000


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and yet another, I think the guy with the Mustang must have been lost /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif


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Thank you for the WARM beer and the SWINE hot dogs. It was great to have so many INFIDELS in one place. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

Kogan the Barbarian, thank you for forcing me to give you a ride, I was honored never the less. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

Ian K, you lecherous retch, I suppose you were at your local mosque and couldn't make it? You are no infidel. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Graham the caveman, you had the coolest ride out there /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif
Not wanting to appear too ignorant, but this car looks like it has been around the block a time or two. Does anyone know what chassis number it is???

My apologies to all. I was really looking forward to coming
down, but the money pit had other ideas. First, the water
heater stopped heating water, so I had to track down suitable
replacement thermostats (Lowe's had the right Therm-o-disc 59T
style). Then we had the remaining debris from the deck teardown
to haul to the dump. So, Sunday, we moved a ton of cement and
4-by-4s (literally, 2265 lbs of crap to load into a trailer,
haul to the dump, and toss). My arms ache as I type, and an
incident with a bungee cord has left me with a black eye and
a deep cut about an 1/4 inch from my eye (closest I ever want
to come to losing one).

Anyway, I guess I now have to wait 12 months for the next big
shindig (unless something really extraordinary happens).

Glad to see such a large turnout - I think we need to start
a NorCal official chapter - complete with T shirts
and regualr outings!!


Howard Jones

Well we sort of have a loose kinda group. No name yet but NOCAL GT40's in close enough. Anyway we have a annual award for most, cool, GT40, best self build, nicest owner, cute dog or all the above. You must attend annual party with your own GT40 to vote.

Its kinda like the Stanley Cup, the current winner holds it for the year.

Anyway let me think about the t-shirt idea. I do have a very good sorce for awards, trophes, jackets, uniforms etc.

I have thinking about a light weight jacket. Something that would be good to take with you when you drive your GT40 or wear in it in the winter. Now I talking about Northern Calif winters guys. So a lightly insulated wind breaker sort of thing at less than 50 bucks or so with a cool logo on it.

Anyway more on that latter.

I'll post a picture of the annual BUD JONES GT40 GODFATHER AWARD when I get home.

Ian, I would like to do a spring thing to celibrate the end of the DMV tunnel and my new SB100 licence plates so look for a party when it quits raining.

Oh and thats Graham's car. I think its a Saffer(sp)mono with alot of other parts from other cars on it. It is the coolest car around here. If you ever paint it Graham I hunt you down and...... anyway I really hope Betty grows up to look like that someday. This is why I never clean my wheels, unlike Fred, black car engine room shot above with the webbers, who is the bling bling king of arabia. Or wherever. He is a kept man, thats why he is so mean. Sweeps the floor, washes the dishes, etc. a lot while his wife is out working her fingers to the bone to support him and his toys. He is also hard to get out of bed. Always late for breakfast.

Ron McCall

Do you know or can you find out what size and make the tires are on the bad ass looking white car are?
Who owns the red car with the roundells / numbers on it? I was wondering if you have any problems with the local constabulary when they see the number panels on your car? I've had problems in the past with numbers on rally cars when not actually involved in an event - do they hassle you or do they "accept" them on the GT-40 because of fame/history?


Howard Jones

Dave I've never heard of GT40's or Corbras, several of them have numbers on them, getting any heat for the numbers. Also drop me a email Dave so I can get you on my NOR CAL list.

I've even seen some pro touing type cars with numbers on them at good guy cruse nights.

I think Calif is ok with this. At least I hope so I'm gonna put roundels on mine at some point.

Graham, you there? tell us a little about your car.

Here's a picture of our annual award. Thanks Bud this is really a nice thing to do.


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I have put on about 1500 road miles with my car looking like this with staight pipes to boot! No tickets yet.


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Just want to say thank to Howard for throwing such a great party! Here is a pic of Howard before the last few showed up...
Had a great time at the Party. I think your neighbors were beginning to wonder about you when Sheikh Farhad opened the rear end and everyone was blinded by chrome ! Congratulations to Howard on winning the Bud Jones annual award. Bud you are a class act ,super trophy but Howard don't wear those spurs in bed. I got a good picture of the cars in the parking lot at Blackhawk but I am still internet challenged to post it.I had an amusing ride home.Arrived at the toll booth and opened the door. Waved my $3 to the toll taker thru the roof but he just stared at me with a blank expression. He kept looking at the left seat which of course was empty. I asked him if he could reach over and take the money but he was totally bewildered ,he just kept looking down at the left seat looking for a driver and said nothing.I ended up getting out of the car and walking around to him and shoving the money in his hand. I had now been stopped for about a minute and I looked back at the cars behind me ,fully expecting to be given a California salute for holding them up ,but instead got an impromtu clapping and waving .Everyone thought it was hilarious. Seems to be a few questions about the car. No its not any high money original,but is a Sean Singleton built car from the UK with lots of original stuff on it.It has done 24,500 miles and was used to "fetch the milk"by Sean for a number of years before I pried it out of his hands.The tires are 600/1200/15 rear and 430/1160/15 front, Dunlop R65.