Paddock Politics Thread

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Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
In a nutshell, each state has as many "electors" as it has senators (2) AND members of the House of Reps...for a total of 538. (Yep! The 'value' of each individual citizen's vote does vary from state to state.) The minimum amount of electors assigned to any state is 3...including Wash. D.C....which isn't even a state. The total number of electoral votes need to 'win' is 270 (538 divided by 2 plus a smidgeon...just to keep things nice and neat, I guess.)

The gathering of electors wherein the electoral votes are tallied is what ended up being called/referred to as the Electoral College...don't ask me why. I imagine that's why you don't find it specifically mentioned in the Constitution.

The whole works is pretty thoroughly explained here if you want to wade thru it:

Does my vote count? Understanding the electoral college

Sorry if I did not express myself clearly, Larry.

My contention is that technological advances have rendered the Electoral College unnecessary, revardless of who devised the system. We no longer need the Electoral College to count up "votes" to determine a winner any more than we need horses and buggies to travel. I understand fully how the process works and the 12th ammendment is clear that the Electoral college is called upon to cast its votes when there is no clear majority vote.

The Founding Fathers were a great bunch of individuals who deserve respect for what they did, but IMHO they realized their creation would need to be able to grow and adapt to changes over time...ergo we have Constitutional Ammendments. Twice in my lifetime candidates who were CLEARLY the choice of the general public have lost elections to their oponents due to the Electoral College process, and I believe the Founding Fathers would be aghast at that reality.

My bottom line is that the EC is an outdated, inaccurate way to determine a winner and not only has technology made it unnecessary, but it should be abolished or abandoned because of it's deficiencies in THIS day and age, regardles of who devised it or how long ago.

Blind adherence to an ineffective process is just that---blindness. Thank goodness we no longer need the electoral college, with its deficiencies.

Progress,'s inevitable and with the very obvious disgust being demonstrated in many locations we need to be proactive. Our citizens deserve no less. Nationwide popular vote CAN and SHOULD replace the EC in determining the elected POTUS...clear and simple. We have the technology, let's use it.


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Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
I see there have already been riots in US cities against the Presidential result. This is third world stuff and the rest of the world is watching..

As I mentioned before, that's the "tolerant", "inclusive" far left's modus operandi these days...'has been for decades. "I no git whut I want, I gunna riot, loot, vandalize and burn stuff."

A peaceful demonstration is one thing, but this idiocy is not only grade school crap - it's criminal. The fact that law enforcement has for quite some time now chosen for some unfathomable reason to handle these situations with kid gloves instead of immediate, swift, physical force plays no small part in the furtherance of such goings-on.

Buuuuut, if "elites" like Obama, Billary, Holder, Lerner, et al, can get away with breaking the law, I guess these basement-dwelling losers figure they can, too. And evidently they're correct.

I'm going back to bed...


I'm shocked that Mrs. Clinton lost. Until about midnight of the election I didn't think that possible. With a couple of days to reflect, I think this about sums it up.


  • Why your candidate lost.jpg
    Why your candidate lost.jpg
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Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
No Keith, there have been demonstrations. In the US, people are allowed to make themselves heard via demonstrations. That's perfectly acceptable.

It's NOT acceptable to post things like Grady did (and I'm pretty sure Randy did too, I'll check) about the election of Hillary Clinton resulting the "blood of patriots" being shed, or grabbing your guns and holing up in a camp somewhere like many right wing nutters have done.

You may not LIKE that people have taken to the streets with signs and burned flags and otherwise demonstrated against the policies of man they don't like, but they are 100% allowed to do it and should do it, just as the right can and should peacefully demonstrate if they so choose.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
I'm shocked that Mrs. Clinton lost. Until about midnight of the election I didn't think that possible. With a couple of days to reflect, I think this about sums it up.

Probably a better sum up is that there are far more racist, xenophobic, misogynist people in the country than anyone expected, or had voted before, since they had a candidate expressly advocating those messages for the first time in post WWII history.
Jeff I did not say anything about blood being did.

Here is an article I found that may help you understand what happened on Tuesday by Daniel Greenfield if you take the time to read it. It is about the America I know.

<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml><![endif]--> WHAT HAPPENED ON NOVEMBER 8<sup>TH</sup>, 2016?
This wasn’t an election. It was a revolution.
It’s midnight in America. The day before fifty million Americans got up and stood in front of the great iron wheel that had been grinding them down. They stood there even though the media told them it was useless. They took their stand even while all the chattering classes laughed and taunted them. They were fathers who couldn’t feed their families anymore. They were mothers who couldn’t afford health care. They were workers whose jobs had been sold off to foreign countries. They were sons who didn’t see a future for themselves. They were daughters afraid of being murdered by the “unaccompanied minors” flooding into their towns. They took a deep breath and they stood. They held up their hands and the great iron wheel stopped. The Great Blue Wall crumbled. The impossible states fell one by one. Ohio. Wisconsin. Pennsylvania. Iowa. The white working class that had been overlooked and trampled on for so long got to its feet. It rose up against its oppressors and the rest of the nation, from coast to coast, rose up with it.
They fought back against their jobs being shipped overseas while their towns filled with migrants that got everything while they got nothing.
They fought back against a system in which they could go to jail for a trifle while the elites could violate the law and still stroll through a presidential election.
They fought back against being told that they had to watch what they say.
They fought back against being held in contempt because they wanted to work for a living and take care of their families.
They fought and they won.
This wasn’t a vote. It was an uprising. Like the ordinary men chipping away at the Berlin Wall, they tore down an unnatural thing that had towered over them. And as they watched it fall, they marveled at how weak and fragile it had always been. And how much stronger they were than they had ever known. Who were these people? They were leftovers and flyover country. They didn’t have bachelor degrees and had never set foot in a Starbucks. They were the white working class. They didn’t talk right or think right. They had the wrong ideas, the wrong clothes and the ridiculous idea that they still mattered. They were wrong about everything. Illegal immigration? Everyone knew it was here to stay. Black Lives Matter? The new civil rights movement. Manufacturing? As dead as the dodo. Banning Muslims? What kind of bigot even thinks that way? Love wins. Marriage loses. The future belongs to the urban metrosexual and his dot com, not the guy who used to have a good job before it went to China or Mexico.
They couldn’t change anything. A thousand politicians and pundits had talked of getting them to adapt to the inevitable future. Instead they got in their pickup trucks and drove out to vote. And they changed everything. Barack Hussein Obama boasted that he had changed America. A billion regulations, a million immigrants, a hundred thousand lies and it was no longer your America. It was his. He was JFK and FDR rolled into one. He told us that his version of history was right and inevitable. And they voted and left him in the dust. They walked past him and they didn’t listen. He had come to campaign to where they still cling to their guns and their bibles. He came to plead for his legacy.
And America said, “No.”
Fifty millions Americans repudiated him. They repudiated the Obamas and the Clintons. They ignored the celebrities. They paid no attention to the media. They voted because they believed in the impossible. And their dedication made the impossible happen. Americans were told that walls couldn’t be built and factories couldn’t be opened. That treaties couldn’t be unsigned and wars couldn’t be won. It was impossible to ban Muslim terrorists from coming to America or to deport the illegal aliens turning towns and cities into gangland territories. It was all impossible. And fifty million Americans did the impossible. They turned the world upside down. It’s midnight in America. CNN is weeping. MSNBC is wailing. ABC calls it a tantrum. NBC damns it. It wasn’t supposed to happen. The same machine that crushed the American people for two straight terms, the mass of government, corporations and non-profits that ran the country, was set to win. Instead the people stood in front of the machine. They blocked it with their bodies. They went to vote even though the polls told them it was useless. They mailed in their absentee ballots even while Hillary Clinton was planning her fireworks victory celebration. They looked at the empty factories and barren farms. They drove through the early cold. They waited in line. They came home to their children to tell them that they had done their best for their future. They bet on America. And they won. They won improbably. And they won amazingly. They were tired of ObamaCare. They were tired of unemployment. They were tired of being lied to. They were tired of watching their sons come back in coffins to protect some Muslim country. They were tired of being called racists and homophobes. They were tired of seeing their America disappear. And they stood up and fought back. This was their last hope. Their last chance to be heard. Watch this video. See ten ways John Oliver destroyed Donald Trump. Here’s three ways Samantha Bee broke the internet by taunting Trump supporters. These three minutes of Stephen Colbert talking about how stupid Trump is owns the internet. Watch Madonna curse out Trump supporters. Watch Katy Perry. Watch Miley Cyrus. Watch Robert Downey Jr. Watch Beyonce campaign with Hillary. Watch. Click. Watch fifty million Americans take back their country. The media had the election wrong all along. This wasn’t about personalities. It was about the impersonal. It was about fifty million people whose names no one except a server will ever know fighting back. It was about the homeless woman guarding Trump’s star. It was about the lost Democrats searching for someone to represent them in Ohio and Pennsylvania. It was about the union men who nodded along when the organizers told them how to vote, but who refused to sell out their futures. No one will ever interview all those men and women. We will never see all their faces. But they are us and we are them. They came to the aid of a nation in peril. They did what real Americans have always done.
They did the impossible.
America is a nation of impossibilities. We exist because our forefathers did not take no for an answer. Not from kings or tyrants. Not from the elites who told them that it couldn’t be done. The day when we stop being able to pull off the impossible is the day that America will cease to exist. Today is not that day. Today fifty million Americans did the impossible.
Midnight has passed. A new day has come. And everything is about to change.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.
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Why, CHINA...of course. 'Surprised you didn't think of that! :laugh:

Trumpster said he gonna rebuild merica ,build the great wall of meccico, send back all the illegals and get everybody back to work, just curious where the funding was coming from. Renminbi its is then Larry:stunned:

You're obviously attempting to shoot the messenger, sir.

Does my vote count? Understanding the electoral college

From the above link: "...every state gets a number of electors that is the total of all of its representatives in Congress, both in the House of Representatives and in the Senate. The House of Representatives is divided approximately by population — big states have the most representatives, small states have the fewest — but every state has exactly two senators, regardless of size. That means that while big states have more electors than small states, they don't have as many more as they would based on population alone."

...which is the way The Founders figured was the best way to ensure a couple states with large populations (and the views/interests of THEIR population) would find it difficult to/couldn't lord over the whole country. Each state has its own individual interests/needs based on their own individual population/economic base, etc., and if the 'popular votes' of a couple of large population states determined whether or not this-or-that legislation were passed, it's easy to see how the best interests of the nation as a whole could take a back seat. One size does not fit all, if you will.

It's obvious your view differs from that of The Founders and nothing will change it. I'm not attempting to convert you. So, put down yer gun, son. ;)

Again, we're not taking about a law, legislation or a budget. We're talking about electing 1 President and all other elected offices use a popular vote. And it would also eliminate the possibility of "faithless electors" like the ignoramus in WA who would not vote for Clinton, even though she might win (and did) his state.

I'm sure that's why protests broke out in LA and Oakland last night, among other cities in the US. CA clearly didn't vote President-elect Trump.


Probably a better sum up is that there are far more racist, xenophobic, misogynist people in the country than anyone expected, or had voted before, since they had a candidate expressly advocating those messages for the first time in post WWII history.

And with that ladies and gentlemen, I rest my case.

The assumptions of dark motivations by the Trump electorate is a fundamental bigotry of the left. The unbelievable rationalization that this is all a “whitelash”, that Trump voters are racist and sexist and as Mr. Young suggests, there must be far more of them than we realized.
They are the "unredeemable deplorables" in the eyes of Mrs. Clinton, (who with that statement, some say, stole electoral defeat from the jaws of victory). You see to the left, Tuesday night’s outcome was not a logic-driven rejection of a deeply flawed liberal candidate. It wasn't the pain where worthless medical insurance, job loss, underemployment, wage deflation has made the future for working people and their families so dim. (Exit polls suggest these factors generated an anti-establishment anger that fed both the Sanders and the Trump insurrections.) To the left, the Trump victory was a carnal blood lust against fairness, equality, and progress coupled to an irrational rejection of the workers paradise brought to us by the Obama administration.
The operating principle of the left seems to be if we mock them enough, call them racist enough, they’ll eventually shut up and join the liberal minions. Apparently it didn't work earlier this week.
Perhaps liberals would be better served setting aside your vitriol and trying to understand why so many people hurt enough, are desperate enough, to elect a sleaze like Mr. Trump or champion an economic illiterate like Mr. Sanders.
Being in Florida we were subjected to non-stop demagoguery by the Clinton campaign. It obviously didn't work here and I'd suggest it doesn't work in the Paddock.

Let the new tantrums commence!
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For everyone that does not like the EC / 12A, I suggest you get busy on repealing it.

AFA Australia cutting economic ties with the US, get back to us in a few years and let us know how it works out for you.


For everyone that does not like the EC / 12A, I suggest you get busy on repealing it.

AFA Australia cutting economic ties with the US, get back to us in a few years and let us know how it works out for you.

I get that Scott. Good luck to any "Western"state that thinks they can go it alone without the USA. Love them or hate them, they carry a big (and very welcome) stick when (if) the sh1t hits the fan. Of course, you may be of the opinion that common issues we endure are self inflicted, and due in part to the 'big stick's' political machinations, and you may well be right but when all's said and done, I personally would like to be on the side of the big battalions.

For the Antipodeans, it must be a tense time. You are a tad isolated to be sure.. Like us in the UK, it's nice to imagine that we can stand on our own two feet but with Europe as allies? Don't make me laugh. Just read a history book or two and get back to me...:thumbsdown:

There is a proviso. The Poles have proven to be rock solid allies and yet we have treated them like shit in the past. I hope we get a chance to redress that...

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
I'm sure that's why protests broke out in LA and Oakland last night, among other cities in the US.

No...the "protests" broke out because groups of faaar lefties in staunchly lefty cities were ticked off that their gal just plain didn't win. It's just that simple. That's been the way the far left has often chosen to react in any circumstance wherein they haven't gotten what they wanted for quite some time now. They'll use any excuse to cause trouble.

By contrast...'ever seen a group of conservatives pull those same stunts during a "demonstration" (blocking traffic, vandalizing public/private property, setting stuff on fire [flags/cars/structures/dumpsters, et al...or, in the case of "Occupy Wall Streeters", do all the afore said as well as 'relieving themselves' on the streets, committing various kinds of assaults/shootings, engaging in dope use and God-only-knows what else])? If you answer 'yes' to that, please provide a link to a vid that confirms same, 'cause I quite honestly cannot recall one. For that matter, I can't recall conservatives ever holding a "demonstration" period. 'Attend RALLIES, yes (Tea Party gatherings and the like), but hold actual "demonstrations" of the type we've seen the left involved in darned near every week -

Oh - if you can actually FIND such a vid, please verify that the hooligans in it weren't DNC-PAID DISRUPTERS like the crews they sent to start trouble at Trump rallies to make his supporters (and him) look bad. (DNC emails Wikileaks released confirmed that happened, so 'no use denying it.)
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Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
And with that ladies and gentlemen, I rest my case.

The assumptions of dark motivations by the Trump electorate is a fundamental bigotry of the left. The unbelievable rationalization that this is all a “whitelash”, that Trump voters are racist and sexist and as Mr. Young suggests, there must be far more of them than we realized.
They are the "unredeemable deplorables" in the eyes of Mrs. Clinton, (who with that statement, some say, stole electoral defeat from the jaws of victory). You see to the left, Tuesday night’s outcome was not a logic-driven rejection of a deeply flawed liberal candidate. It wasn't the pain where worthless medical insurance, job loss, underemployment, wage deflation has made the future for working people and their families so dim. (Exit polls suggest these factors generated an anti-establishment anger that fed both the Sanders and the Trump insurrections.) To the left, the Trump victory was a carnal blood lust against fairness, equality, and progress coupled to an irrational rejection of the workers paradise brought to us by the Obama administration.
The operating principle of the left seems to be if we mock them enough, call them racist enough, they’ll eventually shut up and join the liberal minions. Apparently it didn't work earlier this week.
Perhaps liberals would be better served setting aside your vitriol and trying to understand why so many people hurt enough, are desperate enough, to elect a sleaze like Mr. Trump or champion an economic illiterate like Mr. Sanders.
Being in Florida we were subjected to non-stop demagoguery by the Clinton campaign. It obviously didn't work here and I'd suggest it doesn't work in the Paddock.

Let the new tantrums commence!

You thoughts pretty much mirror O'Reilly's...and mine:

Bill O'Reilly: Column - Staff Column: Trump's Silent Plurality

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
No...the "protests" broke out because groups of faaar lefties in staunchly lefty cities were ticked off that their gal just plain didn't win. It's just that simple. That's been the way the far left has often chosen to react in any circumstance wherein they haven't gotten what they wanted for quite some time now. They'll use any excuse to cause trouble.

By contrast...'ever seen a group of conservatives pull those same stunts during a "demonstration" (blocking traffic, vandalizing public/private property, setting stuff on fire [flags/cars/structures/dumpsters, et al...or, in the case of "Occupy Wall Streeters", do all the afore said as well as 'relieving themselves' on the streets, committing various kinds of assaults/shootings, engaging in dope use and God-only-knows what else])? If you answer 'yes' to that, please provide a link to a vid that confirms same, 'cause I quite honestly cannot recall one. For that matter, I can't recall conservatives ever holding a "demonstration" period. 'Attend RALLIES, yes (Tea Party gatherings and the like), but hold actual "demonstrations" of the type we've seen the left involved in darned near every week -

Oh - if you can actually FIND such a vid, please verify that the hooligans in it weren't DNC-PAID DISRUPTERS like the crews they sent to start trouble at Trump rallies to make his supporters (and him) look bad. (DNC emails Wikileaks released confirmed that happened, so 'no use denying it.)

How would you fix this issue without trampling all over the 1st Ammendment, Larry?



Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Jeff I did not say anything about blood being did.

Here is an article I found that may help you understand what happened on Tuesday by Daniel Greenfield if you take the time to read it. It is about the America I know.

This wasn’t an election. It was a revolution.
It’s midnight in America. The day before fifty million Americans got up and stood in front of the great iron wheel that had been grinding them down. They stood there even though the media told them it was useless. They took their stand even while all the chattering classes laughed and taunted them. They were fathers who couldn’t feed their families anymore. They were mothers who couldn’t afford health care. They were workers whose jobs had been sold off to foreign countries. They were sons who didn’t see a future for themselves. They were daughters afraid of being murdered by the “unaccompanied minors” flooding into their towns. They took a deep breath and they stood. They held up their hands and the great iron wheel stopped. The Great Blue Wall crumbled. The impossible states fell one by one. Ohio. Wisconsin. Pennsylvania. Iowa. The white working class that had been overlooked and trampled on for so long got to its feet. It rose up against its oppressors and the rest of the nation, from coast to coast, rose up with it.
They fought back against their jobs being shipped overseas while their towns filled with migrants that got everything while they got nothing.
They fought back against a system in which they could go to jail for a trifle while the elites could violate the law and still stroll through a presidential election.
They fought back against being told that they had to watch what they say.
They fought back against being held in contempt because they wanted to work for a living and take care of their families.
They fought and they won.
This wasn’t a vote. It was an uprising. Like the ordinary men chipping away at the Berlin Wall, they tore down an unnatural thing that had towered over them. And as they watched it fall, they marveled at how weak and fragile it had always been. And how much stronger they were than they had ever known. Who were these people? They were leftovers and flyover country. They didn’t have bachelor degrees and had never set foot in a Starbucks. They were the white working class. They didn’t talk right or think right. They had the wrong ideas, the wrong clothes and the ridiculous idea that they still mattered. They were wrong about everything. Illegal immigration? Everyone knew it was here to stay. Black Lives Matter? The new civil rights movement. Manufacturing? As dead as the dodo. Banning Muslims? What kind of bigot even thinks that way? Love wins. Marriage loses. The future belongs to the urban metrosexual and his dot com, not the guy who used to have a good job before it went to China or Mexico.
They couldn’t change anything. A thousand politicians and pundits had talked of getting them to adapt to the inevitable future. Instead they got in their pickup trucks and drove out to vote. And they changed everything. Barack Hussein Obama boasted that he had changed America. A billion regulations, a million immigrants, a hundred thousand lies and it was no longer your America. It was his. He was JFK and FDR rolled into one. He told us that his version of history was right and inevitable. And they voted and left him in the dust. They walked past him and they didn’t listen. He had come to campaign to where they still cling to their guns and their bibles. He came to plead for his legacy.
And America said, “No.”
Fifty millions Americans repudiated him. They repudiated the Obamas and the Clintons. They ignored the celebrities. They paid no attention to the media. They voted because they believed in the impossible. And their dedication made the impossible happen. Americans were told that walls couldn’t be built and factories couldn’t be opened. That treaties couldn’t be unsigned and wars couldn’t be won. It was impossible to ban Muslim terrorists from coming to America or to deport the illegal aliens turning towns and cities into gangland territories. It was all impossible. And fifty million Americans did the impossible. They turned the world upside down. It’s midnight in America. CNN is weeping. MSNBC is wailing. ABC calls it a tantrum. NBC damns it. It wasn’t supposed to happen. The same machine that crushed the American people for two straight terms, the mass of government, corporations and non-profits that ran the country, was set to win. Instead the people stood in front of the machine. They blocked it with their bodies. They went to vote even though the polls told them it was useless. They mailed in their absentee ballots even while Hillary Clinton was planning her fireworks victory celebration. They looked at the empty factories and barren farms. They drove through the early cold. They waited in line. They came home to their children to tell them that they had done their best for their future. They bet on America. And they won. They won improbably. And they won amazingly. They were tired of ObamaCare. They were tired of unemployment. They were tired of being lied to. They were tired of watching their sons come back in coffins to protect some Muslim country. They were tired of being called racists and homophobes. They were tired of seeing their America disappear. And they stood up and fought back. This was their last hope. Their last chance to be heard. Watch this video. See ten ways John Oliver destroyed Donald Trump. Here’s three ways Samantha Bee broke the internet by taunting Trump supporters. These three minutes of Stephen Colbert talking about how stupid Trump is owns the internet. Watch Madonna curse out Trump supporters. Watch Katy Perry. Watch Miley Cyrus. Watch Robert Downey Jr. Watch Beyonce campaign with Hillary. Watch. Click. Watch fifty million Americans take back their country. The media had the election wrong all along. This wasn’t about personalities. It was about the impersonal. It was about fifty million people whose names no one except a server will ever know fighting back. It was about the homeless woman guarding Trump’s star. It was about the lost Democrats searching for someone to represent them in Ohio and Pennsylvania. It was about the union men who nodded along when the organizers told them how to vote, but who refused to sell out their futures. No one will ever interview all those men and women. We will never see all their faces. But they are us and we are them. They came to the aid of a nation in peril. They did what real Americans have always done.
They did the impossible.
America is a nation of impossibilities. We exist because our forefathers did not take no for an answer. Not from kings or tyrants. Not from the elites who told them that it couldn’t be done. The day when we stop being able to pull off the impossible is the day that America will cease to exist. Today is not that day. Today fifty million Americans did the impossible.
Midnight has passed. A new day has come. And everything is about to change.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.

I'm going to frame this puppy and put it on my desk. :2thumbsup: :2thumbsup:

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
How would you fix this issue without trampling all over the 1st Ammendment, Larry?

The instant a "protest" switches from 'peaceful and orderly' to hooliganism - immediately confront the protestors with overwhelming force, arrest the violators and haul 'em off to jail, order the remaining "protestors" to disperse, and shut the whole thing down before it can develop into more serious law-breaking.

Protestors have the right to assemble & protest P-E-A-C-E-F-U-L-L-Y. They do NOT have the right to break the law (...unless, of course, their name is Clinton or they're buddies of the Clintons.) Once the law is violated, school's out..............or 'in' depending on how one chooses to view the LEOs response.
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No...the "protests" broke out because groups of faaar lefties in staunchly lefty cities were ticked off that their gal just plain didn't win. It's just that simple. That's been the way the far left has often chosen to react in any circumstance wherein they haven't gotten what they wanted for quite some time now. They'll use any excuse to cause trouble.

By contrast...'ever seen a group of conservatives pull those same stunts during a "demonstration" (blocking traffic, vandalizing public/private property, setting stuff on fire [flags/cars/structures/dumpsters, et al...or, in the case of "Occupy Wall Streeters", do all the afore said as well as 'relieving themselves' on the streets, committing various kinds of assaults/shootings, engaging in dope use and God-only-knows what else])? If you answer 'yes' to that, please provide a link to a vid that confirms same, 'cause I quite honestly cannot recall one. For that matter, I can't recall conservatives ever holding a "demonstration" period. 'Attend RALLIES, yes (Tea Party gatherings and the like), but hold actual "demonstrations" of the type we've seen the left involved in darned near every week -

Oh - if you can actually FIND such a vid, please verify that the hooligans in it weren't DNC-PAID DISRUPTERS like the crews they sent to start trouble at Trump rallies to make his supporters (and him) look bad. (DNC emails Wikileaks released confirmed that happened, so 'no use denying it.)

Just more propaganda. I like facts.

With 93% of the precincts:

Clinton 60,144,000
Trump 59,830,000

The Electoral college is remnant of an era where women couldn't vote and our Founding Fathers owned slaves. It's time for it to go. All other publicly held offices use a popular vote to elect our officials.
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