Heel and Toe Braking

In your SPF, what parts of your foot do you use for heel and toe braking?

In my car, I can't seem to get it down unless I have time to coordinate it and the car doesn't need heavy braking, like when I'm approaching a stop sign. Under heavy braking, particularly when the brakes are warm, the break pedal moves forward of the throttle pedal enough so that I can't simply roll my foot from brake to throttle. I've tried lifting my foot so that I can use my heel on the brake and toe on the throttle but then, when I get off the brake, my foot isn't positioned well to smoothly get on the gas; it's too high off the floor.

I'm very impressed with the engineering and materials SPF used for the pedal box. The fore and aft adjustment for throttle pedal position is well thought out. I've played with it, adjusting it forward and back, but I still can't seem to find a setting that'll make heel and toeing work for me. It's particularly frustrating because the pedals in my '98 Jeep are nearly perfect for that.

Ron Earp

You may want to pull the pedal box and modify them for your needs. On the T70 we discovered that the pedal box wasn't quite perfect for what we wanted. So we removed it, pulled the clutch pedal, and used the torch and hammer to shape it how we wanted it to be. Put it back in and it is perfect with driving shoes. Just took putting a little S in the pedal itself. We adjusted the rest height of the pedals too using the adjusters so that we could transistion between them easily. I bet you can do the same.
Perhaps adding an extension with a beveled edge on the throttle pedal would make it work?

I have never driven a car with pedals that actually let you "Heel and toe", all I ever been able to do is "inner/outer" foot brake and throttle. Maybe it's just me........or maybe I'm not driving the right cars!
Ron and Rick are right about actually bending or adding extensions to the throttle pedal. Very old school was literal use of heel and toe, but that went out decades ago. Most race cars have the throttle and brake pedals close enough that you roll the right side of your foot to blip the throttle while maintaining brake pressure with the left side of your foot. With a synchro box like the ZF it probably is unnecessary for street use. It can be useful on track days though with race brake pads and quick downshifts. Adding a beveled extension to the left side of the throttle pedal should allow you to blip at about the same height as a depressed brake pedal.
Excellent advice.

Like Rick, I've never been able to heel and toe in the traditional sense. "Left to Right Ball Braking" might be a better description of the modern way to do it -- ball of your foot, that is -- but that doesn't sound quiet so exotic or useful.

Any suggestions about the dimensions of the beveled extension?
John to heel and toe successfully your throttle pedal at rest, wants to be level with the brake pedal when fully depressed, just bend or modify your throttle pedal to suit and you will find you can then just roll the ball of your foot to blip the throttle
cheers John