i'm interested in buying a gt40 at auction? help a newbe


called and reserve is at 130,000

note to self.... STOP DREAMING!

Ryan, as noted, if you have $70K in liquid cash, you can find solid GT40 replica. However, it takes some exploration and I would never buy one sight unseen. As far as dreaming, IMHO the real dreamers are the guys that came up with the $130,000 reserve on this particular car.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
One issue is the exhaust system...not a true "bundle of snakes" and therefore will not have the same sound as the originals. It will sound more like a regular engine equipped with headers.

Lots of nice equipment, though.

One thing I see is that it is not SB100 registered, but that would only be important in CA.....but, you'd better check and find out what kind of receipts, etc. your state might require and make sure they are all there before you consider buying it.

Yes, thanks for the reminder regarding the receipts. That would explain why it has not been titled in Calif.

just sold the Ferrari, time to go car shopping!!!