Is it possible........

that we can discuss the stupidity that leads to a 9 year old girl killing a guy with an UZI, without bringing up the Constitution? :huh:
Tragic accident.
I feel sorry for the kid, this is going to last a life time
. Dang parents and place they should really have more common sense on the age and for little kids that never had training before.
This happened at a place called Arizona last stop. Among other stupid shit they have their range pointed right at and 400 feet from the landing aproach to the local airport.

Tragic occurance all around.
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Very tragic Jack!

Avoidable, but tragic. When will people stop being so bloody irresponsible? It's like the entire world forgot about consequences as we race headlong to our self-imposed doom. If I drop a tea Cup, that's an accident. If I back my car into a lamp post, that's an accident. If I hand a loaded Bazooka to a four year old and pull out the safety, I am a bloody moron, who should be shot on purpose.

Fear not the bomb, or the rogue asteroid. Fear the stupid people, for they shall destroy us all, but not before causing the rest of us to be regulated and policed out existence!
Or the one a couple years ago with the young boy at a range where the gun "walked" up he shot himself fatally in front of his family.

The Pro/Con gun thing aside, why does anyone think a 9 year old "needs" to experience an automatic weapon? I sense that the parent is doing the vicarious thing assuming because THEY like to "rock and roll" that their child will be thrilled to do so.
Thanks for those thoughtful responses guys.

I really do worry about the future and how regulations are hoisted upon us all, because of the stupidity of the few, who possibly will be the majority, if left unchecked.
Absolutely correct Mark. The incident of which Rick posted was another tragic and preventable occurrance that "simple common sense" would have prevented. I own a multitude of firearms and believe that educating children on the PROPER use and handling of firearms is very important, but only when they are mature enough to do so. Removing the "curiosity" factor is safer for everyone. And I do keep them in a locked gun safe. I am also a "point Shooting" or "Instinct Shooting" instructor for handguns (with NO compensation).

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Did this happen in TEXAS??

I was kayaking on one of our rivers and came up on a fairly tall dam with a sloping back face. The water running over the dam ended in a hydraulic at the bottom, but if you were in a large enough vessel you could punch through it. There was a young boy, probably 5 or 6 years, standing there in tears because he was afraid to go over the dam. We kayakers try to promote safe decisions, so we suggested to the father that if his son was afraid perhaps it would be a better choice to wait for a later which time we were informed "We're from TEXAS, he's going to have to learn to do this sooner or later, so it better be sooner!"

We all turned away to hide our disgust and silently launched our boats...we could hear the child screaming fearfully as the father forced him over the lip of the dam on an inner-tube, into a hydraulic roller where a canoe had to be extracted just a few minutes before.

The "Texas BRAVADO" attitude just seems a bit over-the-top at times...and this incident with a young girl handling an OUZI just seems like it could have been that same father.

I swear.....some people's children!!!!

No cheers for whoever put that gun in her hands :thumbsdown:

Happened in Arizona Doug. I have to agree on some peoples attitudes, simply
insane! Gene pool modification required.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Thanks for those thoughtful responses guys.

I really do worry about the future and how regulations are hoisted upon us all, because of the stupidity of the few, who possibly will be the majority, if left unchecked.

A horrible situation, but thats what you get...

On the bright side, this event did cause the National IQ to tick up just a bit...

Howard Jones

The best damn training parents should have a child experiance is this:

Eddie Eagle GunSafe|Eddie Eagle GunSafe

And later this:

safety first Firearm training

I wouldn't let my kids near a gun without real training by a profesional. Ya I know, my dad taught me but it is a different age now and all of us gun owners are being held to a higher standard. Thats the way it is.

If you think you can FU real fast in a fast car, it's nothing compaired to how fast things can go sideways with guns.

Howard Jones

Just because a guy gets paid it doesn't make him a professional. There are a lot of people out there selling all kinds of advice, training, instruction Bla Bla Bla.......... Thats why due diligence is necessary. When it comes to MY 8 year old daughter, due diligence goes just a bit deeper than a big sign out front that say "shoot a machine gun for fun HERE!!!!"

Just looking at the parting lot and the front of the business scares me! When I used to deer hunt I would ride a horse a whole day just to get out of range of those people. Guns even machine guns, are not the problem. The problem is people who would put one in the hands of a complete amature, stand back and tell them to go for it.

I mean really, what else could have happened! Of cource someone got shot! Thank god it wasn't a bystander or the little girl!

If I was the sheriff in that county I would shut that place down, impound everything, charge the parent with child endangerment, and arrest the owners for criminal neligence. Because thats what happened.

Just so nobody thinks I am anti gun. I'm not, I've been a life member of the NRA for at least 30 years. Shot pistols in the Coast Guard competitively, and have owned and shot both long and short guns my entire adult life. When I watch that video I don't see a single thing that looks right. Just one look at that little girl and I can see she didn't want to do that and was god ...................jeese......poor little is she ever going to get past that.......breaks my heart.

Professional instructor my ass............