Is it possible........

Jim Rosenthal

It's interesting to me how a few of the FF's ideas have gained such a sacred status. But not all of them. I think there are those in our country who like certain of the Founders ideas, but not all- so they kind of cherry pick the ones they like. Comments?

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
It's interesting to me how a few of the FF's ideas have gained such a sacred status. But not all of them. I think there are those in our country who like certain of the Founders ideas, but not all- so they kind of cherry pick the ones they like. Comments?

"Comments?" - AMEN!!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

But, the truth of the matter is ALL of The Founders ideas were designed to work together in concert.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
I can get to grips with guns for sport and hunting but fail to understand the need for automatic or semi automatic army jobs . Weapons like these should never end up in the hands of the public.

Larry like most things written hundreds of years ago the amendments are way out of date . I dont think they were written in the knowledge the streets would be crawling with arsehole`s brandishing the same hardware as the military.

Okay then...for a moment, let's transport ISIS to your neighborhood (and don't think for a nanosecond it couldn't happen for real these days) complete with their FULLY-automatic weapons and whatever else ('not possible to find a more rotten group of "arsehole`s" than them, right?). They're coming down your a-blazin'...doin' their your modern-day, "civilised...first-world society...urbanised neighborhood" (- T. Hunt). How and with what are you and your neighbors going to defend yourselves?

Can you at least see a "need" for having semi-autos "in the hands of the public" in the scenario above? Do you think you might possibly wish you and all your neighbors had 'em in the above situation? :shrug:

The 2nd Amend...that 200+-year-old, "way out of date" relic...makes that possible over here.

Okay. I'm done with this for a while. Y'all can relax for a bit. ;)
Okay then...for a moment, let's transport ISIS to your neighborhood (and don't think for a nanosecond it couldn't happen for real these days) complete with their FULLY-automatic weapons and whatever else ('not possible to find a more rotten group of "arsehole`s" than them, right?). They're coming down your a-blazin'...doin' their your modern-day, "civilised...first-world society...urbanised neighborhood" (- T. Hunt). How and with what are you and your neighbors going to defend yourselves?

Can you at least see a "need" for having semi-autos "in the hands of the public" in the scenario above? Do you think you might possibly wish you and all your neighbors had 'em in the above situation? :shrug:

Larry if the nation were tooled up like this ISIS would be the last of our problems. More damage would be done with these things in the hands of the public over a period of time than ISIS could ever dream of. Every nutter born with a short fuse would be out there letting rip like this loon Hungerford massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Thanks but no thanks Larry were fine as we are.

It's interesting to me how a few of the FF's ideas have gained such a sacred status. But not all of them. I think there are those in our country who like certain of the Founders ideas, but not all- so they kind of cherry pick the ones they like. Comments?


You mean like the one that didn't prohibit owning slaves? We sorta forget about that little hiccup.

Had an email sent to me that showed the bible allows slavery so long as the slave is not "from your tribe or nation" so apparently I CAN own a Canadian!



You mean like the one that didn't prohibit owning slaves? We sorta forget about that little hiccup.

Had an email sent to me that showed the bible allows slavery so long as the slave is not "from your tribe or nation" so apparently I CAN own a Canadian!

To be fair, most of the founding fathers wanted to eliminate slavery with the constitution (including many slave owners such as Washington and Jefferson). They compromised this in order to be certain all 13 colonies would ratify the constitution. In effect kicking the can down the street. That clearly bit us in the ass 75 yrs later.