Le Mans Classic 2008 11-12-13th July 2008

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Best not come to the 24 hour race as Audi seem to have set a target
of ten years of dominance and this years race was anything but a yawn.
It has been acknowledged as being one of the best races ever.
Enjoy your couple of parade laps. The team I work with did 381.
Have fun,
Enjoy your couple of parade laps.
Whoa Dave, put the knives away ! Ok I made a flippant comment and if it caused any offence (god knows i didn't think it would) I apologise.:embarassed: :stunned:
All the same, i don't think it deserved the sarcy 'dig' in response though.
I shall enjoy not only the couple of parade laps (one of the highlights of my sad little life) but the drive down, the racing , camping and cameraderie of the club along with my eldest son Matthew, who's making the pilgrimage for the first time.
For what it's worth I wish i could've been at LeMans for the 24hr race this year but sadly, work commitments conspired to keep me away (again). I'm sure i'd have enjoyed the win by Audi just as much as you or anyone else.
All the best and I look forward to seeing you there.
John :thumbsup:

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
John - All in jest. If I wasn't working on the same weekend, Roy knows I'd much rather be at the classic as well.
But you have to admit - this years 24 hr was anything but a yawn.
I was so tempted to bet big on this race as well, as after Night Q I think the odds were quite tempting. The race was going to Peugeot, big time and until the rain came, and there was little or nothing could change that fact in spite of the Audi's various advantages and double stinting on tyres.
Have one for me John. And Enjoy everything you mentioned because thats the essence of the place both during the Classic and the 24hr!!
And warn your lad - Le Mans becomes almost a life time habit thats oh so difficult to break.


AKA The Mad Hat Man

On the press "accreditation confirmation" it is stated: Dress Code - No jeans - smart casual.

In French it states: Nous vous rappelons que la tenue vestimentaire des paddock est "chic décontractée"


Will this apply to visitors and guests, or does it only apply to those in P9?
this applies if you want access to the paddocks (highly recommended)!, I would think the organisers are trying to follow the standard set by events like the Goodwood Revival where dress code is strict, however i can't see the French complying I bet they'll be in shorts in the paddock, but I would come prepared, casual trousers, polo shirt acceptable, as far as the club car display area is concerned i don't think the above will apply but if you are in jeans and want to then access some of the areas where dress code applies then you will have to have a change.
Dress Code,
hopefully attached picture will clarify


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Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
Looked at the same weather forecast this morning and it said rain for Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday then showers on Monday

this evening partly cloudy for the most but Thunderstorms on Saturday

Perhaps Dave Morton could tell us if we should be packing the sun cream or welly boots

I am at this very moment in the Loire Valley, enjoying a chateaux/winery/restaurant tour with like-minded Pantera guys enroute to Le Mans Classic.

The weather is currently what the British would refer to as 'changeable'. One minute it's sunny, with puffy clouds in the sky, and a bit of a cool breeze, then it starts showering, then the sun comes out again, then in ten minutes it's bloody chucking down with rain.

I would plan for a cool weekend (jeans/long sleeve shirts will probably be the uniform of the day), with occasional light showers and the odd drenching.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Certainly sun block - occasional daytime showers on a westerly wind though probably nothing to get excited over. Something warm(ish) to wear at night though( KEEP IT CLEAN !!).
The winds should calm at night but the temps will drop as well (12-14c [mid 50s]). Worst period - Friday night / saturday otherwise much as Mike is describing above. Enjoy.
Dave M :thumbsup: :drunk: :drunk: :laugh:

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
Thanks for that Dave

One day we'll bump into each other again and I buy you a beer! (I think the last time you decided on a coffee)


Max Walter

GT40s Supporter
Lifetime Supporter
Cheers for the forecast Dave.

Ian, Mike, Roy & everyone else - see you there, later today!

Let's get ready to rumble.... :)

Bill Hara

Old Hand
GT40s Supporter
I hope you boys take plenty of photos, as we can only read on in envy from half the world away.......
Enjoy, take care and plenty of photos too!

Bill H
very many thanks to all those people who had a hand in organising this trip.
The classic is a special event, but to me it was made all the more enjoyable by those who put themselves out on behalf of the club.
I could attempt to name names, but I'll undoubtedly miss some, so if you were involved be proud of what you achieved.

A big thanks too to all the club members who made both myself and my sister feel so welcome. Looking forward to seeing some of you again at the next Surrey meet :)

I have loads of pics, and 2 tapes worth of video, but need a bit of time to deal with them (no idea what they are like yet). That'll be after the mountain of emails and letters...


AKA The Mad Hat Man
I havent got many - but here are a couple to just wet your appetite for those better than I........


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Mike Pass

As requested here are a few pics of the event showing the GT40 Enthusiasts club line up of cars. Also some general pics of the event. I will post some pics of the cars in the paddock and also some action pics. Many, many thanks to all the many people from the club who put in a huge amount of time and effort. It was a superb event and the two laps of the track were a real blast. I have waited 35 years to do this and I enjoyed every minute - it was brilliant. Great people, great cars. What more do you want. Enjoy the pics.


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