Mechanical aptitude test time

Brian Hamilton

I'm on the verge of touching myself inappropriatel
I got an 80, but I know some of the ones I missed though. LOL Oh well, if only you could go back and correct them the second you realized you messed up. *shrug* As for the electrical questions, I have no idea about anything electrical at all. LOL
I got 2 wrong... 96% 480 points. the 2 i got wrong where the one with the gear that has a smaller gear on the inside driving a big gear. And the one with the "mechanical motion principle". The one with the gears cant be excused other than just not thinking enough about it. The one with the "mechanical motion principle" seems kinda lame. I really didnt know this terminology, and even though i know that friction is how breaks slow a car down, i didnt think 'friction' was really 'motion'....
I want a freind of mine to take this test, but I dont know if it would be accurate for him since he doesnt know most of this terminology. I think he would have trouble with the electrical symbols, the parts of the planitary gear set, and that 'motion principle'.
You dont have to know terminology to be apt..