MKIV First Drive

Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Pat & Fran, thanks. Hit a wall (figuratively) tonight....Went out into the garage to do some work...spent 5 minutes and walked back indoors. Lazy! Anyone want to finish her up for me? :)

Brent -
I've been up against the same wall from time to time. You get a major accomplishment out of the way and now you're up against a bunch of what I call SLJs (shitty little jobs) that have to come into focus.
I don't have the precise recipe for getting around or over that wall - but what I've done is spent time cleaning the shop and organizing it such that I am ready for the next task. Make a list - prioritize it - tape it to the windshield along with a pencil on a string..

Onward through the fog my friend...
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Lifetime Supporter
Maybe it's time for me to pop by for a little inspriration. I've been there as well and I'll tell you getting to done is only the beginning of the journey. Balls to the wall my friend!


Lifetime Supporter
Congratulations on the huge milestone. It is indeed a strange feeling driving it for the first time isn't it. Excellent man! It sounds bad ass. Looking forward to seeing more updates.

Re the brick wall....yep...been there myself. Stand there staring at it wondering what the heck to pick up and work on. I actually end up doing the same as Randy. I end up cleaning up and organizing, because the shop is usually a disaster by that point. Then I go in. The next time out, I start by reviewing the white board, adding new items and re-prioritizing the list. Next thing ya know.... I'm cranking away again.

Keep on cranking...!:thumbsup:


Thanks for the encouragement guys. It was just one of those days. :) I definately need to do more of the cleaning up bit...I tend to make a huge mess and then get frustrated by it. I really need to do a job and then clean up after each phase. I had a problem with my bedroom as a child too. :D

Neal, you come on over anytime you want to inspire yourself with a nice drive and me to gawk at your car. :)