More Difficult Questions Needed....

Ron, Yah --- hehehehe --- your right ---Secret Car Club of America, but most car guys know that one and outsiders don't, just my 2 cents worth, good luck, happy to hear your dealing with it. I also use Kellison site and it's almost useless, so much crapola on it.
From my BMW K bike register page a good one . It ask for the registration code on the roundel on the tank. (Hint It starts with B and ends with W.)

According to the administrator, it keeps out a lot of spammers.

K11 Owners Group :: Register

I guess even something simple helps a lot
I spent about 6 months helping a friend deal with spam on his forum and we found the only significant reduction occured when we banned all IP addresses from China and South Asia - where maybe 80% of the spammers originated.

+1. And Russia and India too. Between those four that'll take care of 90+ % of the spam attacks.....

Max Walter

GT40s Supporter
Lifetime Supporter
How about forcing IP addresses from all the above locations to be manually checked (one in a blue moon many be genuine, the others can sit and wait to be deleted), but all others to go through the normal levels of checks? Obviously only if it is possible to filter like this.

Reported ANOTHER video to assphone jerk this AM. Ron, what if a new member can submit a post but it does not appear until reviewed by a mod? You could appoint a couple of long timers to be the castle guards so that the "post to show" time will not be excessive. After three approved posts you set 'em free.

Would that work?


Lifetime Supporter
Get all newbies to complete a mandate for a nominal $1 payment to a favourite charity.
These punters will not pay.

Russ Noble

GT40s Supporter
Lifetime Supporter
Good thinking JIMMYMAC!

Continuing in that vein, why not have a one off joining fee of say $5 or $10? This is an insignificant amount, would definitely get rid of the spammers and would help with Rons ongoing funding.

I know when discussing funding that Ron is reluctant to initiate a move like this but when you also take into account the effect this would have on spam IMHO it is a no brainer.

Any genuine potential new member who gets upset about a piddling one off joining fee and refuses to pay, particularly when it is explained that it is mainly to preserve the quality of the site, would be cutting their nose off to spite their face. Their loss not ours....
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