New to gt40's and the forum

Greetings from Steelers and Bucco country!!! Love my Pirates!!! haha. Well, I am new to this forum and the world for the GT cars. I have been a car my my whole life and have built a few turboed 4 bangers and a rotary powered RX7 monster.

so now I am looking into building a "kit" or "replica" car for my next and life long toy. Any advice on who is best, best price, ease of assembly ect ect would be great. This will be built in my garage at home, not in my shop. (Im fleet tech and they would not want a super car built in the company garage lol)

Thank you in advance for the advice. I hope to learn alot and eventually contribute to what seems to be a great community.

Craig Romanovich
Go Pirates.
If you are not married to the "kit" idea we have a few Superformance GT40 customers in Pittsburgh that can show you a car....including one owned by the original "Terrible Towel" manufacturer!

Ron Earp

Somewhere, right up there it reads

Introduce Yourself Here! Welcome!! Break the ice! Forum is not for "What GT40 should I get questions"
Thank you for the warm welcome. I do appreciate it. I am excited as the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix kicked off this weekend and I hope to see some great vintage racers, to include some GT40s.

Thanks again folks. And Ron, sorry for going "Off the range" with asking a question in the welcome section. I will be sure to follow strictly to what the sections are arranged in. :D