Only in America

Not knowing anything about what you are saying above Jeff, I would say from the outside, your post sounded perfectly reasonable, right up until the gloating and fishing for compliments started. Kind of undoes all the reason don't you think?

This is why both sides sound like f***ing children all the time.
You Obama haters are such broken records. You don't like Hagel because Obama picked him ,and for no other reason.

Here's a brief summary of his record:

According to David Boaz, during the Bush administration, Hagel maintained a "traditionally Republican" voting record, receiving "a lifetime rating of 84 percent from the American Conservative Union and consistent A and B grades from the National Taxpayers Union." On the Issues describes Hagel as a "libertarian-leaning conservative." According to Boaz, among his most notable votes, Hagel:

Voted for the Patriot Act
Voted for the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts
Voted against No Child Left Behind
Voted against Bush’s Medicare prescription drug bill
Voted against McCain-Feingold[28

If a Republican had nominated this guy, your dicks would be so hard you wouldn't be able to reach the remote to turn on Fox News.

This posting is such a troll and shows how completely dishonest and conniving Jeff is. He's here to start a fight and nothing else.

I'm glad you're here Jeff, you represent your side perfectly.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Not knowing anything about what you are saying above Jeff, I would say from the outside, your post sounded perfectly reasonable, right up until the gloating and fishing for compliments started. Kind of undoes all the reason don't you think?

This is why both sides sound like f***ing children all the time.

See John M's post? And Larry's from above? And Danimal, who thinks we live in the Communist USA?

There's no "reason" with these guys. All you can do is hope to point out the other side, maybe they will read it, maybe not. The other garbage is garbage, but it's become reflexive in this place, which is something we all have contributed to. You as well.

Interesting you only tend to call out certain folks for overboard posting. Why do you think that is?

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
This posting is such a troll and shows how completely dishonest and conniving Jeff is. He's here to start a fight and nothing else.

I'm glad you're here Jeff, you represent your side perfectly.

Holy moly that one had me on the floor.

So in response to a post that Hagel was a "liberal lapdog," posting his voting records and endorsements is "being a trol," "conniving" and "dishonest?"

What the fuck?

Mark, see above. There is your problem.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
'Will do no such thing, sir. It'd be like admitting the Earth is flat.

Of course you won't. Because you don't really want to talk about teh substance of Hagel's positions or his qualifications to be Secretary of Defense.

You want to rant on and on about the black guy you hate who stole the Presidency appointing fake Republicans to his cabinet who are "liberal lapdogs" to convince the masses that he is bipartisan when in fact he isn't.

That's really the gist of your post right? Right, it is.

"Say, we can act if we want to, if we don't nobody will
And you can act real rude or totally removed
And I can act like an imbecile"


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Well, our country is turning that way.... With the redistribution of wealth through the tax code, government "bailout and ownership" of GM and AIG, the government replacing CEO of a public company (GM).

Now add in how the government is becoming bigger and bigger with more control over its subjects, how law abiding people are treated like thugs and can be turned into criminals by the stroke of a pen by passing of new laws.

From Merriam Webster...

Main Entry: com·mu·nism Pronunciation: \ˈ käm-yə-ˌni-zəm, -yü-\Function: noun Etymology: French communisme, from commun common Date: 1840 1 a : a theory advocating elimination of private property b : a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed 2 capitalized a : a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian and Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics b : a totalitarian system of government in which a single party controls state-owned means of production c : a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably d : communist systems collectively

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Of course you won't. Because you don't really want to talk about teh substance of Hagel's positions or his qualifications to be Secretary of Defense.

You want to rant on and on about the black guy you hate who stole the Presidency appointing fake Republicans to his cabinet who are "liberal lapdogs" to convince the masses that he is bipartisan when in fact he isn't.

That's really the gist of your post right? Right, it is.


Well, gee, since you obviouly know exactly what I think, there's really no need for me to respond at all, is there.

(Uuuuuuh...just one little historical correction to your post, if I may? 'Twas the Demos who claimed BUSH "stole" his election. No conservative of whom I'm aware has ever claimed Obama "stole" either of his. So, "admit you posted something dumb and thanking me for correcting you." Sorry. 'Just couldn't resist that. 'Guess it must be the "bleeping child" [M.P.] in me, huh.)

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Jeff, please explain how using language like "your dicks would be so hard" is not trolling?

You first. Explain to me how pointing out that Hagel's voting record and endorsements show him to be a right leaning REpublican on most issues is "dishonest and conniving?"

And better yet, show me how THAT IN AND OF ITSELF is not "trolling."

Heal thy wounds first, worry about me second.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Well, gee, since you obviouly know exactly what I think, there's really no need for me to respond at all, is there.

(Uuuuuuh...just one little historical correction to your post, if I may? 'Twas the Demos who claimed BUSH "stole" his election. No conservative of whom I'm aware has ever claimed Obama "stole" either of his. So, "admit you posted something dumb and thanking me for correcting you." Sorry. 'Just couldn't resist that. 'Guess it must be the "bleeping child" [M.P.] in me, huh.)

Apparently there is not, since you STILL haven't responded to the substance of my post(s). STILL.

Plenty of right wing nutjobs thought Obama/the Democrats stole the 2012 election. Hell, Lonesome Nutjob was himself posting this silly Port St. Lucie vote count crap the day after the election (when in fact, Nutjob just didn't understand the ballot there).


Did Obama steal the 2012 election?

Virginia Attorney General Suggests Obama Stole The Election | ThinkProgress

Almost Half of Republicans Indulge the 'Stolen Election' Delusion - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

[the above is great, 49% of Republicans think Acorn helped Obama steal the 2008 election)

Site says Obama stole election through voter fraud - National Elections |

Republicans not handling election results well - Public Policy Polling

So, I think at this point, you have exactly one response: "I am a dumbass."

Post it up, let's all shake hands and move on.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

We have these folks coming on a car forum, only to stir up political unrest and they have the nerve to call you a troll!

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
You know what it is? It's not the stupidity, it's the STUBBORN never admit I'm wrong stupidity. Lonesome Nutjob says something dumb about Port St. Lucie's election ballot, and it gets pointed out to him and he digs his heels in. LarryLaLa claims Hagel is a liberal lapdog -- show him Hagel's voting record and he turns into attack dog. You point out LaPierre's prior statements on background checks and gun free zones, and the mob here goes wild.

Bizarre. It's like worshipping stupid or something.
You Obama haters are such broken records. You don't like Hagel because Obama picked him ,and for no other reason.

Here's a brief summary of his record:

Voted for the Patriot Act
Voted for the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts
Voted against No Child Left Behind
Voted against Bush’s Medicare prescription drug bill
Voted against McCain-Feingold[28

If a Republican had nominated this guy, your dicks would be so hard you wouldn't be able to reach the remote to turn on Fox News.

You first. Explain to me how pointing out that Hagel's voting record and endorsements show him to be a right leaning REpublican on most issues is "dishonest and conniving?"

Jeff, how does the things you list in his record apply to the position hes going into? Whats his record on the military and defense issues? You know, things that matter to the Secretary of Defense position?

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Help me out here. How are positions on military and defense issues "partisan?" They generally are not.

Hagel pro-Israel but wary of the Jewish lobby. The Jewish lobby is generally Democrat.

Hagel is cautious about engaging Iran in a military confrontation. That sounds (a) reasonable and (b) conservative to me.

His "bully" quote is taken out of context and the entire interview shows that he understands American actions on the foreign stage have reactions in particular countries. How is that partisan?

Maybe you'll find those answers "conniving" and "dishonest" too.

But at least you asked an honest question.
I understand Jeff's frustration. I think it would be interesting to see results from an IQ test of the regular Paddock posters. Can we arrange that? There may be some surprises on both sides though. Even the intelligent can be blinded by misguided passion.

I do not think Obama has had a flawless presidency and I do not agree with democrats on all issues......... big but, you are crazy if you think McCain or Romney would have us back on top of the world already. It took years of terrible governing by both parties to put us in this mess and there is no easy fix. The President did not spend all of the money that is going to push us up against the debt ceiling. It was not during his watch that the financial system was deregulated or the housing bubble was created.

If you feel tremendous progress can be made simply by replacing the president, then you really should be angry at the Republican party for failing to connect with the majority of voters. How weak is your party that you lost in this economy? It does not help that you regularly scare off women, latinos, and gays with some of your more unpolished spokesmen. Be angry at yourselves for being so damn offensive all the time.

Neither side can really make any headway in the Paddock. How far apart the posters on here are, really represents how divided the entire country is. At least everyone cares enough to be upset about the current situation we are in and has good intentions.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Of course the President has screwed a lot of stuff up, but some of the hate on here is silly. It's like these folks are automatons controlled by the right wing blogosphere. If it shows up there, it's gospel truth and they eat it up. The Port St. Lucie thing being a prime example. Chuck Hagel being another.

The ONLY reason why Hagel got the hate he did was because Obama picked him.

20 years ago this guy would have sailed through confirmation by either side.