Palestinians are all about piece right?

For every clever guy, there's a thousand idiots ready to do his bidding.

It's not about oil. Oil's the scape-goat. Without Oil, everyone would be living in huts. Major 'powers' know the real power lies way beyond oil. That's why we have the Global Warming Conspiracy.

Did you know, that the climate is hotter today than yesterday? Yes I did. It's called weather! And by the way, how do you know how cold it was on Wednesday the 23rd of September in the year minus 4050? Loser!

It's all utter Bollo**ks.

Man loves man, man kills man. We're just a Gnat's nadger up the scale from beasties and monsters.

Why am I so cynical? :evil: It's not big and it's not clever.
I find this distatestful to use this site political purposes. If you wish to have opinions than learn the true facts and discuss it on sites designed for that purpose.
Let us end this and get back to GT 40's; which we can all agree are not worth killing over but communicating with one another to better the breed.

The post was the opinion of Amnesty International, who incidentally being impartial are just as critical of Palestinian aggression, their point is these people are farmers, fishermen and other civilians.

If you watch the video, the protestors are in a town when shot at ie no were near boarders.

Again you and I are biased in are opinions, Amnesty International are not.

Amnesty International unbiased? Really! That's a chuckle.
I find this distatestful to use this site political purposes. If you wish to have opinions than learn the true facts and discuss it on sites designed for that purpose.
Let us end this and get back to GT 40's; which we can all agree are not worth killing over but communicating with one another to better the breed.

That is exactly what the paddock is for, "The Paddock Off Topic forum where anything goes!" If it offends you, there are plenty of other forums on this site.
Amnesty International unbiased? Really! That's a chuckle.


You might be like some and think they are biased towards the US,

"It has often been said that Amnesty International's agenda tends to fit nicely with the political needs of the United States and Great Britain",

"Boyle stated his suspicion that the International Secretariat of Amnesty International, based geographically in London, UK, was also subject to this bias. He attributes the alleged links between Amnesty International and US and UK foreign policy interests to the relatively large financial contribution of Amnesty International USA to AI's international budget, which he estimated at 20%.[1]

but I still believe in their impartiality.
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Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter

You might be like some and think they are biased towards the US,

"It has often been said that Amnesty International's agenda tends to fit nicely with the political needs of the United States and Great Britain",

I believe he who pays the piper calls the tune!

Now let's see the funding of the organisation and a full set of published accounts

Personally, as someone that has native american bloodlines on both sides, I find it disturbing that a country can be created where another existed. Not by the people of the country ,but by some group that feels they have a "god given" right to it. First, there is no way that anything can be discussed rationally when one side proclaims divine provinance over an issue. That's how I see it. The Zionists decided that they deserved Palestine, that was an existing Country, because?? I think Israel uses some of the same words that the Nazis used. I recall when Netanyahu(sp) was the PM back several decades ago( he wants to be again) and he professed to having the "final solution" for the palestinian problems. That is the exact same phrase used by uncle Adolf as he attempted to exterminate the Jewish population. The tactics Israel uses are also along the same lines. I know, I know, they have God on their side. They better hope so because they are rubbing a lot of the world the wrong way.


Well put. Concise and factual.

Oh, and I'll give you 10/10 for spelling, but I need to mark you down slightly on punctuation :):):):):)

As for Hardy.... I'll deal with him later! :)



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+1 Al on seeing the accounts of Amnesty Intl. published. Then we can determine if it is unbiased or not.


Sorry I seem to have got it wrong it is not just the USA and UK that groups claim Amnesty International are biased towards, it's.

"Governments who have criticised AI include those of Israel, the Democratic Republic of the Congo,[2] the People's Republic of China,[3] Vietnam,[4] Russia[5] and the United States,[6] who have attacked Amnesty International for what they assert is one-sided reporting or a failure to treat threats to security as a mitigating factor"

The actions of these governments — and of other governments critical of Amnesty International — have been the subject of human rights concerns voiced by Amnesty

Pro-Iranian[10] University of Illinois professor of international law Francis Boyle, who was a member of the board of Amnesty International USA at the end of the 1980s/early 1990s, claims that Amnesty International USA acted in ways closely related to United States and United Kingdom foreign policy interests. He stated that Amnesty, along with other human rights organisations in the US, failed to sufficiently criticise the Sabra and Shatila Massacre in Lebanon.[1] Boyle stated his suspicion that the International Secretariat of Amnesty International, based geographically in London, UK, was also subject to this bias. He attributes the alleged links between Amnesty International and US and UK foreign policy interests to the relatively large financial contribution of Amnesty International USA to AI's international budget, which he estimated at 20%.[1]

So the left say they are biased to the right, the right say they are biased to the left, not sure about the centre, but it just about covers every political persuasion they are biased towards.

I hope they are funded by the left right and centre, as no party should have the monopoly on human rights.
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Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
AI should be kept in it's rightful place after all it stands for Artificial Insemination. (That tends to mean no Bull)

But they (Amnesty International) think thay have the right to interfere with everything when meaningful fertilisation is not perhaps the expected outcome. And when they get involved they tend to kick up a stink.



Personally, as someone that has native american bloodlines on both sides, I find it disturbing that a country can be created where another existed. Not by the people of the country ,but by some group that feels they have a "god given" right to it. First, there is no way that anything can be discussed rationally when one side proclaims divine provinance over an issue. That's how I see it. .

Uh... no. Read the history.
Palestine was part of British Mandate for Palestine set up in 1922 in the power vacuum after the First World War and to break up the Ottoman Empire, which capitulated at the end of WW1 in 1918, and on 23 November 1918, a military edict was issued dividing Ottoman territories into "occupied enemy territories". One of these, Occupied Enemy Territory South extended from the Egyptian border of Sinai into Palestine and Lebanon as far north as Acre and Nablus and as far east as the River Jordan. A temporary British military governor administered this sector. This led to the establishment of the British Mandate for the area (which was a legal and administrative instrument, not a geographical territory). The territorial jurisdiction of the mandate was allowed to be subject to future “lawful” change. It was adopted by the League of Nations, “in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country". This was not a reaction to the Holocaust, which happened over 20 years later.
In early 1947 the British Government announced their desire to terminate the Mandate, and asked the United Nations General Assembly to make recommendations regarding the future of the country.
On 29 November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly voted to partition the territory into separate Jewish and Arab states, under economic union, with the Greater Jerusalem area coming under international control. Zionist leaders accepted the plan, while Palestinian Arab leaders rejected it and all independent Muslim and Arab states voted against it in the UN vote. Sectarian violence erupted and spread, killing hundreds of Arabs, Jews and British over the ensuing months. On 14 May, the Jewish Agency declared the independence of the state of Israel. The neighboring Arab state intervened to prevent the partition and in support the Palestinian Arab population. While Transjordan (now Jordan) took control of territory designated for the future Palestinian Arab State, Syrian, Iraqi and Egyptian expeditionary forces attacked Israel without success. On June 11, a truce was accepted by all parties. During the first 6 months of 1949, negotiations between the belligerents came to terms over armistice lines that delimited Israel's borders. On the other side, no Palestinian Arab state was founded: Jordan annexed the Arab territories of the Mandatory regions of Samaria and Judea (today known as the West Bank), as well as East Jerusalem, while the Gaza strip came under Egyptian administration.
So the Jews accepted the UN resolution of an Arab (primarily Palestinian) State and it was the Arabs that rejected it which initialted the 1948 war where both Israel and Jordan were recognized as independent. In addition, the UN proposed Palestinian Arab State territory was seized by Jordan, not Israel. The Israelies weren't given a thing from anybody they fought and died for it. Ironically, it was after the Palestinians were offered an Arab State and rejected it...
So is your solution to reestablish the Ottoman Empire? It was in existance from 1299 to 1923…
On a personal note, it’s hard from me to forget the “Peace Loving Palestinian People” in the streets cheering after 9/11…
Written by an Lebanese Christian woman who now lectures. Her website is at the end of the discourse:

Editor's Note: Below are selected excerpts from Brigitte Gabriel's speech delivered at the Intelligence Summit in Washington DC

We gather here today to share information and knowledge. Intelligence is not merely cold hard data about numerical strength or armament or disposition of military forces. The most important element of intelligence has to be understanding the mindset and intention of the enemy. The West has been wallowing in a state of ignorance and denial for thirty years as Muslim extremist perpetrated evil against innocent victims in the name of Allah.
I was ten years old when my home exploded around me, burying me under the rubble and leaving me to drink my blood to survive, as the perpetrators shouted, 'Allah Akbar!' My only crime was that I was a Christian living in a Christian town. At 10 years old, I learned the meaning of the word 'infidel.'
I had a crash course in survival. Not in the Girl Scouts, but in a bomb shelter where I lived for seven years in pitch darkness, freezing cold, drinking stale water and eating grass to live. At the age of 13, dressed in my burial clothes going to bed at night, waiting to be slaughtered. By the age of 20, I had buried most of my friends--killed by Muslims. We were not Americans living in New York , or Britons in London .. We were Arab Christians living in Lebanon .
As a victim of Islamic terror, I was amazed when I saw Americans waking up on September 12, 2001, and asking themselves 'Why do they hate us?' The psychoanalyst experts were coming up with all sort of excuses as to what did we do to offend the Muslim World. But if America and the West were paying attention to the Middle East they would not have had to ask the question. Simply put, they hate us because we are defined in their eyes by one simple word: 'infidels.'
Under the banner of Islam 'la, ilaha illa Allah, muhammad rasoulu Allah,' (None is god except Allah; Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah) they murdered Jewish children in Israel, massacred Christians in Lebanon, killed Copts in Egypt, Assyrians in Syria, Hindus in India, and expelled almost 900,000 Jews from Muslim lands. We Middle Eastern infidels paid the price then. Now infidels worldwide are paying the price for indifference and shortsightedness.
Tolerating evil is a crime. Appeasing murderers doesn't buy protection. It earns one disrespect and loathing in the enemy's eyes. Yet apathy is the weapon by which the West is committing suicide. Political correctness forms the shackles around our ankles, by which Islamist's are leading us to our demise.
America and the West are doomed to failure in this war unless they stand up and identify the real enemy: Islam. You hear about Cahaba and Salafi Islam as the only extreme form of Islam. All the other Muslims, supposedly, are wonderful moderates. Closer to the truth are the pictures of the irrational eruption of violence in reaction to the cartoons of Mohammed printed by a Danish newspaper. From burning embassies, to calls to butcher those who mock Islam, to warnings that the West be prepared for another holocaust, those pictures have given us a glimpse into the real face of the enemy. News pictures and video of these events represent a canvas of hate decorated by different nationalities who share one common ideology of hate, bigotry and intolerance derived from one source: authentic Islam. An Islam that is awakening from centuries of slumber to re-ignite its wrath against the infidel and dominate the world. An Islam which has declared 'Intifada' on the West.
America and the West can no longer afford to lay in their lazy state of overweight ignorance. The consequences of this mental disease are starting to attack the body, and if they don't take the necessary steps now to control it, death will be knocking soon. If you want to understand the nature of the enemy we face, visualize a tapestry of snakes. They slither and they hiss, and they would eat each other alive, but they will unite in a hideous mass to achieve their common goal of imposing Islam on the world.
This is the ugly face of the enemy we are fighting. We are fighting a powerful ideology that is capable of altering basic human instincts. An ideology that can turn a mother into a launching pad of death. A perfect example is a recently elected Hamas official in the Palestinian Territories who raves in heavenly joy about sending her three sons to death and offering the ones who are still alive for the cause. It is an ideology that is capable of offering highly educated individuals such as doctors and lawyers far more joy in attaining death than any respect and stature life in society is ever capable of giving them.
The United States has been a prime target for radical Islamic hatred and terror. Every Friday, mosques in the Middle East ring with shrill prayers and monotonous chants calling death, destruction and damnation down on America and its people. The radical Islamist deeds have been as vile as their words. Since the Iran hostage crisis, more than three thousand Americans have died in a terror campaign almost unprecedented in its calculated cruelty along with thousands of other citizens worldwide. Even the Nazis did not turn their own children into human bombs, and then rejoice at their deaths as well the deaths of their victims. This intentional, indiscriminate and wholesale murder of innocent American citizens is justified and glorified in the name of Islam.
America cannot effectively defend itself in this war unless and until the American people understand the nature of the enemy that we face. Even after 9/11 there are those who say that we must engage our terrorist enemies, that we must address their grievances. Their grievance is our freedom of religion. Their grievance is our freedom of speech. Their grievance is our democratic process where the rule of law comes from the voices of many not that of just one prophet. It is the respect we instill in our children towards all religions. It is the equality we grant each other as human beings sharing a planet and striving to make the world a better place for all humanity. Their grievance is the kindness and respect a man shows a woman, the justice we practice as equals under the law, and the mercy we grant our enemy. Their grievance cannot be answered by an apology for who or what we are.
Our mediocre attitude of not confronting Islamic forces of bigotry and hatred wherever they raised their ugly head in the last 30 years, has empowered and strengthened our enemy to launch a full scale attack on the very freedoms we cherish in their effort to impose their values and way of life on our civilization.
If we don't wake up and challenge our Muslim community to take action against the terrorists within it, if we don't believe in ourselves as Americans and in the standards we should hold every patriotic American to, we are going to pay a price for our delusion. For the sake of our children and our country, we must wake up and take action. In the face of a torrent of hateful invective and terrorist murder, America 's learning curve since the Iran hostage crisis is so shallow that it is almost flat. The longer we lay supine, the more difficult it will be to stand erect.
.This is all coming true. A non-patriot is President of this great country. How can this happen?? APATHY, that's how!!! Send this around.
Brigitte Gabriel is an expert on the Middle East conflict and lectures nationally and internationally on the subject. She's the former news anchor of World News for Middle East television and the founder of
Written by an Lebanese Christian woman who now lectures. Her website is at the end of the discourse:


I was ten years old when my home exploded around me, burying me under the rubble and leaving me to drink my blood to survive, as the perpetrators shouted, 'Allah Akbar!'

Even after 9/11 there are those who say that we must engage our terrorist enemies, that we must address their grievances.


What a difference a day or so makes, when I posted a similar story of a Palestinian child the response I got.

"First of he was placed in a house with other people (noncombatants) and the house was rocked so hard by shells that THE HOUSE LIFTED OFF THE FLOOR !!!! Do any of you level headed men stop to ask yourself what king of shock wave would have to be generated in order to do just that? How about what the human body is actually capable of with standing. That child's ears would have been completely destroyed

At some point you must ask yourself AM I THAT GULLIBLE?"

Also, as for not engaging terrorists the US have done it before, they gave Gerry Adams a visa and both he and Kennedy said that without it the peace process in Irleand would never have begun.

Thanks for your post. What I have not been able to convince you of is the children suffer, the innocent suffer, and we all pay because a group takes up arms against others. The Isrealis are just trying to defend themselves against attacks. Then you don't put fighters, dressed as normal people, with normal people. You address them as combatants, dressed as such, and keep them away from the innocent.

I actually think this group of people are now living in the 6th century, and applying the tactics they developed then, except with modern technology. For me its no wonder they were thrown out of Spain in 1492 (after 800 years) and why General Sobieski with such a great fight was able to defeat the Ottoman Empire at the gates of Vienna.

See this video below. The speaker is said to be a professor at Kuwait University. This was also posted on the BHO / Mosque thread. This becomes really interesting at 6 minutes.

An Alarming video every Westerner should see - posted by Memri Videos (MEMRITVVideos) -

I much prefer Pope Benedict's comments on his visit to the UK and how he was pleased with the dialogue that has furthered our causes. Peace, not war.
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Dave Wood

Lifetime Supporter
So is your solution to reestablish the Ottoman Empire? It was in existance from 1299 to 1923…
Not at all, but you illustrate how larger more powerful countries sticking their noses into area to"fix" a problem goes back a long way and just creates issues in the future to be addressed. As long as there are major countries picking sides, there can never be a solution, because BOTH parties vie to get the support of them instead of dealing with the issues themselves. I am glad you can't get over the palestinians celebrating 9/11 in the streets. I can't get over the fact that Israel built a " a weapon of mass desrtruction" in violation of the same U.N. resolution that established them and no one talks about it. A little bit of hypocrisy to me. Especially when they feel they have the right to condemn any other middle East country attempting the same. But, I learned many decades ago that when God is on your side, you can do no wrong.
That is not just Israel or Islam it is every religion that feels it's more "correct" than the others. In the U.S. we have had christian fanatics murder doctors because they didn't agree with the type of procedures they perform as well as attempting to rewrite the constitution in their image.