post-Monterey Historics 2003

Wow. The Monterey Historics was a confounding collection of moving/nonmoving cars. This year was Ford's year, and there were many GT40s. I had previously never seen one before in reality. All I can say is "wow". The first GT40 I saw was the black MkII by the Ford history tent. So beautiful! And there were several MkIVs together in a closed area. Like they just fell from the sky. When I walked around the paddock. . .well. . .I just walked up to this red GT40 MKI, and the driver had already dumped some super hi-octane fuel into the beast. Then he started it up, and the sound was surpisingly beautiful. I was imagining that it would be painful to hear like the American LeMans cars, but quite the contrary. It did have a ferocious idle, but it was actually quite easy and comfortable to hear without earplugs. I had nostalgia even though the sixties are decades before my time. And then I walked around some more, and a Cobra began making an even louder and deeper idling growl. A couple minutes after this a BOSS 302 rolled up with its perfectly flowing headers and a ground-shaking thunder; you just had to take heed. This all happened shortly after entering the course. There was probably too much to see, and appreciate for that matter, and the whole thing was ridiculous in how much was tossed into the fray. On a side note, I also got my first look at some GT40 replicas and was very impressed--as much as the real thing in fact. CAV had a display and started one of theirs cars when I was there. Whoever said they were bringing their GT40 replica with a Pantera had two very awesome cars. I could go on, but I must say if you get to go and you've never gone, it is the best car show you will probably ever seen (provided Ford is showing off again). /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Awesome weekend. Got to meet several forum members face-to-face. In chronological order: Gary Gibbs was in the CAV tent. Saturday when I arrived the parking bozos directed me to the Pantera corral (I don't think they knew the difference), and as I was finding out where I was really supposed to park, PATGT40 walked up. Caught up with J6 Jim just before his parade laps on Saturday. he was very busy trying to convince the Ford guys to put J5 back in running order, but made time to say hi. Saturday evening I needed to fill up the gas tank and found myself near the hotel where Chris Melia & friends were staying, so I stopped by. They weren't in, but I left a note just to say hi thinking I had missed them. As I walked back to my car Sunday afternoon to go home, Chris and Roy walked up - they had found my car and were waiting for me to come back so we could meet.

In the GT40 race on Saturday, a Cobra dumped oil on the track and they had to run several laps under yellow while they cleaned it up. But they decided to extend the race and give them 3 laps of green flag racing after the cleanup was complete...

On Sunday at lunch time those cars in the Shelby Club corral got to do some parade laps. There were 3 GT40 replicas: Pats, mine, and an ERA. They wanted to send out the 'real' Ford cars first, with the replicas to follow, so we were *supposed* to go out ahead of the Cobra replicas. But when the Tigers (who were right behind the Mustangs) paused, Pat in his 40 and his wife in the Pantera jumped in. Seeing this, the ERA and I decided if he's going, we're going, so we jumped in too. The parade laps were *supposed* to be run at 20 MPH, but somehow when we went by the grandstands everybody hit the loud pedal and we were doing about 60 by the start/finish bridge. The guys in the flag station gave us the thumbs up, so I guess it was OK /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

One of the guys who had a Cobra in the race, Lynn Park (also a fixture at Shebly Club events), was a judge for the GT40s at Pebble Beach. He returned to the track on Sunday wearing a tie which he was in quite a hurry to remove before someone could take his picture /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif He had some interesting comments: "It's a different world over there." He also said the judging was easy, there was one good car and the rest were junk. One was a "dog biscuit" and one was restored to perfection. This made me think of J6's comments re J6 vs. 1074 (presumably the "restored to perfection" car) and his comment that "It will be very interesting to see what the judges say..." I also wondered if J6 was the "dog biscuit" in Lynn Park's eyes...

I'll probably have more later, but photos will have to wait until I get back home
Hi, Guys
It was an incredible weekend, to say the least. I am still buzzing from all the sights and sounds. To many stories to tell. That was me and my wife with the CAV GT40 and silver Pantera. It was nice to meet and talk to so many of the guys from the forum. The parade lap on sunday was exciting. As we were staging there was a lot of confusion as to when we were to pull out into the line-up and as the Tigers approched where we were parked they kind of hesitated so I figured they knew what they were doing and were letting us in, so off I went. Once on the track I was moving slowly and looked back for my wife in the Pantera. As I looked to my right she flew by me at about 90mph! In my mirror I could see Steve coming up fast, so I nailed it! To drive a GT40 on the track with other GT40's, at the Montery Historics, is something I will remember forever! I should have some pictures soon.
That is awesome that you two got to go on the track with your replicas! I only went on Saturday because it had the races and cars I really wanted to see, but it would have been neat to see you guys flooring the pedal! Again, your replicas were awesome to look at. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif
Didn't get to meet anyone but the event in general was fantastic. The one person I had hoped to meet there had left by the time I got there.

I did pass by the CAV tent and saw their wares. I should have probably asked for more info or at least sat in the cars they had on display. They seemed very busy helping folks out so I didn't bother since I'm so tentatively in the market. Bought a couple of good GT40 books from the vendors and got an earful of fantastic engine music from all sorts of marques.

Had the chance to speak to some of the entrants and met with people I didn't expect to see there. They were Ferrari and Alfa folks from Asia though, unfortunately not GT40 guys.

I have some photos that I tried to post yesterday and ran into some problems on the file size. I think it will work now, so here goes. The first picture is of Steve Toner in my rear view mirror during the parade laps at Monterey.


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I think I'm getting the hang of posting pictures. This next one is me chasing an ERA GT and a Pantera. I'm in a CAV GT40 and my wife is driving our Pantera.


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This last shot is of Steve on the track in his CAV.


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Hey, I like that mirror shot! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

I got my photos back today, but have no way to scan them until I get home. I think I got a few good ones, but none from the parade laps...
we saw 25 40s over the weekend even I lost count of the chassis No's


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Max Walter

GT40s Supporter
Lifetime Supporter

Roy has a list that he showed us last night, though he thought there were a couple missing. Maybe he can post the full list on the forum?
