Search Function in SLC clubhouse

Who can we contact to get this working? There is no way to search the SLC clubhouse and get a result. You can search the main one, but anything in the clubhouse will not show up. This has been brought up before and who can we contact to get it fixed.
I'm not sure there is a fix, per se. I think it's just a marginal implementation of search in the forum software, and most all forums I've used.

Have you tried google search on the site? It implements the google search logic on a specified set of pages (e.g., the SLC clubhouse on the GT40s site). Here's a link to the Google page where you can get started: Google Advanced Search

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
How about using the Search
Advanced features

Put in the thing you are searching for

and on right hand side of screen select SLC clubhouse

Should work

I use the advanced one. I wanted to make sure I was ordering the correct Tilton reserve tank so I searched tilton in the clubhouse and nothing comes up. If you search anything in just the clubhouse nothing comes up. If you go higher up in the tree there are still no results from the SLC clubhouse and that is where the information is at. I am sure there is a simple fix if someone looked into it.

I guess I could try the google thing, but that does not make any sense to go outsite the site to search the site when the site has a search function and all other message boards the search function works.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter

'Quick thread drift for a second: Where did you get/how did you come by the SLC script in your avatar (and why no 'hyphen'! :D)?

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I'm not sure there is a fix, per se. I think it's just a marginal implementation of search in the forum software, and most all forums I've used.

Have you tried google search on the site? It implements the google search logic on a specified set of pages (e.g., the SLC clubhouse on the GT40s site). Here's a link to the Google page where you can get started: Google Advanced Search

Google works pretty well for the whole site if you get your search terms right. Never found this (or any similar) site much good at specific searching...

'Quick thread drift for a second: Where did you get/how did you come by the SLC script in your avatar (and why no 'hyphen'! :D)?

<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_451323", true); </SCRIPT>


I made that logo from another car. I prefer the model designation without the hyphen, and I liked the font on this logo more than the block-style used elsewhere, so mine is made that way. Just an example of how every SLC is the same, but different. :)

Here's a pic as installed on my car.


I also have one on the rear, but I'm reconsidering that one.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
I LIKE IT!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

'...and now we return to our regularly scheduled program in progress...'
I really wish my posts in the SLC clubhouse would add to my post count/be logged into my past posts like in the main RCR forum. There are times I want to revisit specific areas of threads I've posted in and can't always find them.
It almost seems like the clubhouse is not part of the message board if that is happening. Maybe with this info there is an easy fix. I will start using google search now I guess.

Dang, so funny. I searched it and this thread came up. Go figure.

Does anyone know which specific tilton reserve we should get?
It has nothing to do with me and is far beyond my control

The owner of the whole website/forum makes those calls.
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