Team QRP

Questions: 1st video at 2:20 what was Tim passing?
Thanks for posting, impressive !

The car Tim passed at 2:20 was the #4 GTM that gets a lot of interest over on the FFR site. It's center-steer, highly modified, has been racing endurance races for several years, and had several pro drivers in it that weekend, though who was in it at the time is unclear.

The GTM finished the race in 4th, and it's fast lap was over 7 seconds slower than the fast lap for the #03 SLC.

Looked to me like it was going to try to pinch the SLC on entry but thought better of it at the last moment. Either that, or it didn't see the SLC coming up so fast behind it until it started to turn in.
Questions: 1st video at 2:20 what was Tim passing?

2nd: For us in the building/designing stages, how much horsepower are you now making after the few hiccups? I certainly don't want more. Funny hearing myself say that as my GT2 has over 600 and I could use more in it :)

Thanks for posting, impressive !

Luke, yes that is the FFR GTM that we had the privilege to work on & help develop. It has finished 4th overall in the TH 25hr. - amazing result for the limited resources available. Many of the ideas for our SLC were the result of our time with Team PDG.

We really don't know the output of our engine, never been dynoed

Thanks for asking.
Mind-blowing first lap! Great video and that's a nice track.

That was a great first lap, many a chance to clean off a few cars on the way to the front ;) I found myself scrunching up when the other cars pinched down!

On the track: Thunderhill looks like they are moving ahead on the expansion plans as I see some dirt moved around at the crest of turn 9. The track will be something like twice the size it is now! Should be a mind blower when it is done, off to run one of my bikes there this weekend.
That was a great first lap, many a chance to clean off a few cars on the way to the front ;) I found myself scrunching up when the other cars pinched down!

On the track: Thunderhill looks like they are moving ahead on the expansion plans as I see some dirt moved around at the crest of turn 9. The track will be something like twice the size it is now! Should be a mind blower when it is done, off to run one of my bikes there this weekend.

Rob, that made me cringe too, as guess who has to fix it when the move don't work!
The dozers were moving dirt! Going to be the longest track in NA.
Also they had a 20th anniversary party on Sat nite, lots of fun.
We were going with a crate hoping for reliability. We already want more power too....

TH will be a beast when it's done.
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That red RX-7 leading into turn 1 belonged to a friend of mine until he recently sold it. I almost got a track day in it but was rained out. Built LS engine making tons of power and every go fast goodie you could put on the car. When he'd run with NCRC it would always dominate, by a large margin.

Very impressive on part of the SL-C that the RX seemed to be holding up the SL-C through the twisties, even though the RX appeared to outrun the SL-C when it could stretch its legs...for the short time it was in front at least :)
Don't forget about the#18 car known as the SL-"Eagle" that has been running at the 25 hr race the last few years. It was running 1:39's last year and it looks like a whole s**tload of development has been done to the car since then. For better or worse is yet to be seen as far as I know, but they are testing right now.






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Something different here, just can't figure out what it is....



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Sorry for the thread-jack...I'm done now.

Question for Team QRP:
Since running times between fueling stops were limited in your last outing, are you running a smaller or standard SL-C fuel tank/cell now and if so, are you upgrading to a larger capacity for the 25 hour race?
Sorry for the thread-jack...I'm done now.

Question for Team QRP:
Since running times between fueling stops were limited in your last outing, are you running a smaller or standard SL-C fuel tank/cell now and if so, are you upgrading to a larger capacity for the 25 hour race?

We can't give away all of our plans......
Wow, looks like the whole rear suspension has been redone. Stressed member transaxle not to mention it has been turned into a 3 seater, lol.
The "Eagle" has been heavily upgraded by I believe Riley & Scott. Bob has been developing this car for 5 or so years now.
Yes it has center steering, my design for the GTM in 2007.
It also blowed up at the NASA nationals halfway through a 40 min race.
Our car has 3 race weekends on it.
Nice looking car tho.
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There will also be a twin-engined all-wheel drive Mini Cooper S that could surprise everyone, especially if there is rain.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in RCR land!
Preparations are going well for our assault on the 25 hrs of TH.
Got the aux tank installed & plumbed. Don and Cary built a really nice refueling rig. Got the drivetrain back in this week. Got lights to install, lots more to do too.
Hoping to see some of you at the race, if you can make it. Start is 11 am sat dec 7.