The "New" CAV

Ian Clark

The \"New\" CAV

Hi All,

Great to see a posting from the "new" CAV. Indeed things are moving along nicely. Here is a picture from the assembly area with five chassis under way.

I appreciate the patience and enthusiasm of those who believed in the CAV GT40. Let's get on with satisfying customer demand. Thanks again:)



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Re: The \"New\" CAV

As someone who is contemplatiing placing an order real soon, I am curiouos if these are five chassis left over from the "old" CAV or are these started fresh from the new outfit? I would have thought there might be parts laying about in this picture if it represent the new "line". Is this final staging room prior to shells?

I am also curious about the workforce. Having heard that "some" went over to the Superformance GT40 program. What skill sets were lost and had to be replaced? Can someone touch on that?

If this is not the correct place to ask these questions, then please PM me and I will call or email the dialog direct.

Thanks and Regards,

Ian Clark

Re: The \"New\" CAV

Hi Mike, If you're serious about a CAV you better get the order in soon. The new organization is much leaner and highly skilled however the volume of cars available won't match what the old company put out.

We're not talking about two or three year waiting periods but there will be a waiting list very soon and a price increase too. Please call or PM me for more information.



Ian Clark

Re: The \"New\" CAV

Hi Mike,

Thanks for considering CAV. It would be a good idea to get the order in soon. The new organization is much leaner and highly skilled however the volume of cars available won't match what the old company put out.

It probably doesn't matter whether it's old or new parts inventory being used at this time. Several of the component upgrades have meant otherwise perfectly goods parts have been discarded.

These are all new cars for new customers.

About delivery times, we're not talking about 1>2 year waiting periods but there will be a waiting list very soon and a price increase too. Please call or email me for more information.

