Top jobs

Jim Rosenthal

Yeah, physician/doctor isn't on there.

Which makes me think that the survey is full of shit. Yes, it's an expensive education and a difficult one. Yes, it's stressful and not every day at work is a cheerful one. And yes, we get bashed from all sides periodically.

And you know what? I don't give a fuck if we do. I don't lie awake at night wondering whether I've wasted my life (if you don't count the time I've wasted playing with cars, playing in bands, and chasing women, that is) What I do is necessary and appreciated. It's been a decent living. I don't have to apologize to anyone for how I've spent my life as a doctor.

So the survey is a pile of crap. Just my humble opinion, gently expressed.
wondering whether I've wasted my life (if you don't count the time I've wasted playing with cars, playing in bands, and chasing women, that is)

playing with cars, playing in bands, and chasing women...NEVER A WASTE!!!!!!

Sorta like the guy who won the lottery...they asked him what he was gonna do with the money and he answered "I'm going to drink a lot of it, chase hot broads, play with fast cars and some of it, I'm gonna waste!"
Yeah, physician/doctor isn't on there.

Which makes me think that the survey is full of shit. Yes, it's an expensive education and a difficult one. Yes, it's stressful and not every day at work is a cheerful one. And yes, we get bashed from all sides periodically.

And you know what? I don't give a fuck if we do. I don't lie awake at night wondering whether I've wasted my life (if you don't count the time I've wasted playing with cars, playing in bands, and chasing women, that is) What I do is necessary and appreciated. It's been a decent living. I don't have to apologize to anyone for how I've spent my life as a doctor.

So the survey is a pile of crap. Just my humble opinion, gently expressed.

Could be an Ophthalmologist.... my job is great and not a day goes by that I don't pause to think that :)

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
The best job is the one you enjoy doing and look forward to going to each day.
You will spend three or more decades going to work so better enjoy it.
Naturally some days will be better than others but if at the end of a year you look back and say I hate my job, better consider a change.
Same applies to women and cars. And bands Jim.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Given my time again I would have definitely worked harder at school and gone on to Medical School.
You are absolutely right in everything you say, and I rate being a surgeon as being, undoubtedly,
the ultimate job in the world - bar none.
Dave M

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Could I suggest some time in July or August as June is a frantically busy month in this household. I'll put some ramps for any GTs that turn up and want to park in our garden, but first the villagers have asked me a couple of times when it would happen again so you might just expect some admirers and even a question or two. That would entail parking in the pub car park first.
Afterwards, I'll do soft drinks for the drivers and some wine for those that aren't, in our garden.

Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Someone please take pictures and post here for those of us not able to make it!