Understanding Ebola

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
With entire pannels of Expert Doctors to advise them, perhaps it was felt that in a large multi-facited undertaking like this......

Someone with leadereship and proven high level orgainasational skills were more important than one more Doctor...

Makes sense to me.

But hay, your handelers have told you to be outraged and outraged you must be.


Hay Howie, do you remember at the behest of the Religous Right, Reagan refused FOR YEARS to even say the word "Aids".......thats the great Conservatives answer to a medical emergency!

His press secratary said it was Gods revenge on Gays...

While thousands died.

Larry, Howie, do you think it wise for Conservatives to let Religous Leaders set policy in health emergencies?
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Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter

ONCE AGAIN Jim employs the 'obfuscate, redirect and equivocate' tactic to defend his hero's actions...or rather his LACK thereof!

COMMON SENSE dictates that Obama and Co HAVE SCREWED UP THE RESPONSE TO THE EBOLA THREAT BEYOND ALL LOGIC...and yet Jim's attempting to 'redirect' attention from that to something else.

SHEEEEEEEEEEZE!!!!!!!!!!! :evil:

Minor clue #1: One does NOT appoint a LAWYER to oversee a M-E-D-I-C-A-L crisis.

Minor clue #2: One does NOT allow inbound travel to anyone from a 'ground zero' country.
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

Think back, who was talking when you first become enraged at President Obamas choice...


Do you think it was wise for Conservatives to allow Religous Leaders set Public policy in health emergencies?<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
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Think back, who was talking when you first become enraged at President Obamas choice...


Do you think it was wise for Conservatives to allow Religous Leaders set Public policy in health emergencies?<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

Don't have a clue what you are talking about.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
So Republicans are outraged at the Presidents responce to Ebola. What a bunch of HYPOCRITES!

A tail of two diseases...

Aids and Ebola, both started in Africa, both effected primarily blacks, both are spread primarily through bodily fluids....

The Administrations responce to Ebola has been massive. President Obama sent medical & military to the strcken areas in Africa, the CDC is working hard on a cure/vaccine (remember the Consevatives cut their budget), they are screening new arivels from stricken areas and he has called up the National Guard....

Republicans when faced with a very similar situation, what was their responce?


For SIX YEARS Predident Reagan at the behest of the Religous Right refused to even say the word AIDS...

While thousands and thousands of Americans died, Reagan refused to appoint an Aids Czar, BushI refused to appoint an Aids Czar....It was not until President Clinton that there was an official Government responce...

AL, Howie and Larry,

Which responce to an African disease do you feel more appropriate?

Do you think it was wise for Republicans to allow Religous Leaders set Public policy in health emergencies?

Which Party do you want running things when disease strikes?
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
ˈhandlər/<INPUT src="" width=14 height=14 type=image><AUDIO preload="auto" src="//ssl.gstatic.com/dictionary/static/sounds/de/0/handler.mp3" data-dobid="aud" oncanplaythrough="this.parentNode.style.display = 'inline-block'"></AUDIO>
noun: handler; plural noun: handlersa person who handles or deals with certain articles or commodities.

  1. A person who trains or manages another person, in particular.

  2. A person who advises on and directs the activities of a person.

You are told to be outraged by our responce to Ebola and you are outraged.....

Al, you allow people with an agenda to tell you how you feel about any event, try looking at the facts and think for yourself.


Al I answered your question, now answer mine.

Which responce to an African disease do you feel more appropriate?

Do you think it was wise for Republicans to allow Religous Leaders set Public policy in health emergencies?

Which Party do you want running things when disease strikes?<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
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Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
A tail of two diseases...

Aids and Ebola, both started in Africa, both effected primarily blacks, both are spread primarily through bodily fluids....

There you go equivicating & obfuscating again, Jim. But, to what might be your underlying point(?): there was a darned SIMPLE way to avoid coming in contact with AIDS, wasn't there. Everyone knew what that was, didn't they. THERE'S REALLY NO CERTAIN WAY TO KNOW if one has come into contact with Ebola, is there. So, enough with the E & O.

(too bad the Consevatives cut [the CDC's] budget)

That's not quite TRUE...is it, Jim. I'll quote your pals at the Wa. Post:

The absurd claim that only Republicans are to blame for cuts to Ebola research - The Washington Post

Which responce of the to an African disease do you feel more appropriate (just a little hint of "RACISM!!!" thrown in for good measure there, Jim?)...Which Party do you want running things when disease strikes?<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

Clinton named Kristine Gebbie - A NURSE - to become the 1st Aids c-z-a-r. Prior to that no such job description existed as best I can recall. And again; Gebbie was A NURSE - NOT A L-A-W-Y-E-R!!! (She was once the top health official here in in Washington state, I think.) And, BTW, Reagan had appointed her to the Presidential Commission on AIDS in 1987(?)('86?) or so. Clinton also nominated a molecular biologist to head up the National Institutes of Health....AGAIN - NOT A L-A-W-Y-E-R. So, your question OUGHT to be WHICH "RESPONSE" MAKES BY FAR THE MOST SENSE when disease strikes??? APPOINTING A L-A-W-Y-E-R OR A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL to head things??? Of the two, WHICH PROFESSIONAL'S BACKGROUND MAKES HIM FULLY QUALIFIED for the job??? "Party" has nothing to do with it.

'Done :dead:here...



If there is such a seemingly rare beast, please start a new thread.

You have no idea how tiresome these exchanges are, nor apparently, have you any idea how many people you have pissed off on this site with these seemingly endless retorts.

Give it a rest for pity's sake..
ˈhandlər/<INPUT src="" width=14 height=14 type=image><AUDIO preload="auto" src="//ssl.gstatic.com/dictionary/static/sounds/de/0/handler.mp3" data-dobid="aud" oncanplaythrough="this.parentNode.style.display = 'inline-block'"></AUDIO>
noun: handler; plural noun: handlersa person who handles or deals with certain articles or commodities.

  1. A person who trains or manages another person, in particular.

  2. A person who advises on and directs the activities of a person.

You are told to be outraged by our responce to Ebola and you are outraged.....

Al, you allow people with an agenda to tell you how you feel about any event, try looking at the facts and think for yourself.


Al I answered your question, now answer mine.

Which responce to an African disease do you feel more appropriate?

Do you think it was wise for Republicans to allow Religous Leaders set Public policy in health emergencies?

Which Party do you want running things when disease strikes?<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

Jim, I am completely aware of the definition of handler, I want to know how it applies to me and who you think they are. This is a bit Robert Ludlum to me.

As for religious leaders, what health crisis are you referring to?

I started this thread with information about Ebola, a subject that I know a minimal amount about. I thought it would be informative, how TF did we get here?


Jim, I am completely aware of the definition of handler, I want to know how it applies to me and who you think they are. This is a bit Robert Ludlum to me.

As for religious leaders, what health crisis are you referring to?

I started this thread with information about Ebola, a subject that I know a minimal amount about. I thought it would be informative, how TF did we get here?

Same way all the bloody threads end up in the same shit hole! :furious:

I agree Al, I would have liked a bit more info and some informal international discussion could have been useful, but once more, it's gone to hell in a hand cart. Same childish rhetoric - same protagonists..

Perhaps we should indeed call time on the Paddock or maybe Ron could send them on an extended vacation, either way, I'm heartily sick of it.

Howard Jones

Keith, How about this. If someone tags their threads originating post with please leave the politics out or some equally pointed request I'll be happy to enjoy it for its informational content.

There have been several really good ones like this. The BP oil leak in the gulf, that big hole in the wing of the Australian triple decker airliner, Korean pilots landing ability's, and others.

I did like the dancing boobs!