When THEY Run Everything.

In this day and age, the age of video conference calls, face-time (whatever that is) and camera's in every pocket, it is clearly too fucking much to expect anyone to be able to get a photo of their own fucking face and pop it in the post or get a family memebr or friend to drive you down to the Town Hall!!!


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Already watched it, don't have a clue what your Interpretation was or were it came from, or the multiple postings. You still haven't answered the grandmother question about citizenship documents.
Gosh, Mark, the Poor don't have friends or family. They can't do anything, that's why they're poor.

As to abandoned Grandmothers who can't get their rich kids to help get some I.D., it just shows the greed of the Capitalist system we are burdened under. ;~(


I've been remiss.
Maybe we need to think about how the voter ID could affect one minority in particular. Yes, the Zombie vote my friends. Apparently when they are not out searching for a brain food snack, they actively participate in American elections. For example, the Michigan Secretary of State's Office, which supervises Michigan elections, cited a report by the state’s Auditor General which found 1,375 people listed as dead had voted 1,381 times during the audit period, from Oct. 1, 2008, through June 9, 2011. A total of 1,236 of the recorded votes, or about 90%, were cast by absentee ballots, while 145, or about 10%, were cast in person, according to the audited records. The report also indicated examples of incarcerated prisoners, forbidden by state law to vote, somehow were able to show up at the polls to cast their ballots.
I must say those zombies certainly have an admirable civic pride coming back from the grave like that.
My uncle voted Republican every election until the day he died; now he votes exclusively Democrat.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
I was using my grandmother as an example of the type of person who would be effected. But as we know, California does not have repressive voter ID laws.
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Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter

Are you saying that anyone can E-A-S-I-L-Y get a valid ID, All you need is a mailing address and ask nicely and they well send you an ID.

Larry you say its E-A-S-Y, do they need to prove who they are, do they need to prove they are a citizen.

Larry how do they do that without a photo ID?

Larry how do they do that without proof of citizenship?

Lemme put it this way, Jim...if any of them needed a photo I.D. to get their govt handouts - they'd all find a way to get one in a New York nanosecond. It all boils down to DESIRE.

I say again: Every voter I.D. bill I know of makes it possible to get an I.D. thru the mail - FREE. You are simply doing the strawmen and red herrings arguments thing - again.

Dave Wood

Lifetime Supporter
So why did the Republican Congressman think it would win Romney the election?

It was probably an insinuation that Obama got a lot of illegal votes.
I have had to show ID several times over my 62 years and I am a born American, what's the big deal? It was typically when I moved into a new district and done as a verification. After that it wasn't required. Why is it O.K. for the government to require a driver's license, yet it is supposed to not have any input on voting laws. Personally, I think any country that allows a voting list like the one posted is asking to be destroyed from within.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Neither the Fifteenth nor the Nineteenth Amendments say anything about Photo ID. So you folks are OK being able to deny peoples Constitutional Right to vote, by a simple State Legislature vote? You are saying that just a simple majority in a state legislature, can deny their Fifteenth Amendment Rights, without amending the Constitution?

So Larry, Bob, Dave, Pat and Pete, I take it that you are also OK with State Legislatures changing folks Second Amendment rights with a simple majority as well? Or are you just a bunch of Hypocrits?

I'm going with Hypocrits!

Pat you said it best, "YOU CANT HAVE IT BOTH WAYS"!!!
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I was using my grandmother as an example of the type of person who would be effected. But as we know, California does not have repressive voter ID laws.

So it was your bad example. Is it repressive to be aked for ID when cashing a check? When signing documents, etc,etc?

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
So Tom, you are the first to agree, its OK to take away peoples Constitutional rights with a simple majority vote in a state legislature!

Does anyone else agree with Tom?

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Neither the Fifteenth nor the Nineteenth Amendments say anything about Photo ID. So you folks are OK being able to deny peoples Constitutional Right to vote, by a simple State Legislature vote?

ANOTHER red herring/strawman. Their right to vote WOULDN'T be taken away. All the I.D. laws would do is prevent voter fraud.

...you are also OK with State Legislatures changing folks Second Amendment rights with a simple majority as well?

Oh, they've already DONE that - in spades. E.g: Nowhere in the 2nd Amend did The Founders say we'd have to get govt's written PERMISSION to excercise our RIGHT to carry concealed - NOR PAY GOVT A FEE TO DO SO! But, guess what...

Dave Wood

Lifetime Supporter
So Larry, Bob, Dave, Pat and Pete, I take it that you are also OK with State Legislatures changing folks Second Amendment rights with a simple majority as well? Or are you just a bunch of Hypocrits?

Pat you said it best, "YOU CANT HAVE IT BOTH WAYS"!!!

First, I NEVER said the ability to vote should be taken away, I say only those eligible to vote should be allowed...pretty simple. No you can't have it both ways, which is what you attempt to do regularly. In a recent discussion on another issue which, unlike the voting laws, is in the Bill of Rights. you were and are in favor of all types of verifications/obstacles/bans.Your premise, I guess is nothing can happen to innocent people from a rampant voting of non americans?? To short circuit your next cyclic response, I didn't say that there IS rampant voting, but I am saying that is a possibility. I live in Illinois and Chicago has a strong deceased vote. That is probably because photo IDs aren't required.
I am a voter registrar as was my late wife, who was also an election judge. The only time they ever required ID was when someone was not recognized. Most election judges serve a long period because so few want to volunteer for that duty, so they get familiar with return voters. The only legal voters I think might be "inconvenienced" would be those moving into a new area. When I register someone to vote they have to supply proof off who they are as well as when and where they were born... another obstacle to voting???
So Tom, you are the first to agree, its OK to take away peoples Constitutional rights with a simple majority vote in a state legislature!

Does anyone else agree with Tom?

WTF are you talking about! You don't answer questions, you try to obscure them with new BS.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
So Keith agrees with Tom and Larry, who say that its OK to take away Rights, given by the Second and Fifteenth Amendments via simple majority of the state legislature.

As an example, the Fifteenth Amendment says nothing about photo ID or any ID being required (after all cameras were not around then the Amendment was passed.)

Just as the Second Amendment says nothing about assault weapons or large magazine clips, (they also were not around when the second Amendment was passed).

Tom and Larry say its within the rights of State Legislatures to modify these Constitutional Rights but just to prevent death or fraud.