XJ13 - The Legend Lives!

It’s been a bit of time since I’ve posted here, but hey . . . I was working on something good!

Attached are photos of the SCF XJ13, built at The Sports Car Factory in Frederick, MD, USA. I had personally vowed to maintain the high level of quality Denis set for this fine replica, and I’m please to say the first unit came out beautifully. The second unit is already under construction and I’m looking forward to producing more.

This is the culmination of much effort (albeit enjoyable), planning and a significant amount of engineering work to build on the original SCF XJ13 prints and specifications. The Sports Car Factory started with a superb chassis design and mold set, and through long hours at the design table, meetings with engineers, and fabrication shops the formula has been set for the SCF XJ13 production.

I’d like to thank many of you for your e-mails, support, photos and suggestions along the way. Especially I’d like to thank Fran Hall of Race Car Replicas and Denis Bedford for their invaluable behind the scenes support and shared experiences.

More good news is on the horizon for the SCF XJ13.

Kind Regards,
Rich Dommers


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Lynn Larsen

Lynn Larsen

Good On Ya!!! The car looks great.

Since RDU, BWI and DTW are all served by South West, I feel a trip coming on.

Thanks Lynn! Make sure you call me before booking a flight, as I will soon have a new, but familiar location, for you to visit the SCF XJ13. More to come on that positive change soon . . .
