
  1. J

    Better watch out for French Customs

    It seems French Customs must have had a slow day....
  2. gsharapa

    The sound of GT40's and Cobra's In The Morning!

    What great video to watch over a cup of Jo in the morning. Cobra and GT40 - LOUD AMERICAN V8 at Le Mans - YouTube
  3. J

    White Americans

    Out of the Pit Dog Fighting in Chicago pitbull documentary) - YouTube These people -- white Americans -- are some depraved sick assholes. I tend to like dogs more than people and this sickens me. I couldn't watch the whole thing. They have two dogs fight each other.
  4. K

    Amazing model work

    The detail on this is just mind boggling. Well worth a watch <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  5. A


    These people are some depraved sick assholes. I tend to like dogs more than people and this sickens me. I couldn't watch the whole thing. They inject acid into the dog to kill the it. Killing dogs with acid injection - YouTube
  6. B

    so you think you are the fastest on the block !!!

    Please watch and hear the argument settled. This is freaking hilarious even if you... - James Cartwright