Free sterilization to all college age women!

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Well given some of the college women I've met maybe not a bad thing.
Sexually discriminating as there is no provision for men to be sterilised on the same program.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Why don't you tell the whole story? You wouldn'd be trying to mislead us again would you?

It's called health care.

Type of Preventive Service HHS Guideline for Health Insurance Coverage Frequency
Well-woman visits. Well-woman preventive care visit annually for adult women to obtain the recommended preventive services that are age and developmentally appropriate, including preconception and prenatal care. This well-woman visit should, where appropriate, *include other preventive services listed in this set of guidelines, as well as others referenced in section 2713. Annual, although HHS recognizes that several visits may be needed to obtain all necessary recommended preventive services, depending on a woman’s health status, health needs, and other risk factors.* (see note)
Screening for gestational diabetes. Screening for gestational diabetes. In pregnant women between 24 and 28 weeks of gestation and at the first prenatal visit for pregnant women identified to be at high risk for diabetes. *
Human papillomavirus testing. High-risk human papillomavirus DNA testing in women with normal cytology results. Screening should begin at 30 years of age and should occur no more frequently than every 3 years.
Counseling for sexually transmitted infections. Counseling on sexually transmitted infections for all sexually active women. Annual.
Counseling and screening for human immune-deficiency virus. Counseling and screening for human immune-deficiency virus infection for all sexually active women. Annual.
Contraceptive methods and counseling. ** (see note) All Food and Drug Administration approved contraceptive methods, sterilization procedures, and patient education and counseling for all women with reproductive capacity. As prescribed.
Breastfeeding support, supplies, and counseling. Comprehensive lactation support and counseling, by a trained provider during pregnancy and/or in the postpartum period, and costs for renting breastfeeding equipment. In conjunction with each birth.
Screening and counseling for interpersonal and domestic violence. Screening and counseling for interpersonal and domestic violence. Annual.
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Discretionary sterilization for young women is health care??? It reeks of eugenics... Is the government going the way of China to punish women that have too many children? Perhaps a tax... ahem, excuse me, I mean to say a "penalty"...

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

Show us where it says anything about "punish women that have too many childeren"

Why don't we stick to the truth!..... CHINA?...... PENALTY?..... Thats crap and you know it!

Comprehensive health care is just that, comprehensive health care. You know giving people choices.

Are you OK with choices?
It all started in the Sixties when we were bombarded with the information that we were making too many babies. The results, of course, is that the industrial nations are breeding themselves out of existance. That message didn't hit the Third World countries and they are now happily repopulating the First World.

And to Dr. Paranoid, no one mentioned anything about punishing anyone. The abortion mentality has so engrained itself into our kids that this is just another "choice."

If they were to "chose" to have their opitcal nerve medically severed because they don't like what they see, would it still be considered "self mutilation?"

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

We know you have very strong feelings about womens reprodutive issues.

I remenber you strongly defending Mr Limbaough when he called a woman a "slut" and a "prostitue" because she felt that health care should include contriception.

I'm sure that the women you know will thank you for your concern and insightful comments!

Thank God that no one in a decision making position will ever listen to you or Mr Fechter!


Mr Fechter posted this: "And to Dr. Paranoid, no one mentioned anything about punishing anyone".

Mr Fechter, Veek posted this. "Is the government going the way of China to punish women that have too many children?"

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
I find it interesting that old men, be it Church leaders, political leaders or just old men here on our form feel that they sould be able to tell women what type of medical care they should have.

Be it counseling, contreception or preventave treatments, they are outraged that these things are available.

The say any woman who thinks contraception should be part of health care is a slut and a prostitue.

They feel that it is their business to deny woman contraception and outlaw abortion.

I've got the feeling that our freedoms, here in The United States are just too much for these old men.

Perhaps you folks should think about moving somewhere were you can tell women what to do and when to do it. Disobeying you would be a crime. You could even make them wear berkas.

Yea, thats it, you should move to the Middle East, or at least the Midwest:)
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Once again you are wrong, My spelling is way, way better than when I was in school.

If you have any trouble with a word, let me know, i'll help you out.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Yea, thats it, you should move to the Middle East, or at least the Midwest:)

Good Lord, Jim....PLEASE don't suggest the midwest!

I just returned from 11 weeks in extreme SW Kansas. It is such a peaceful, tranquil place...but we do have our share of, please send 'em to the Middle East and maybe they will leave our Midwest alone :furious:.

I sometimes wonder what our friends like LB would want...if they don't offer birth control, are they willing to support the results of that choice through increased welfare costs? Or, is their agenda to keep the poor downtrodden with their "enrich the already rich" agenda, leaving little hope for the poor (who, research shows, are much more highly likely to turn to crime to meet their basic needs).

Ya gotta pay one way or the other...would they rather it be $15/month for a pack of birth control pills, or would they rather it be $1000 a month in ever increasing welfare and food stamps as the size of the families grow without any way to limit that possibility?

I know...."they" would rather it be neither...but how realistic is that?

Cheers from Doug!!



We know you have very strong feelings about womens reprodutive issues.

I remenber you strongly defending Mr Limbaough when he called a woman a "slut" and a "prostitue" because she felt that health care should include contriception.

Jim, I think you have commited the sin of omission. Remember the context of Ms Fluke and Mr. Limbaugh. She was seeking to force her Catholic University to provide free, not medically necessary, contraception when it is readily available to her for little or no cost elsewhere. Forcing religious based institution to provide sterilization, abortion and contraception against their conscience is a direct contradiction of the first amendment and simply wrong. The Catholic Church also is of the old fashoned notion that the best contraception is abstenence.
As for Eugenics, I refer you to the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Higgins Sanger. As part of her efforts to promote birth control, Sanger found common cause with proponents of eugenics, believing that they both sought to "assist the race toward the elimination of the unfit." I'm simply not in support of anything that heads in that direction.
On a personal note, when my wife was pregnant with our first, she was advised to have an abortion. It certainly would have been easy, safe and affortable even in the '70s. The case was compelling but she decided to carry her to term. The "fetus in question" was later selected as the Coca-Cola teacher of the year, recognized for her success in teaching hearing impaired students music and changes lives every day. Sadly 1.2 million Americans are aborted every year and never get that chance...

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
The Catholic Church also is of the old fashoned notion that the best contraception is abstenence.

Won't work, Veek...plain and simple. With all the sexually charged messages the kids get these days, not the least of which is part of the music to which they listen, the vast majority of the kids of this day and age have very little interest in abstinence.

As for the ethical issue, IMHO the Catholic Church is not just a religious organization, it is an employer. While I understand your distaste for them being "forced" to provide a service which they find deplorable, IMHO they are just another business in this mess and I can't find it in myself to believe that they are entitled to an exemption from the requirements...better they provide their employees with an increase in their salaries and allow their employees to source their health care on the open market. It is my firm belief that the vast majority of Catholics, at least those with whom I am acquainted, are at odds with the Catholic Church's (IMHO) antiquated attitude toward birth control and practice birth control using methods other than abstinence or the "rhythm" method (neither of which seems to be very effective to me).

On a personal note, when my wife was pregnant with our first, she was advised to have an abortion. It certainly would have been easy, safe and affortable even in the '70s. The case was compelling but she decided to carry her to term. The "fetus in question" was later selected as the Coca-Cola teacher of the year, recognized for her success in teaching hearing impaired students music and changes lives every day. Sadly 1.2 million Americans are aborted every year and never get that chance...

I rejoice in your wife's great luck, and having dedicated 32 years of my life to helping individuals with disabilities I have the greatest of respect for your daughter and her success with music therapy :thumbsup:

Students with hearing challenges are one of the hardest to teach populations (second only to the severely Autistic), so she is surely the best of the best. My congratulations to her, and to you and your wife!

As for the 1.2 million abortions performed in the U.S. every year....really, that many? If that is so, then I reassert my position that providing birth control to those who might be forced to resort to abortion is far and away the best of the choices, even if we have to provide FREE birth control. I was married to a woman who had endured an abortion before I met her, she was so severely scarred by the experience that our marriage was unsupportable, it must be a terrible burden to bear.

Surely birth control would have been a better option for her (not to mention the fetus who never saw the light of day b/c of the abortion), no?


Veek is so right on, as usual.

Without a leg to stand on omission, prevarication, distortion, attacking the messenger rather than the message, and the good old liberal lie are the only means available to defend their agenda of death.

Remember, this isn't about free birth control, this is the government encouraging young women to mutilate their bodies.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
With all due respect, Bob, I must disagree.

IMHO, this IS about free birth control....except that NOTHING is free, it always costs someone something, even if it is not the end user.

Having said that, I must again assert my position that providing free contraception is the lesser of the evils, and particularly much more desirable than encouraging those ladies who desire to control their own reproductive activities to mutilate their bodies with sterilization procedures...must agree that seems like an "over the top" application for this issue.

...or, we can dedicate more and more of our national resources to welfare...with the younger population becoming less and less educated compared to us "baby boomers", they will have less financial resources to deal with issues such as unwanted pregnancies. Legal abortions can be expensive, illegal abortions can be life-ending for the mother as well as the fetus, so we will end up with increasing population without financial resources to raise their kids and we, as a society, will end up providing some financial support.

Birth control is less expensive than welfare or abortions, it seems to this old cowboy to be the best option out there for our society.



Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
You are going to have to provide some proof.

Jim, I wonder if our esteemed friend LB might not completely understand the issue.

Do you suppose he thinks that sterilization is the ONLY form of contraception being offered under Obamacare?

I can understand him being incensed about this issue if that is the case...who would support sterilization being the only method of contraception being advocated by our government? That would be a bit heavy handed.

If, on the other hand, our highly esteemed LB is aware that sterilization is only one of the options supported by Obamacare...well, then, I must agree that his indignation seems unjustified. How many women would choose sterilization? Is that section in the law to assure that sterilization WILL be available to those who want it, not to require all to use it?

Like you, I'd like to see more from our friend LB....more than just dropping a few insults and running away again, like he use to do. Let's hope that Ron's recent "encouragement" to be more polite on the forum reached our LB, right?



Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

We have had this dicussion before, the Caltholic church is not providing contriception, they are providing Health Care!

What goes on between the paitent and the doctor is absolutly none of their buseness.

Veek, Do you really think that Cults should be allowed to breach the doctor patient relationship.

Veek, do you really think they sould be allowed to monitor doctor visits and veto anything that they do not like...............Really!!!

The church is an employer just like any other employer, except they do not pay taxes.

Why dont they pay taxes?
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