Gallery Uploads


Lifetime Supporter
Is anybody having trouble uploading pictures to the Gallery ? Error message mentions a maximum limit somehow ? Or is silly old me.


Gulf GT40
Lifetime Supporter
You may have hit your picture download limit. I have a while ago when posting the photos of the Petersen MkIII. I think it may also depend on you paid status but since you hold the Piston Cup, I would check with Ron.



Lifetime Supporter
Cheers mate,
It would be good if we could edit our existing files and load new ones in that case.
Personally I would like to do this.


Quick Ron, is there a fix for this problem….Pleasssse.
I am having JM upload withdrawal complications.

Jimmy, any photo’s in you collection of the Mk I engine oil cooler take-off adaptor would be very much appreciated.

Ron Earp

Fellows, I'm just back from a 33 hour trip from Hawaii. I'll have a look at it later tonight or in the AM and see what is up. I imagine it is locked up in user levels, however, JimmyMac is a Premier Supporter and will have much more space available compared to a non-supporting user or a Gold/Silver/Bronze user. I'll find out what is up and report back.


Ron Earp

Hi James,

Try it now. I think I found the problem - all Premier Supporters had a single file upload size of 10 meg, which is what it should be, BUT the maximum number of files you could upload is zero. I'll have to check through them all and make sure the levels are where they are supposed to be. Give it a try and report back if you would.



Lifetime Supporter
Your are a fine fellow - even though I feel for you on that BIG long trip you had to Hawaii and back.
I'm going to drop in there this year on my way to seeing a few Kiwi trout and English cricket bashers.

The uploads are going OK now so many thanks Ron.
Watch this space folks.

Bye the way - thanks Pete.