Annother Uk Newbie


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Hi all, annother uk newbie here, although i do not currently own a GT40, i do intend oneday to build myself one, i have started to collect a few parts and gather all the information i can find.

I am an engineer, and for me building a kitcar is something i have wanted to do since i went on my first trackday and saw a few lotus 7 replicas ...... usually over taking me :laugh:

i have had a boring car history, i started out with a MK3 Ford orion (think MK3 escort with a boot), it was nice for a started car, 1.3HCS (same as the OHV but with electronic ignition, and slightly more power) but i found the breaks were bad, i fixed this by upgrading them to vented versions from a 1.6ghia orion.
Next i owned a MK1 1.8 Mondeo, i made a custom intake manifold, had a custom exhaust, did a rear disk conversion, the usual stuff, it made the same power as the 2l engine ..... then i added NOS (think i still hold the record on WON forums for using a full 11lb bottle using 25bhp jets in the shortest time ..... i am wiser now).
After that i upgraded to a Mondeo ST24, it already had a scorpion exhaust, but i added a ST200 UIM/Air Box and SVT TB, although it only made standard power, the torque was huge..... so bad i had to upgrade my wishbone arms to some touring car spec deflex items, i also upgraded the breaking to red stuff pads and drilled + grooved disks all round. sadly this car was written off outside my house as a drunk taxi driver hit it (to be honest it wasnt that bad £2K repair bill, but it was a full respray due to the Ford Imperial Blue....... loved that colour).

Now i drive a MG ZT190+ great car (better than the ST in every way in my mind), and its great on track (it dosnt eat a full set of tires on 1 trackday like the ST), only upgrades so far are drilled+grooved disks and red stuff pads all round :thumbsup:

any way thats enough of me, time for me to begin my research in to GT40 ownership :thumbsup:


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Welcome Ivan,
You'll find a wealth of information on this forum. Do your homework though and try and make decisions with your head and not just your heart. It's difficult but it's a lot of money to invest so make sure you understand exactly what you are taking on.
If I can do it, anyone can, so don't be scared, just be careful and methodical. Ask loads of questions and decide early what you want from the car. Whether you want more of a road car or more of a track car. This decision will take you on different paths and maybe to different manufacturers. Talk to as many owners of as many different replicas as you can, go to meetings and get yourself known.
Good luck,
Welcome to the forum. You did not say where in the UK you are, if you post a reply with an area then you will probably get a lot of members in that region offering advice and possible even rides (any excuse). I would agree with Martin and say that you should decide what you want from your car before making a buy decision. Look around, do a lot of testing and ask a lot of questions. Best of luck with the build when you get around to it.
Ivan, with the wealth of knowledge on this forum, you will never be far from an answer if you ever need one. Very friendly and helpful this lot!
Snap on the 190+, just got it a week ago uses LPG too. Not as fast as my BGT V8 though!!
Welcome, enjoy,
all the best,


Lifetime Supporter
hi guys,
I am from Yorkshire, more specifically Hull.
As for my requirements i am looking for a road car, with (alot of) trackdays thrown in (i dont think you carnt really experience any car on the road or throw it about, there is too much risk). And it has to have a large interior.... at 6"2 and a large build i want something i can fit in with ease.... and have some room for a crash helmit (my old ST used to give me neck ache, my mg is better, not brilliant though).
i dont want huge power, 300bhp would be my goal, but i have been given a rover V8, so i may just settle with 200bhp (or less). i dont like the right hand gear stick, sorry to all the purests etc, but this is a car for me :) so that will change. i am on a budget, but budgets get slacker over time :thumbsup: and i aim to spend 2 years constructing my car (i expect it to last longer).

i also have some odd ideas that i may run past people on these forums :thumbsup: such as i saw a program on the airbus A380, where they were using 1.5mm sheet aluminium, laminated with fiberglass insted of using 3mm aluminium to save weight..... might be too much work though.
have a ride in a gtd.forget the daft ideas just drive and smile u wont be dissapointed!!!
in wakefield gt broke at mo but even wi 6.75 cylinders its good. keep u exotic rubbish
give me a call