Door adjustment on a CAV...


My CAV needs an adjustment to the door positioning. Specifically, the passenger door needs to move rearward approximately 1/16th. I see how to adjust the door in and out but not foreward/rearward - anyone have any hints for me? Thanks in advance.
Door adjustment

The doors hinge off a vertical bracket which bolts through the chassis side panels just behind each end of the dashboard. The inner surface of the side panel is probably trimmed with carpet so you may need to remove this to access the nuts. Once you loosen the two bolts (just enough to be able to move the bracket) you can move the bracket up and down or forward and back. If you know where you want the bracket to end up you may be able to mark where you want it to be where it attaches from the outside of the car but in any event I would mark round the brackets existing position so you can get back exactly to this if you need to.



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Hi Brian,

Thank you, very helpful. I did try that drill earlier and couldn't seem to get any more movement in the direction I needed the door to go. I may not have loosened the nuts on the backside of the bracket enough however, so, I'll give this a try again now that you have confirmed the process. Thank you!

Ian Clark

Hi Cliff,

A word of advice here, make sure you're in a good mood before adjusting the door:) A LOT of patience is required to get all the gaps looking good.

Also take a close look at the way the roof portion of the door sweeps by the actual roof as the door closes. If you close up the gap too tight, there could be scuffing of the roof by the door as it closes, particularily if people lean on the door while closing it.

It's much easier to align the door(s) with a helper too.



Brian and Ian, thank you, very helpful. Agreed on all points.

Here's something curious - my car is CAV mono #8 - there were two ss rivets holding the door mounting bracket in position in addition to the two bolts. So, loosening the two bolts alone would not allow the bracket/door to move. Until I spied the two small rivets (going through the bracket and riveted into the ss panel behind) I was going crazy over why the bracket wouldn't move after the bolts were loose. Once these rivets were removed I adjusted the bracket/door into the right position and it all fits much, much better now.

Thanks again!