gt40s chassis drawings (original cars)


I saw all those drawings some years ago , and now I'm building my own monocoque from this drawings witch are redrawn to 3D CAD with the latest technic on the marked



I'm sorry but these drawings are not available for any public use, they are only produced for building a few cars.
Would you be willing to sell copies with a signed affadavit stating they will not be resold, copied, etc, without your permission?
This isn't actual plans,
but an orig. basic drawning from J.W. Automotive Engineering Limited.
(From their Spare Parts Book)

Don't know that this will help at all,
but someone may want a copy of it ?

Cheer's !


These are Technical illustrations done for (Ford) FAV by James Allington.
Regards Allan


As I said , these drawings will only be used to build a small number of copies of the original gt40 mk1 . They will never be reliesed to others for any reason.
You have to ask C.Melia if he can help You .
Well Rune, I think you should give Paolo the info he needs. I think he would be greatful and certainly would not be able to build a real accurate tub from the limited info he needs for his models.

Also you say never, but remember everything on this Earth is for sale ;) .



If You ask me, the drawings are not own by me. I just have the pleasure to use them to build my car.
About Chris M have a set of drawings, I do not know, I do not know him at all.
Well, if you have original drawings, and don't want to share/sell them, then why did you even mention that you have them? Not a very nice thing to do on your part!


Bill please! You do not need to blame me, lots of people on this forum have seen and used original drawings without want to sell them, Why should I offer something I do not own? I can not sell others stuff, I'm just a lucky guy that can build a monocoque from these drawings .And do You belive that someone else would let original drawings float out to everybody?, I have not seen that in my time on the forum.You can ask Hi Tech Auto, they have the right stuff. I think this disscusion end here , I did not reply on this to get people angry , just to tell that I'm one of very few that are able to build a gt40 from original drawings.
Please respect this.


All I am looking for is some information to build my own chassis. I have some basic dimensions, but not enough to build my chassis.

I am not going to build a replica of the original, but my own design. I just need enough to do that.

I must comment on your web site, it looks great, as does your car.

Did you buy your chassis, or build it yourself?