Paddock Politics Thread

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Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Why are we proud that xenophobia and irrational fear trumped economic and political common sense?

No such thing was the case. Opposition to what amounts to foreign rule/control - relinquishing national sovereignty, if you will - was the driving force behind it...and that's hardly an "irrational fear".

This makes zero sense from a logical perspective.

...what constitutes "logical perspective" as defined by liberals, you mean. Any opposition to any liberal agenda "makes zero sense" to those on the far, subsequently, in the attempt to browbeat the 'unbelievers' back into line, liberals see to it that those who do hold/publically express opposing views immediately get hit with the 'xenophobe'/'homophobe'/'Mexiphobe'/'this-a-phobe' and 'that-a-phobe'/'racist'/'bigot'/'HATER!!!' you've just demonstrated/confirmed above.

'May as well put that dog down. It doesn't hunt anymore. ('Never did for some of us.)
Why are we proud that xenophobia and irrational fear trumped economic and political common sense?

IN a manner that is going to hurt everyone globally for a while, and probably the working and middle classes of England the most?

This makes zero sense from a logical perspective.

I don't think we should be proud of xenephobia and I don't think Brexit will be a positive thing..

All that said I think it is clear that around the world there is quite a bit of anger and divide between the "haves" and the "have not's". Trumps rally in the US, Brexit winning, France and Italy potentially going down the same exit path with nationalistic views. It is clear on this forum and in the polls, folks seem angry.

The disconnect I can't figure out is why going back to having walls and making it harder to do business; like the global economy has helped get rid of, is going to make life better. Especially for the constituents that voted for Brexit who share similar demographics with the voters for Trump. Perhaps the unknown evil is better to them than the known evil.

It has been 8 years since the last financial crisis so it is about time for something like this. (please note, I don't want a crisis, the world just seems to have them every 5-8 years over the past 30)
'Looks like the elitists' march toward "one world government" has hit a bit of a snag courtesy of the Brits...duzzunit.

Good for them! :sneaky:

Are the elitists the Stone Cutters or some other type of secret society? Does this mean the people that lead the "Leave" campaign are now the elitists since they will get voted into government? Is Camron now not an elitist since he stepped down?

It is like conspiracy theories... there is a belief that amazing and powerful "people" control outcomes when actually people are people and usually just as dumb as you and me. Let's not forget that the UK wasn't forced into the EU... they voted on getting in as well.

What is the EU, why was it created and when was it formed?

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Why are we proud that xenophobia and irrational fear trumped economic and political common sense?

IN a manner that is going to hurt everyone globally for a while, and probably the working and middle classes of England the most?

This makes zero sense from a logical perspective.

My praise was focused on the Brits making the democratic decision to regain/maintain control of their borders. There has been great consternation expressed regarding the impact a recent huge influx of Muslims has had on citizens of Britain whose family and traditions have roots that were deep before the Muslim "invasion" even crossed the English channel. They have the right to be displeased and had the courage to withdraw from an organization that was requiring Britain to accept a huge number of Muslim refugees.

I watched the same thing happen in a suburb of Houston, TX in the 1980's. There were many refugees from Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam sponsored by religious those residents who had their family roots generations deep in Alief, TX have difficulty reading the street signs because the oriental population increased dramatically, allowing them to be elected to vital positions in the city government, and the street signs and road signs are now printed in some form of oriental script.

Where do those poeple go??? The ones who bought their homes in the days of low prices, the elderly who cannot sell their low-price homes in order to relocate to new homes they cannot afford now...they have to stay and watch as their world is turned upside down.

Where do our comrades in Britain go when the Muslims mandate similar concessions (need I mention shariah law...pardon my spelling)?

The Brits will suffer's happening already...but some things you can't measure in dollars or quid.


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No such thing was the case. Opposition to what amounts to foreign rule/control - relinquishing national sovereignty, if you will - was the driving force behind it...and that's hardly an "irrational fear".

Hopefully you will watch all of this, if not at least watch what he has to say on foreign rule / control and national sovereignty. We will survive but for many their is a big gulf between surviving and prospering.
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Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Yeah, I've raised that several times. This bugbear of "ceding national sovereignity" is a crock of shit that the uneducated sheeple suck up. Standardized product regulations across the EU is not "tyranny."

And this referendum turned out to be the Victory of the Curmudgeon. If you are older, white and less educated (Labor or Conservative apparently), you were likely to vote Leave.

Younger, and more educated, and you voted to stay.

So the olds folks who will be dying off soon really stuck it to the young folks who are going to have to pay the price of this for decades to come.

But I know, you gotta keep the black sacks out!
Yeah, I've raised that several times. This bugbear of "ceding national sovereignity" is a crock of shit that the uneducated sheeple suck up. Standardized product regulations across the EU is not "tyranny."

And this referendum turned out to be the Victory of the Curmudgeon. If you are older, white and less educated (Labor or Conservative apparently), you were likely to vote Leave.

Younger, and more educated, and you voted to stay.

So the olds folks who will be dying off soon really stuck it to the young folks who are going to have to pay the price of this for decades to come.

Jeff I think you are right about us young many are devastated today.

But I know, you gotta keep the black sacks out!

Jeff you are right about many of us young in the UK

Apparently because of my belief we should have stayed in, I am not a decent person, good luck to you all but because of this and my sincerest belief we will become a less tolerant country


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Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
I understand. We have our own two year old running for President this year, and while he has some two year old supporters (see my friend from Colorado earlier in this thread, who I am sure loved the fact the guy actually bragged about the size of his dick at a Presidential debate) he has some smart, rational folks as well (like Randy). Makes no sense, but I fully agree, the mere fact that Trump is stting at 40% or whatever in the polls shows we are a far less tolerant country than we used to be.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Go ahead respond. You call anyone who disagrees with stupid but cry like a girl when someone calls you on it.

I made no mention of anyone specifically -- that was all on you. But I guess it's time, since idiots like you will continue the insults unless punched in the mouth.

If Trump is elected, highly unlikely but possible, I'm going no where. I'm going to be right here to point out to racist, misogynist, homophobes who they voted for. I mean, if the fact the following list of folks supports Trump does immediately cause you to disavow the guy, you are as beyond saving:

Vladimir Putin
North Korea
the KKK
at last count at least 5 white supremacy organizations

and you apparently.

Grow up. Please. Grow up.

And Brexit? For centuries the world has been moving towards one market, and "globalism." It's natural and it is market based. And for centuries the uneducated and the ill informed have opposed it, even as its benefits have lifted people out of poverty and raised standards of living world wide.

But it's cool. You can retire to your cabin and mail bombs to people in protest. It's what guys like you do.


Lifetime Supporter
So now we're idiots who you want to carry out acts of violence against? Typical little confused liberal fascist lol. I'll be your huckleberry...
Another bright side is maybe I can afford one of those Glesco GT40s I have lusted after... If the pound keeps the slide it could happen! Kind of kidding of it sliding that far, not kidding about the lust

I do think that once the markets settle, and they will, there will be limited to no change for at least 2 years but it will be a tough 5 years for the people of the U.K. That will be too bad. The people that will make out like bandits in this will be the lawyers and process folks that get to implement a bunch of new regulations to trade with the EU... Those sadly probably are not the folks that need it. Set your calendar, in a few years on this forum people will bitch that lawyers are making all kinds of money but the "real people" are hurting.

Jeff, I saw that same article and it made me chuckle. I am not going to give the quotes much credence as you can find someone to say anything but the Google stats are interesting.
Another bright side is maybe I can afford one of those Glesco GT40s I have lusted after... If the pound keeps the slide it could happen! Kind of kidding of it sliding that far, not kidding about the lust

I do think that once the markets settle, and they will, there will be limited to no change for at least 2 years but it will be a tough 5 years for the people of the U.K. That will be too bad. The people that will make out like bandits in this will be the lawyers and process folks that get to implement a bunch of new regulations to trade with the EU... Those sadly probably are not the folks that need it. Set your calendar, in a few years on this forum people will bitch that lawyers are making all kinds of money but the "real people" are hurting.

Jeff, I saw that same article and it made me chuckle. I am not going to give the quotes much credence as you can find someone to say anything but the Google stats are interesting.

Very astute Kevin, although in my opinion having watched Prof Michael Dougan video, and I hope to God you are right, I think your 5 years is very conservative.

Before I waste my this guy the European equivalent of faaar lefty U.S. "economist"(?) Paul Krugman? If so - I'll just PASS, thank you.

Ignorance is a great time saver. You can form opinions without having to get the facts.
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Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
...or, in other words, Nick...there are none so blind as those who WILL NOT see :eek:


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