Hello and thanks

Thanks because I have been reading the forum for at least two years and enjoyed checking out the builds immensely.

Now I'm finally registering because I'm ready to start a project of my own...

Terry Oxandale

Skinny Man
Welcome on board. Sounds like you've got quite a project being plannned, so don't be stingy with photos of your progress. Good luck!
If I was in the US ( and I really wish I was, anyone need a gunsmith\machinist\engine builder willing to relocate from the UK ? ) then I would snap that up.

Just the shipping cost on something so bulky makes it impractical though...for my budget
Hi Sid,

Hearty Welcome! A gunsmith AND engine builder/machinist would be right at home here in Texas. I can check with Mike Malone at Machineworks for engine/machinist and Ammo Depot for gunsmith if you'd like.

Doc Kaler
Cheers Doc, but I think it's a lost cause. I'm a regular on a small US gun forum and those guys have been trying to assist my escape to the land of the free for a few years now, without success. Immigration from the UK is really difficult unless you are some kind of IT nerd with a job waiting at a multinational company.
I'm just an old school engineer\mechanic and my skills are pretty much obsolete in todays world. I don't even have any qualifications because I'm self taught. I've got paperwork that licences me to manufacture and repair firearms but that just means I passed some very stringent police background checks here - doesn't prove I'm any good at it.

Texas would suit me fine. My wife breeds horses and I like guns. We are both self-reliant and dislike interference in our lives from big government. I think we would fit in OK there :D

But it ain't going to happen, so I'm making the best of what I've got.....
Don't underestimate yourself.

My wife breeds and competes in driving with her miniature horses and we have several paints to ride as well (Buffalo in the back pastures). I have a pre-1900 Colt collection and serve on the Audie Murphey Museum board (plenty of militaria/firearms lovers). Are you sure you were not adopted from Texas by some British family? :drunk: