I'm Getting Married

Congratulations Bill, it's all coming good.
When you find a woman like that, she's a keeper.

I wish you and your family many happy years,

Congratulations Bill!
It is great when a good man finds an even better woman. And a real bonus if she will put up with a GT40! I am very happy for you.

By the way.... You met my then fiance and brother when I came down to check out your 40. Well I also married a wonderful woman that supports my 40 mania as well as my racing. We brought home a present from our honeymoon.... Henry, the next generation race driver, will be born in August. And as impractical of a family car that a GT is it is still in the cards for the future. Any woman that you can sell a Saleen S281 convertable as a "practical family car" is up for anything!

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter


Next year Italy NO It's Le Mans Classic Year. Now that is a must!
Perhaps for the second honeymoon!
