Is Fox Next?


As you well know, we will never convince the Craig, TomP, Damians of the world.......

But hopefully folks with open minds will weigh both sides and realize that Fox/msnbc news are a bunch of liars! News and truth are down their list of priorities.
Lets face it Jim people seem to gravitate towards that which reinforces what they already believe or know....that's why you liberals are comfortable watching CNN and the likes and I'm comfortable listing to rush and Levin and the likes..and that's also why Obama was comfortable listing to "god damn America" reverend wright for 20 some yrs to the point he had his kids baptized by him.. he was also very comfortable hanging with the terrorist Bill ayers for so long....soooo if what you listen to voluntarily makes the man so to speak....I'm a stupid conservative (in your mind) and Obama is an anti American,anti Semite...... Now stop with the FOX crap you're starting to sound senile.
Now stop with the FOX crap you're starting to sound senile.

Craig, maybe it is time we agreed to disagree as you are never going to change my mind about Mr Murdoch and the way he does business, and I doubt very much I will ever change yours. Going round and round in circles only serves to make you dizzy.

However, here is why some in the UK will, as you say, never stop with the "FOX crap", because the truth is always worth fighting for.

If you take the time to read the article you may get a sense of Déjà vu regarding Mr Rupert Murdoch's recent actions,

The Guardian, Saturday 18 April 2009

The front page of Britain's best-selling tabloid newspaper THE SUN read "96 Tears" on Thursday, the headline over a story about the previous day's moving tribute to the Hillsborough dead. Not that many people on Merseyside saw it.

The newspaper, which has a circulation of more than 3m nationally, sold just 8,000 copies in the area on the day of the memorial service at Anfield, which was attended by more than 30,000 people.

Inside the newspaper, still known as "The Scum" in Liverpool, "lifelong fan" David Wooding, the Whitehall editor, delivered a poignant tribute to the men, women and children who lost their lives. But for those who gathered at Anfield this week, it was far too little and far too late.

Tommy Doran, who works at the Albert, remembers one regular reading the Sun in a corner of the pub. "I went over to him and said: 'What's that?' and he went: 'The Sun.' I just ripped it up into pieces in front of him." Like many others on Merseyside, Doran will never forgive the decision of then editor Kelvin MacKenzie to lead on 19 April 1989 with a story headlined "The Truth" that was anything but. In it, quoting unnamed police sources and a Tory MP, it claimed drunken Liverpool fans urinated on and picked the pockets of the dead, hampered rescue efforts and attacked policemen.

Lord Taylor's subsequent report into the tragedy later made it clear that it was the decision to open a gate to ease a crush outside the ground and a failure to direct fans away from the central pen once inside that was the main cause. The Sun's slurs still linger and, according to some relatives of the victims, hampered a fight for justice that goes on to this day.

The hatred they feel for the paper still burns fiercely and the Sun has all but given up trying to repair relations.

Sun reporters know they will never get exclusives from former players who remember the disaster and its effect. Current players such as Steven Gerrard, who lost a cousin in the disaster, are similarly aware of the sensitivities involved.

For most, the time for apologies has long gone. Tom Hughes, a Liverpool fan, said: "I would never buy it and people round here won't buy it again for another 20 years. It has gone too far. There has been the apology from Kelvin MacKenzie then he took it back saying he was forced to apologise. What does that say to people?"

Mackenzie admitted the story was a "fundamental mistake" before a Commons committee in 1993. But at a private lunch in 2006, he suggested he had only apologised because Rupert Murdoch forced him to and was quoted as saying: "All I did wrong was tell the truth ... I was not sorry then and I'm not sorry now."

Years of regret

1989 Kelvin MacKenzie ignores the pleas of senior colleagues and plumps for a front page headline reading The Truth, with three sub-headings: "Some fans picked pockets of victims; Some fans urinated on the brave cops; Some fans beat up PC giving kiss of life". MacKenzie is persuaded by Rupert Murdoch to apologise.

1993 Appearing in front of a Commons select committee, MacKenzie said: "I regret Hillsborough. It was a fundamental mistake. The mistake was I believed what a (Tory) MP said."

2004 After the Sun pays Wayne Rooney a six-figure sum for a series of exclusive interviews following Euro 2004, he is criticised in his home town of Liverpool. In response, the Sun carries a full page apology for "the most terrible mistake in its history" but also claims the campaign has been stirred up by the Trinity Mirror-owned Liverpool Echo.

2006 At a private business lunch at a Newcastle law firm MacKenzie is reported to have retracted his apology: "I wasn't sorry then and I'm not sorry now because we told the truth."

2007 MacKenzie, appearing on Question Time, says he shouldn't have to apologise. "The issue about it is that story has become so caught up in a battle ... that actually no matter what I said would resolve the issue."
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And on it goes.

Former prime minister Gordon Brown has accused the Sunday Times of using criminal activity to intrude into his private family life.He spoke out after it emerged that "blaggers" had been used to access personal files, including his bank account.

Mr Brown said he and his wife were "in tears" after being told by the Sun that it was going to publish the story about his son's cystic fibrosis, gleaned from medical files. He told the BBC: "I think that what happened pretty early on in government is that the Sunday Times appear to have got access to my building society account, they got access to my legal files, there is some question mark about what happened to other files - documentation, tax and everything else.

"I'm shocked, I'm genuinely shocked, to find that this happened because of their links with criminals, known criminals, who were undertaking this activity, hired by investigators with the Sunday Times."

News International sources were quoted as saying they were "comfortable" that stories reported by the Sun about Mr Brown's children were obtained via legitimate means. In a statement, News International said it noted the allegations about Mr Brown, adding: "So that we can investigate these matters further, we ask that all information concerning these allegations is provided to us."

Mr Brown added: "I just can't understand this - if I, with all the protection and all the defences and all the security that a chancellor of the Exchequer or a prime minister, am so vulnerable to unscrupulous tactics, to unlawful tactics, methods that have been used in the way we have found, what about the ordinary citizen?

"What about the person, like the family of Milly Dowler, who are in the most desperate of circumstances, the most difficult occasions in their lives, in huge grief and then they find that they are totally defenceless in this moment of greatest grief from people who are employing these ruthless tactics with links to known criminals."

The Prime Minister said Mr Brown's claims were "yet another example of an appalling invasion of privacy". "This Government won't rest until we have got to the bottom of what is clearly an appalling mess," David Cameron said. "My heart goes out to Gordon and Sarah Brown because to have your children's privacy invaded in that way - and I know that myself particularly - when your child isn't well, is completely unacceptable and heart-breaking for the family concerned," he said.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

You demanded several time that you be shown President Obamas Qualifications to be President. Two days ago I posted his resume and asked for your thoughts, then I sked again. You make no responce.

I must take your lack of comment to mean that you are suprised at his qualifications and angry at Fox for missleading you into thinking he was unqualified.

Tom here are two more questions for you.

Are you supprised that Fox made a huge deal out of the Ground Zero Mousque, spent moths whipping up hate, fear and resentment agains Musims only to learn that their second largest owner was behind the Mousque.

Tom, why would they totally drop their crusade against this Mousque one day after learning who was behind it. Did it stop being "Outragous" did it stop being a slap in the face, did it stop being an issue with you? You are OK with this?

Tom, you peopably do not know this because Fox is not covering it, but the News Corp scandal in England continues to grow larger every day. Mr Murdochs one diacraced "news" paper has now turned to three and growing.

It now appears that they illegaly wire taped harge groups of folks from he Prime Minister to missing young girls. They were reading this girls phone messages, when the maching was full, they then ******DELETED MESSAGES******causing her family and police to believe she was alive and perhaps a runaway!!!!!!

Now I'm hearing that they tapped the phones of 9-11 victims familys. The word is the Mr Murdoch loved his newspapers and took special interst in them, and was know as a "what is going in type of boss". This type of illegal activity appears to be rife throuout his news holdings (FOX and the Wall street Journal?)

Tom, Craig and the rest of you Fox news appologists, why is fox not covering this issue. I would like a comment.

The heading "IS FOX NEXT" is starting to look more like a profacy than just a question.
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This is long overdue and hopefully we will eventually restore some pride in the previously honourable profession of Journalism (my first job age 15 was Editorial Assistant Daily Express) But until then, I will continue with my 25 year 1 man crusade against ALL media that show unreasonable bias, are allied with political parties, have scumbag owners that raid staff pension funds, and generally make up anything they print to sell newspapers.

It's not a political right/left wing thing either. Parties of all political flavours have exploited the press to their own ends and in return have seemingly been ensnared in an increasingly depraved alliance with one aim: to usurp the freedom of the individual by the use of Information. This is Gestapo tactics using electronics rather than the human 'Block Informers' of old.

Two people in particular started me on this crusade (I have not purchased a newspaper in 25 years and I ripped off my (Sky) satellite dish in disgust), one as mentioned by Nick is the disgraceful Kelvin Mckenzie a fat bloated ignorant pig, and Robert Maxwell, also (was) a fat bloated ignorant pig and (in)famous owner of the left leaning Mirror publication and a failed Socialist MP.

Incredibly, it is now alleged that Maxwell had been financing the Labour Prime Minsters private office and that he was an agent of MI6, the United Kingdom's Secret Intelligence Service and Mossad. He was buried on the Mount of Olives, a in a ceremony usually reserved for "Righteous" heads of State. Try telling that to the Mirror Pensioners that lost all their old age pensions. The list goes on.

And this is a newspaper proprietor of a leading British Tabloid and Macmillan Publishing in the USA and these people vehemently demanded the right of "Press Freedom" whilst corrupting the minds of millions for personal gain and a lust for power.

Well, I have long regarded people like Murdoch Maxwell and Packer as the totally unacceptable face of the "Media" and if all this current nonsense leads directly to the BSkYB deal collapsing, I will be the happiest person on this planet.

Why, I might even buy a newspaper!

No, too early for that. Why stop at Media Empires? The Advertising and Marketing industry bears a lot of examination too, for their immoral impact on the minds of ordinary people...

Gentlemen, this is not about Left verus Right, this is Absolute Power corrupting Absolutely...

Oxygen now... :cussing:

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
This is part of an article from the International Business Times

: Will the falling domino effect ripple to the U.S., throttling through News Corp.'s powerhouse properties, Fox TV network, and the respected Wall Street Journal?
Already News Corp. may face legal troubles in the U.S. related to the phone-hacking charges, as Amalgamated Bank of New York has filed an amended complaint against the company made public Monday. "These revelations should not have taken years to uncover and stop," the bank said in its amended lawsuit filing. "These revelations show a culture run amok within News Corp. and a board that provides no effective review or oversight."
That allegation will come as a surprise to few, particularly those from inside Murdoch's empire who've worked hard to carry out the mogul's mission over the years. The know the Murdoch way, well -- get it done.

Whatever it takes.


Reply to Jim: How do you know what Fox does or says?

See my comments re: my personal crusade against despots. If you feel the same then take direct action.

Throw your TV out the window.....sit outside their offices with a placard. Get involved.. this forum is not the way to get your (valid) points across mate.

And, while I'm at it, you did say one thing that bothers me earlier in the threads, you said quote:

"But hopefully folks with open minds will weigh both sides and realize that Fox/msnbc news are a bunch of liars! News and truth are down their list of priorities."

Firstly, this covers every kind of media and every kind of program makers and publishers, not just the two you mention. Secondly, the way you describe "Folks with open minds" practically means only those that agree with you.

I have an open mind and I don't always agree with you, but I will not try to change your mind - there is simply no point to it.

It's not a dig mate, I just don't like to see you handing free ammo to the open minded 'opposition' . :)

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

Thanks for the comments and thoughts.

It's obvious that you are very pasonate about this subject, as am I.

I respect your way of handeling the "news problem", turning it all off, certinally removes that issue from your life.

But Keith, I have alway loved Journalism and news. As do people I care about, from my mother to my collage room mates (all journalism majors, if I could spell, I might have joined them). I just cant wait until tomarrow to see what the news will bring.

I too am insenced by this current trend, but I have decided, rather than turn it off, to fight back!

I know this fourm is fairly small, yet it does give me great satisfaction to do something.

Additionally, starting yesterday I emailed 10+ advertisers who support this type of "news"..............This AM I received an email back from The Mens Wharehouse and BMW, implying that they are looking into this. It appears that these advertisers care about public reaction, I'll contine this today. Keith, this might be a good release for your anger.

Keith, its not much, but its a start. I'm going to go with the "If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem" group.
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"Turning it off" and "not buying newspapers" is direct action mate. I don't know whether you have any contact with consumer research groups, but i am signed up to quite a few. Surveys are commissioned by advertisers and politicians.

I might get a series of questions that are linked (for example) to newspaper advertising. They will ask: "What newspapers do you buy?" I say "None" The next question inevitably is"Why not"? Now, this is the kind of survey offered to a select group which fits a target demographic, and if you get asked a question like "Why not?" it means there is human intervention and thus my reply gets to be read by someone that Matters.

Far from removing these issues from my life, my kind of direct action I believe to be more effective and a rifle shot compared with a scatter gun 'blog type' moaning post which no-one ever reads (not talking this forum Jim before you get excited)

Specific Targeted Action is very very effective and coupled with a direct electronic link to all political representatives in my area I am extremely active in political agitation, more than I have ever been.

"Turn the Devil's Tools Against Him"

So no, not opted out by a long way mate - just angrier....without even getting off my fat ass... :laugh:

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

You demanded several time that you be shown President Obamas Qualifications to be President. Two days ago I posted his resume and asked for your thoughts, then I asked again. You make no responce.

I must take your lack of comment to mean that you are suprised at his qualifications and angry at Fox for missleading you into thinking he was unqualified.

Tom here are two more questions for you.

Are you supprised that Fox made a huge deal out of the Ground Zero Mousque, spent moths whipping up hate, fear and resentment agains Musims only to learn that their second largest owner was behind the Mousque.

Tom, why would they totally drop their crusade against this Mousque one day after learning who was behind it. Did it stop being "Outragous" did it stop being a slap in the face, did it stop being an issue with you? You are OK with this?

Tom, you peopably do not know this because Fox is not covering it, but the News Corp scandal in England continues to grow larger every day. Mr Murdochs one diacraced "news" paper has now turned to three and growing.

It now appears that they illegaly wire taped harge groups of folks from he Prime Minister to missing young girls. They were reading this girls phone messages, when the maching was full, they then ******DELETED MESSAGES******causing her family and police to believe she was alive and perhaps a runaway!!!!!!

Now I'm hearing that they tapped the phones of 9-11 victims familys. The word is the Mr Murdoch loved his newspapers and took special interst in them, and was know as a "what is going in type of boss". This type of illegal activity appears to be rife throuout his news holdings (FOX and the Wall street Journal?)

Tom, Craig and the rest of you Fox news appologists, why is fox not covering this issue. I would like a comment.

The heading "IS FOX NEXT" is starting to look more like a profacy than just a question.
Posted by me.


I always answer your questions. I guess you must have just missed this one, so I'll post it again.
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Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Tom seems to be using the typical "slash and run" tactics commonly used by TEA partiers, Jim. You won't likely hear back from him...TEA partiers don't have many "facts" to support their positions, just a lot of angst and volume.

Sad to think that they might have as much influence as it seems that they do. People are just frustrated these days, the financial bust is not just in the USA, it's all over the world. Look at's in even worse shape than the USA.

At any rate, Tom can just live in his own FN?N fueled doesn't seem like he's too firmly grounded in reality, at least not to me.

Cheers from Doug!!
Posted by me.


I always answer your questions. I guess you must have just missed this one, so I'll post it again.

1997-2004 Illinois senate
144 days as junior US senator
teleprompter school
bowing school
explaining why America sucks school

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Jim, we must be more careful about feeding the trolls!

Cheers from Doug!!

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

This has turned a little sad. I finally found someone who would ask and answer questions.

He seemed fixated on Obamas qualification, I have not taken the time to look but I bet a certin "entertainment" show was just talking about that.

I looked through Obamas resume, I was a little surprised at it's depth.

Just as a counter point, I looked up Mr Reagan's qualifications. Actor, Union Leader and two terms as California's Governer.

I wonder if the folks bashing Obamas qualification think Arnold Schworznegger is qualified. Obviously he was not born a US citizen, but he was an actor and a two term California Governer.

Can you imagine today's Tea party folks voting for an actor, union leader and California Governer today! Sorry Ronnie.

My how things have changed.

This has turned a little sad. I finally found someone who would ask and answer questions.

He seemed fixated on Obamas qualification, I have not taken the time to look but I bet a certin "entertainment" show was just talking about that.

I looked through Obamas resume, I was a little surprised at it's depth.

Just as a counter point, I looked up Mr Reagan's qualifications. Actor, Union Leader and two terms as California's Governer.

I wonder if the folks bashing Obamas qualification think Arnold Schworznegger is qualified. Obviously he was not born a US citizen, but he was an actor and a two term California Governer.

Can you imagine today's Tea party folks voting for an actor, union leader and California Governer today! Sorry Ronnie.

My how things have changed.

You asked!!! But then you expected that right? We will never accomplish anything, you and I. We wear differently tinted glasses, and I like mine. You think Obama is one of the best Presidents ever, I think he is an abysmal President. Sorry about that!

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Gee Tom,

You are going to have to show me where I said the Obama was one of the "best Presidents ever".

I think it is way too early. But I remember several folks here after a few moths said he was the worst President ever and he would be a one term looser!

I have tagged those quotes, and I have a big crow here for them.

Tom, this is a thread about Fox, so I'll ask again.

What do you think about Fox manufacturing a huge outrage with the Ground Zero thing then totally dropping it when they found their second biggest owner was the guy behind it? Are you ok with that?

Also are you ok with your "news" service not covering the huge Murdoch scandal, because it is their BIGGEST owner?

Tom, do you consider this to be Fair and Balanced?
Gee Tom,

You are going to have to show me where I said the Obama was one of the "best Presidents ever".

I think it is way too early. But I remember several folks here after a few moths said he was the worst President ever and he would be a one term looser!

I have tagged those quotes, and I have a big crow here for them.

Tom, this is a thread about Fox, so I'll ask again.

What do you think about Fox manufacturing a huge outrage with the Ground Zero thing then totally dropping it when they found their second biggest owner was the guy behind it? Are you ok with that?

Also are you ok with your "news" service not covering the huge Murdoch scandal, because it is their BIGGEST owner?

Tom, do you consider this to be Fair and Balanced?

It's not important to me what level you rate the president, I was just saying it is 180 degrees from my opinion, and I can't change you and you can't change me. That doesn't make either of us less intelligent or stupid.

I was aware that an arab prince was a shareholder in Fox news parent company. I don't find it odd that an arab funds a mosque. I wasn't aware that Fox dropped the story as I have heard it mentioned from time to time.
It's fair and balanced at times as is the rest of the media. It all has to be taken with a grain of salt.
Scandals come and go, people weather them, Obama has, everyone in the limelight does in time. I really don't give a rats ass. Can we move on now?
Jim I agree with you when you said "Obama is a terrible president that is killing jobs"
I think we can close this thread now:cheesy: